RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...

RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ... RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...


(a) assist the Consultants, Sub consultants and Personnel in arranging work permits and suchother documents as shall be necessary to enable the Consultants, Sub consultants or Personnelto perform the Services;(b) assist for the Personnel and, if appropriate, their eligible dependents to be provided promptlywith all supporting papers for necessary entry and exit visas, residence permits, exchangepermits and any other documents required for their stay in India;(c) facilitate clearance through customs of any property required for the Services;(d) issue to officials, agents and representatives of the agency all such instructions as may benecessary or appropriate for the prompt and effective implementation of the Services;5.2 Access to LandThe Employer warrants that the Consultants shall have, free of charge, unimpeded access to allland in respect of which access is required for the performance of the Services. The Employerwill be responsible for any damage to such land or any property thereon resulting from suchaccess and will indemnify the Consultants and each of the Personnel in respect of liability for anysuch damage, unless such damage is caused by the default or negligence of the Consultants or anySub consultants or the Personnel of either of them.5.3 Change in the Applicable LawThe consultant shall bear all financial implication, if, after the date of this Contract, there is anychange in the Applicable Law with respect to taxes and duties.5.4 Services, Facilities and Property of the EmployerThe Employer shall make available to the Consultants and the Personnel, for the purposes of theServices and free of any charge, the services and facilities as mentioned in clause 5.1 and PaymentIn consideration of the Services performed by the Consultants under this Contract, the Employershall make to the Consultants such payments and in such manner as is provided by Clause 6 ofthis Contract.6. PAYMENT TO THE CONSULTANTS6.1 The payment shall be made as per clause 10.1 mentioned in TOR.6.2 The payment shall be made through A/c payee cheque, payable at Bhopal, in Indian Rupees.6.3 Mode of Billing and PaymentBilling and payments in respect of the Services shall be made as follows:-(a) The Employer shall cause to be paid to the Consultants an advance and as otherwise set forthbelow. The advance payment will be due after provision by the Consultants to the Employerof a bank guarantee of any nationalised bank acceptable of value of 10% of total contractADB-IV119

value. Such bank guarantee (i) to remain effective until the advance payment has been fullyset off and ii) in such form as the Employer shall have approved in writing.(b) Payment ScheduleThe Consultant will be paid stage-wise as a percentage of the contract value excluding boringcharges as per the schedule given belowS.No. Description Payment1 On submission of Stage-I Report 10%2 On Submission of Stage-2 reports 20%3 On Submission of Stage-3 report 30%4 On finalisation of Stage-3 reports based on comments ofthe Employer, and submission of Stage-4 Report and otherdocuments20%5 On acceptance of Stage-4 documents orfinalization of Addenda for the bidders,whichever is earlier6 On Project clearances/ NOC from concernedstate/central departments/ agencies.15%5%Total 100%Note : For exploratory boring for bridges/fly over/ROBs the payment shall beregulated as per the actual quantum of work done on quoted rate.(c) No payment shall become eligible for the next stage till the consultant completes to thesatisfaction of the Employer the work pertaining to the preceding stage.(d) The Employer shall cause the payment of the Consultants in Para 6.4 (b) above as givenin schedule of payment within thirty (30) days after the receipt by the Employer of bills.(e) The final payment under this Clause shall be made only after the final report and a finalstatement, identified as such, shall have been submitted by the Consultants and approved assatisfactory by the Employer. The Services shall be deemed completed and finally acceptedby the Employer and the final report and final statement shall be deemed approved by theEmployer as satisfactory ninety (90) calendar days after receipt of the final report and finalstatement by the Employer unless the Employer, within such ninety (90) day period, giveswritten notice to the Consultants specifying in detail deficiencies in the Services, the finalreport or final statement. The Consultants shall thereupon promptly make any necessarycorrections, and upon completion of such corrections, the foregoing process shall be repeated.Any amount which the Employer has paid or caused to be paid in accordance with this Clausein excess of the amounts actually payable in accordance with the provisions of this Contractshall be reimbursed by the Consultants to the Employer within thirty (30) days after receiptby the Consultants of notice thereof. Any such claim by the Employer for reimbursementmust be made within twelve (12) calendar months after receipt by the Employer of a finalreport and a final statement approved by the Employer in accordance with the above.ADB-IV120

value. Such bank guarantee (i) to remain effective until the advance payment has been fullyset off and ii) in such <strong>for</strong>m as the Employer shall have approved in writing.(b) Payment ScheduleThe Consultant will be paid stage-wise as a percentage of the contract value excluding boringcharges as per the schedule given belowS.No. Description Payment1 On submission of Stage-I Report 10%2 On Submission of Stage-2 reports 20%3 On Submission of Stage-3 report 30%4 On finalisation of Stage-3 reports based on comments ofthe Employer, and submission of Stage-4 Report and otherdocuments20%5 On acceptance of Stage-4 documents orfinalization of Addenda <strong>for</strong> the bidders,whichever is earlier6 On Project clearances/ NOC from concernedstate/central departments/ agencies.15%5%Total 100%Note : For exploratory boring <strong>for</strong> bridges/fly over/ROBs the payment shall beregulated as per the actual quantum of work done on quoted rate.(c) No payment shall become eligible <strong>for</strong> the next stage till the consultant completes to thesatisfaction of the Employer the work pertaining to the preceding stage.(d) The Employer shall cause the payment of the Consultants in Para 6.4 (b) above as givenin schedule of payment within thirty (30) days after the receipt by the Employer of bills.(e) The final payment under this Clause shall be made only after the final report and a finalstatement, identified as such, shall have been submitted by the Consultants and approved assatisfactory by the Employer. The Services shall be deemed completed and finally acceptedby the Employer and the final report and final statement shall be deemed approved by theEmployer as satisfactory ninety (90) calendar days after receipt of the final report and finalstatement by the Employer unless the Employer, within such ninety (90) day period, giveswritten notice to the Consultants specifying in detail deficiencies in the Services, the finalreport or final statement. The Consultants shall thereupon promptly make any necessarycorrections, and upon completion of such corrections, the <strong>for</strong>egoing process shall be repeated.Any amount which the Employer has paid or caused to be paid in accordance with this Clausein excess of the amounts actually payable in accordance with the provisions of this Contractshall be reimbursed by the Consultants to the Employer within thirty (30) days after receiptby the Consultants of notice thereof. Any such claim by the Employer <strong>for</strong> reimbursementmust be made within twelve (12) calendar months after receipt by the Employer of a finalreport and a final statement approved by the Employer in accordance with the above.ADB-IV120

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