RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...

RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ... RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...


FORM FIN-2DECLARATIONAcknowledgement of Compliance with ADB’s Guidelines on the Use of Consultants by Asian DevelopmentBank and Its Borrowers (Guidelines)I, ________________________ (name and position of authorized signatory) duly authorized by__________________________ (name of Consulting firm) (“Consultant”) hereby certify on behalf of theConsultant and myself that information provided in the Technical and Financial Proposals (collectively “Proposals”)submitted by the Consultant for Loan No.-Country: Title (“Project”) is true, correct and accurate to the best of myknowledge and belief. I further certify that on behalf of the Consultant that (i) the Proposals have been prepared andsubmitted in compliance with the terms and conditions set forth in the ADB’s Guidelines on the Use of Consultantsby Asian Development Bank and its Borrowers (Guidelines), (ii) that the Consultant has not taken any action whichis or constitutes a corrupt and fraudulent practice as defined in ADB’s anticorruption policy and as reflected inSection 1.05 of the Guidelines; and (iii) that the Consultant agrees to allow the Client or the ADB, at its option, toinspect and audit all accounts, related documents, and records relating to the Proposals and, if the Consultant isengaged, to the performance of the ensuing contract.I further certify on behalf of the Consultant that, if selected to undertake consulting services in connection withthe Project, we shall carry out such services in continuing compliance with the terms and conditions of theGuidelines.Authorized SignatoryFor and on behalf of the ConsultantDate: ________________________ADB-IV101

LIST OF ADB MEMBER COUNTRIES1. AFG Afghanistan 35. FSM Micronesia, Federal States of2 ARM Armenia 36. MON Mongolia3. AUS Australia 37. MYA Myanmar4. AUT Austria 38. NAU Nauru, Republic of5. AZE Azerbaijan 39. NEP Nepal6. BAN Bangladesh 40. NET The Netherlands7. BEL Belgium 41. NZL New Zealand8. BHU Bhutan 42. NOR Norway9. BRU Brunei Darussalam 43. PAK Pakistan10. CAM Cambodia 44. PAL Palau11. CAN Canada 45. PNG Papua New Guinea12. PRC China, People’s Republic of 46. PHI Philippines13. COO Cook Islands 47. POR Portugal14. DEN Denmark 48. SAM Samoa15. FIJ Fiji Islands 49. SIN Singapore16. FIN Finland 50. SOL Solomon Islands17. FRA France 51. SPA Spain18. GEO Georgia 52. SRI Sri Lanka19. GER Germany 53. SWE Sweden20. HKG Hong Kong, China 54. SWI Switzerland21. IND India 55. TAJ Tajikistan22. INO Indonesia 56. TAP Taipei,China23. IRE Ireland 57. THA Thailand24. ITA Italy 58. TIM25. JPN Japan 59. TON Tonga26. KAZ Kazakhstan 60. TUR TurkeyTimor-Leste, DemocraticRepublic of27. KIR Kiribati 61. TKM Turkmenistan28. KOR Korea, Republic of 62. TUV Tuvalu29. KGZ Kyrgyz Republic 63. UKG United Kingdom30. LAO Lao People’s Democratic Republic 64 USA United States31 LUX Luxembourg 65 UZB Uzbekistan32 MAL Malaysia 66 VAN Vanuatu33 MLD Maldives 67 VIE Viet Nam34 RMI Marshall IslandsADB-IV102

LIST OF ADB MEMBER COUNTRIES1. AFG Afghanistan 35. FSM Micronesia, Federal States of2 ARM Armenia 36. MON Mongolia3. AUS Australia 37. MYA Myanmar4. AUT Austria 38. NAU Nauru, Republic of5. AZE Azerbaijan 39. NEP Nepal6. BAN Bangladesh 40. NET The Netherlands7. BEL Belgium 41. NZL New Zealand8. BHU Bhutan 42. NOR Norway9. BRU Brunei Darussalam 43. PAK Pakistan10. CAM Cambodia 44. PAL Palau11. CAN Canada 45. PNG Papua New Guinea12. PRC China, People’s Republic of 46. PHI Philippines13. COO Cook Islands 47. POR Portugal14. DEN Denmark 48. SAM Samoa15. FIJ Fiji Islands 49. SIN Singapore16. FIN Finland 50. SOL Solomon Islands17. FRA France 51. SPA Spain18. GEO Georgia 52. SRI Sri Lanka19. GER Germany 53. SWE Sweden20. HKG Hong Kong, China 54. SWI Switzerland21. IND India 55. TAJ Tajikistan22. INO Indonesia 56. TAP Taipei,China23. IRE Ireland 57. THA Thailand24. ITA Italy 58. TIM25. JPN Japan 59. TON Tonga26. KAZ Kazakhstan 60. TUR TurkeyTimor-Leste, DemocraticRepublic of27. KIR Kiribati 61. TKM Turkmenistan28. KOR Korea, Republic of 62. TUV Tuvalu29. KGZ Kyrgyz Republic 63. UKG United Kingdom30. LAO Lao People’s Democratic Republic 64 USA United States31 LUX Luxembourg 65 UZB Uzbekistan32 MAL Malaysia 66 VAN Vanuatu33 MLD Maldives 67 VIE Viet Nam34 RMI Marshall IslandsADB-IV102

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