RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...

RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ... RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...


(xiii) Accident statistics; and,(xiv) Vehicle loading behaviour (axle load spectrum), if available;(xv) Type and location of existing utility services (e.g. Fibre Optical Cable, O/Hand U/G Electric, Telephone line, Water mains, Sewer, Trees etc.)(xvi) Environmental setting and social baseline of the project.(xvii) Preparation of PPMS base parameter and submitting their values duringpreparation of DPR along with documentary evidence of their values.ADB-IV31

4.7 Traffic Survey4.7.1 Number and Location of Survey Stations4.7.1.1 The type of traffic surveys and the minimum number of surveystations shall normally be as under, unless otherwise specificallymentioned.Sl.NR. Description Number of SurveyStations per 100 km (orminimum numbers forshorter lengths)1. Classified Traffic Volume Count 3 (2)2. Origin-Destination and CommodityMovement CharacteristicsMinimum of 2 per 200km. (2)3. Axle Loading Characteristics 2(1)4. Intersection Volume Count All Major Intersection5. Speed-Delay Characteristics Project Road Section4.7.1.2 The number of survey locations indicated in the table above areindicative only. The Consultants shall, immediately upon award of thework, submit to MPRDC proposals regarding the total number as well asthe locations of the traffic survey stations as part of inception report. Eachdocument shall be duly approved/signed by concerned GM/DM ofMPRDC before submission. Suitable maps and charts should accompanythe proposals clearly indicating the rationale for selecting the location ofsurvey stations. The methodology of collection and analysis of data, number andlocation of traffic survey stations shall be finalised in consultation withCoordination Committee / MPRDC. Each document shall be dulyapproved/signed by concerned GM/DM of MPRDC before submission.4.7.2 Classified Traffic Volume Count Survey4.7.2.1 The classified traffic volume count surveys shall be carried out for 7days (continuous, direction-wise) at the selected survey stations. Thevehicle classification system as given in relevant IRC code may befollowed. However, the following generalised classification system issuggested in view of the requirements of traffic demand estimates andeconomic analysis:Motorised Traffic2-Wheeler3-WheelerPassenger CarUtility Vehicle (Jeep, Van etc.)Non-Motorised TrafficBi-CycleCycle-RickshawAnimal Drawn Vehicle (ADV)Hand CartOther Non-Motorised VehicleADB-IV32

(xiii) Accident statistics; and,(xiv) Vehicle loading behaviour (axle load spectrum), if available;(xv) Type and location of existing utility services (e.g. Fibre Optical Cable, O/Hand U/G Electric, Telephone line, Water mains, Sewer, Trees etc.)(xvi) Environmental setting and social baseline of the project.(xvii) Preparation of PPMS base parameter and submitting their values duringpreparation of DPR along with documentary evidence of their values.ADB-IV31

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