RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...

RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ... RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...


MPRDCDPR - ADB -IVEvaluation of Financial Proposals8.2 The detailed contents of each Financial Proposal will be subsequently reviewedby the Client. During the examination of Financial Proposals, the Client’s staffand any others involved in the evaluation process, will not be permitted to seekclarification or additional information from any Consultant who has submitted aFinancial Proposal.8.3 The evaluated total price (ETP) for each Financial Proposal will be determined.8.4 The score for each Financial Proposal is inversely proportional to its ETP andwill be computed as follows:Sf = 1,000 x Fm/Fwhere:Sf is the financial score of the Financial Proposal being evaluatedFm is the ETP of the lowest priced Financial ProposalF is the ETP of the Financial Proposal under considerationThe lowest evaluated Financial Proposal will receive the maximum score of1,000 marks.9. RANKING OF PROPOSALS9.1 Following completion of evaluation of Technical and Financial Proposals, finalranking of the Proposals will be determined. This will be done by applying aweight of 0.80 (or Eighty percent) and 0.20 (or Twenty percent)respectively to the technical and financial scores of each evaluatedqualifying Technical and Financial Proposals and then computing therelevant combined total score for each Consultant.9.2 The final scores computed for each Technical and Financial Proposal arerounded to the nearest whole number. For purposes of rounding, 0.50 andabove shall be rounded to the next higher whole number and 0.49 and belowshall be rounded to the immediately preceding whole number. In the event twoor more proposals have the same scores in the final ranking of proposals, theproposal with the highest technical score will be ranked first, the next highesttechnical score will be ranked second, and so forth.10 Award of Contract10.1 The technical and financial scores shall be added and the Contract will beawarded after to the agency which scores maximum points.10.2 The selected Consultant is expected to commence the Assignment on the dateand at the location specified in the Data Sheet.10.3 If an applicant is ranked highest in more than one package then the decision as towhich one package is to be awarded to him shall be taken by the MPRDC on thebasis of least cost to the corporation.11. Performance SecurityThe consultant will furnish within 10 days of the issue of Letter of Acceptance (LOA),an unconditional Bank Guarantee from the Bank (Generally, by SBI or its subsidiariesor any Indian nationalized bank or Scheduled Bank) for an amount equivalent to 10%of the total contract value to be received by him towards Performance Security valid fora period of one year beyond the date of completion of services. The Bank Guarantee(shall be extendable till the completion of civil contract works) will be released byMPRDC upon successful completion of civil contract and rectification of errors if any,found during implementation of the contract for civil work and satisfactory report bysupervision consultant/PIU staff engaged by MPRDC.ADB-IV- 17 -

MPRDCDPR - ADB -IVSection - 3DATA SHEETConsulting Services for preparation of Detailed Project Report for Phase IV RoadsClauseRef.Method of SelectionQCBS4.2(i) Type of Technical Proposal F T P6.3 No of Copies of Technical Proposals One Original and One Copyrequired.6.3 No of Copies of Financial Proposals One Original only.required.6.5 Submission time and date of Technicaland Financial Proposal30.07.201315.00 hours.8.1 Expected date of public opening of Shall be intimated once theFinancial Proposaltechnical evaluation is completed.10.1 Expected date to start contract Shall be intimated once the finalnegotiationsevaluation is completed5.7 Taxation The rates quoted shall be allinclusive of all statutory taxesduties, cess, levies, etc. It shall alsoinclude the service tax asapplicable.1.9 Validity of Technical and Financial 180 daysProposals7. Evaluation Criteria As per Annexure 11.1 Representative/Contact Person and Address of the Executing AgencyManaging DirectorMP Road Development Corporation Ltd.16 A, Arera Hills, Bhopal (MP) -462011Tel:- +91-775-2765217Fax:-+91-775-2765196Fax:-+91-775-25726432.1 Name and Address of the Client where correspondence concerning this Requestfor Proposal is to be sent:Managing DirectorMP Road Development Corporation Ltd.16 A, Arera Hills, Bhopal (MP) -4620111.14 Your firm is free to associate with any international consultants that you judgesuitable for the services required for this project However their details andextent of participation should be mentioned in detail.ADB-IV- 18 -

MPRDCDPR - ADB -IVEvaluation of Financial Proposals8.2 The detailed contents of each Financial Proposal will be subsequently reviewedby the Client. During the examination of Financial Proposals, the Client’s staffand any others involved in the evaluation process, will not be permitted to seekclarification or additional in<strong>for</strong>mation from any Consultant who has submitted aFinancial Proposal.8.3 The evaluated total price (ETP) <strong>for</strong> each Financial Proposal will be determined.8.4 The score <strong>for</strong> each Financial Proposal is inversely proportional to its ETP andwill be computed as follows:Sf = 1,000 x Fm/Fwhere:Sf is the financial score of the Financial Proposal being evaluatedFm is the ETP of the lowest priced Financial ProposalF is the ETP of the Financial Proposal under considerationThe lowest evaluated Financial Proposal will receive the maximum score of1,000 marks.9. RANKING OF PROPOSALS9.1 Following completion of evaluation of Technical and Financial Proposals, finalranking of the Proposals will be determined. This will be done by applying aweight of 0.80 (or Eighty percent) and 0.20 (or Twenty percent)respectively to the technical and financial scores of each evaluatedqualifying Technical and Financial Proposals and then computing therelevant combined total score <strong>for</strong> each Consultant.9.2 The final scores computed <strong>for</strong> each Technical and Financial Proposal arerounded to the nearest whole number. For purposes of rounding, 0.50 andabove shall be rounded to the next higher whole number and 0.49 and belowshall be rounded to the immediately preceding whole number. In the event twoor more proposals have the same scores in the final ranking of proposals, theproposal with the highest technical score will be ranked first, the next highesttechnical score will be ranked second, and so <strong>for</strong>th.10 Award of Contract10.1 The technical and financial scores shall be added and the Contract will beawarded after to the agency which scores maximum points.10.2 The selected Consultant is expected to commence the Assignment on the dateand at the location specified in the Data Sheet.10.3 If an applicant is ranked highest in more than one package then the decision as towhich one package is to be awarded to him shall be taken by the MPRDC on thebasis of least cost to the corporation.11. Per<strong>for</strong>mance SecurityThe consultant will furnish within 10 days of the issue of Letter of Acceptance (LOA),an unconditional Bank Guarantee from the Bank (Generally, by SBI or its subsidiariesor any Indian nationalized bank or Scheduled Bank) <strong>for</strong> an amount equivalent to 10%of the total contract value to be received by him towards Per<strong>for</strong>mance Security valid <strong>for</strong>a period of one year beyond the date of completion of services. The Bank Guarantee(shall be extendable till the completion of civil contract works) will be released byMPRDC upon successful completion of civil contract and rectification of errors if any,found during implementation of the contract <strong>for</strong> civil work and satisfactory report bysupervision consultant/PIU staff engaged by MPRDC.ADB-IV- 17 -

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