RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...

RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ... RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...


(xiv) Preliminary proposal for rehabilitation / widening including shoulder compositionand cross-section details(xv) Detailed design for rehabilitation / widening of road, its x-sections, horizontal andvertical alignment and design of embankment of height more than 6m and also inpoor soil conditions and where density consideration require, even lesser heightembankment; detailed design for rehabilitation /widening/ reconstruction ofbridges, cross-drainage structures, preparation of GAD and detailed drawings forbridges cross-drainage structures and underpasses etc. In case of reconstructiongeotechnical investigations including bore holes, hydraulic surveys etc shall becarried out by the consultant.(xvi) Identification of the type and the design of intersections;(xvii) Design of complete drainage system and disposal point for storm water;(xviii) Value analysis / value engineering and project costing;(xix) Economic analyses;(xx)Selection of projects for ADB funding in accordance with selection criteria andapproval procedures (Supplement I);(xxi) Strip plan indicating the scheme for carriageway widening, location of all existingutility services (both over- and underground) and the scheme for their relocation,trees to be felled and planted;(xxii) Preparation of detailed project report, cost estimate, good for constructiondrawings, rate analysis, detailed bill of quantities;(xxiii) Bid documents appropriate for single stage bidding based on ADB standardbidding documents for execution of civil works(xxiv) Tie-in of on-going/sanctioned works of MORT&H/ GoMP/MPRDC otheragencies;(xxv) Preparation of initial Poverty and Social Assessment Reports (IPSA), resettlementframework, preparation of resettlement plans for each sub-project as per ADBguidelines and Govt. of India R & R Policy.(xxvi) Preparation of Initial Poverty and Social Assessment Reports (IPSA), IR checklistresettlement framework, preparation of resettlement plans for each sub-project (ifall the subprojects/roads are not connected to each other but are not connected toeach other but are scattered all over the state) as per ADB guidelines, Govt. ofIndia National Policy on Resettlement and Rehabilitation for project (NPRR2004); and Land Acquisition Act (1894).(xxvii) Preparation of IP checklist, IPDF, IPDP (if required) or inclusion of specificactions to address IP issues in resettlement plans; preparation of mitigation plansto address other social risks and vulnerabilities related to HIV/AIDStransmission, Human trafficking, gender etc.(xxviii)Preparation of PPMS base parameter and submitting their values duringpreparation of DPR along with documentary evidence of their values.4.2 While carrying out the field studies, investigations and design, the development plansbeing implemented or proposed for future implementation by the local bodies, shouldbe taken into account. Such aspect should be clearly brought out in the reports anddrawings.ADB-IV29

4.3 The consultant shall plan the arboriculture along the highway and propose inimplementation with time schedule to help in aforestation of the road/area.4.4 Standards and Codes of Practices4.4.1 All activities related to field studies, design and documentation shall be done asper the latest guidelines/ circulars of MORTH and relevant publications of theIndian Roads Congress (IRC) and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). For aspectsnot covered by IRC and BIS, international standard practices, such as, British andAmerican Standards may be adopted. The Consultants, upon award of theContract, may finalise this in consultation with MPRDC and reflect the same inthe inception report.4.4.2 All notations, abbreviations and symbols used in the reports, documents anddrawings shall be as per IRC:71-1977.4.5 Quality Assurance Plan (QAP)The Consultants should have detailed Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) for all fieldstudies including topographic surveys, traffic surveys, engineering surveys andinvestigations, design, analyses and documentation activities. The draft detailed QAPDocument must be discussed and finalised with the concerned MPRDC officersimmediately upon the award of the Contract and submitted as part of the inceptionreport. Each document shall be got approved/signed by concerned GM/DM ofMPRDC before submission.4.6 Review of Data and DocumentsThe Consultants shall collect the available data and information relevant for theStudy. The consultant will also summarize the analysis of the collected data available.The data and documents of major interest shall include, but not be limited to, thefollowing:(i) Climate;(ii) Road inventory;(iii) Road condition, year of original construction, year and type of majormaintenance/rehabilitation works;(iv) Condition of bridges and cross-drainage structures;(v) Sub-surface and geo-technical data for existing bridges;(vi) Hydraulic data, drawings and details of existing bridges;(vii) Detailed of sanctioned / on-going works on the stretch sanctioned byMORT&H/ other agencies for Tie-in purposes;(viii) Survey and evaluation of locally available construction materials;(ix) Historical data on classified traffic volume (preferably for 5 years or more);(x) Origin-destination and commodity movement characteristics; if available;(xi) Speed and delay characteristics; if available;(xii) Commodity-wise traffic volume; if available;ADB-IV30

(xiv) Preliminary proposal <strong>for</strong> rehabilitation / widening including shoulder compositionand cross-section details(xv) Detailed design <strong>for</strong> rehabilitation / widening of road, its x-sections, horizontal andvertical alignment and design of embankment of height more than 6m and also inpoor soil conditions and where density consideration require, even lesser heightembankment; detailed design <strong>for</strong> rehabilitation /widening/ reconstruction ofbridges, cross-drainage structures, preparation of GAD and detailed drawings <strong>for</strong>bridges cross-drainage structures and underpasses etc. In case of reconstructiongeotechnical investigations including bore holes, hydraulic surveys etc shall becarried out by the consultant.(xvi) Identification of the type and the design of intersections;(xvii) Design of complete drainage system and disposal point <strong>for</strong> storm water;(xviii) Value analysis / value engineering and project costing;(xix) Economic analyses;(xx)Selection of projects <strong>for</strong> ADB funding in accordance with selection criteria andapproval procedures (Supplement I);(xxi) Strip plan indicating the scheme <strong>for</strong> carriageway widening, location of all existingutility services (both over- and underground) and the scheme <strong>for</strong> their relocation,trees to be felled and planted;(xxii) Preparation of detailed project report, cost estimate, good <strong>for</strong> constructiondrawings, rate analysis, detailed bill of quantities;(xxiii) Bid documents appropriate <strong>for</strong> single stage bidding based on ADB standardbidding documents <strong>for</strong> execution of civil works(xxiv) Tie-in of on-going/sanctioned works of MORT&H/ GoMP/MPRDC otheragencies;(xxv) Preparation of initial Poverty and Social Assessment Reports (IPSA), resettlementframework, preparation of resettlement plans <strong>for</strong> each sub-project as per ADBguidelines and Govt. of India R & R Policy.(xxvi) Preparation of Initial Poverty and Social Assessment Reports (IPSA), IR checklistresettlement framework, preparation of resettlement plans <strong>for</strong> each sub-project (ifall the subprojects/roads are not connected to each other but are not connected toeach other but are scattered all over the state) as per ADB guidelines, Govt. ofIndia National Policy on Resettlement and Rehabilitation <strong>for</strong> project (NPRR2004); and Land Acquisition Act (1894).(xxvii) Preparation of IP checklist, IPDF, IPDP (if required) or inclusion of specificactions to address IP issues in resettlement plans; preparation of mitigation plansto address other social risks and vulnerabilities related to HIV/AIDStransmission, Human trafficking, gender etc.(xxviii)Preparation of PPMS base parameter and submitting their values duringpreparation of DPR along with documentary evidence of their values.4.2 While carrying out the field studies, investigations and design, the development plansbeing implemented or proposed <strong>for</strong> future implementation by the local bodies, shouldbe taken into account. Such aspect should be clearly brought out in the reports anddrawings.ADB-IV29

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