ACT Prac Test with prep notes

ACT Prac Test with prep notes

ACT Prac Test with prep notes


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If you engage in any of these prohibited behaviors, youranswer document will not be scored and you will bedismissed from the test center.If you finish before time is called, review your work on thetest you have just finished. Do not return to an earlier testand do not work ahead. If you are satisfied <strong>with</strong> yourresponses, place your answer document inside your testbooklet and close the cover. Sit quietly until the supervisorgives you additional instructions.You will have a short break after the first two tests. Do notleave the building during the break because somebuildings have automatic locking doors, and you may belocked out. You must ask permission to leave the roomduring testing to go to the restroom; you will not be allowedto make up the time you miss. If you are taking the Writing<strong>Test</strong>, you will also have a brief break after <strong>Test</strong> 4 in whichto relax and to sharpen your pencils.On certain test dates, <strong>ACT</strong> administers test questions fordevelopmental purposes. Responses to such questions arenot counted toward your scores.At the conclusion of the test session, you will be asked tosign a statement and copy a certification in your ownhandwriting to verify truthful identification of yourself. Youwill be required to sit quietly until you are dismissed. Afterall answer documents and test booklets have beencollected and counted, the supervisor will dismiss you.Special SituationsIf, for any reason, you have to leave the center beforefinishing the <strong>ACT</strong>, you must decide whether or not youwant your answer document scored and inform thesupervisor of your decision. If you fail to do so, your answerdocument will be scored. Or, if you decide after you havefinished the <strong>ACT</strong> that you do not want it scored, tell thesupervisor before you leave the test center. You need notgive a reason.Once you break the seal on your multiple-choice testbooklet, you cannot later request a <strong>Test</strong> Date Change. Ifyou want to take the <strong>ACT</strong> again, you will have to reregister.See www.actstudent.org or Registering for the <strong>ACT</strong>. Onceyou begin filling out your answer document, you cannotrequest a <strong>Test</strong> Option Change on that test date (i.e., youmay not change from <strong>ACT</strong> Plus Writing to the <strong>ACT</strong> or thereverse).You may not receive scores from more than one test dateper national or international administration (Saturday, non-Saturday, or rescheduled test date arranged by <strong>ACT</strong>). Ifyou are admitted and allowed to test, you will receiveONLY the scores from your first test administration.<strong>Test</strong> Information ReleaseOn certain national test dates, you may obtain (for anadditional fee) a copy of the test questions, a copy of youranswers, a list of correct answers, and scoring instructions.This service is not available for all dates or for othertypes of testing, so if you want it, be sure to checkwww.actstudent.org or Registering for the <strong>ACT</strong>, andregister for a test date on which it is available. (Yourrequest must be postmarked no later than three monthsafter the test date.) The information will be mailed about4 weeks after your score report is mailed.4 Taking the <strong>Prac</strong>tice <strong>Test</strong>sTaking the practice tests can help you become familiar<strong>with</strong> the <strong>ACT</strong>. It will be most helpful if you take the testsunder conditions that are as similar as possible to thoseyou will experience on test day. The following tips will helpyou make the most of the practice tests:• The four multiple-choice tests require a total of 2 hoursand 55 minutes. Try to take them in one sitting, <strong>with</strong>only a short break between <strong>Test</strong>s 2 and 3. (If you aretaking the Writing <strong>Test</strong>, you may also take a short breakafter <strong>Test</strong> 4.)• Sit at a desk <strong>with</strong> good lighting. You will needsharpened No. 2 pencils <strong>with</strong> good erasers. You maynot use highlight pens or correction fluid. Remove allbooks and other aids from your desk. On test day, youwill not be allowed to use references or <strong>notes</strong>. For mostadministrations, you won’t need scratch paper becauseeach page of the Mathematics <strong>Test</strong> has a blank columnthat you can use for scratch work. Otherwise, you willbe provided <strong>with</strong> scratch paper.• If you plan to use a calculator on the Mathematics <strong>Test</strong>,review the information about permitted and prohibitedcalculators on page 5.• Use a digital timer or clock to time yourself on eachtest. Set your timer for five minutes less than theallotted time for each test so you can get used to theannouncement of five minutes remaining. (Studentsapproved for extended time should set a timer for60-minute warnings up to the total time allowed—5 hours for multiple-choice tests, or 5 hours and45 minutes if also taking the Writing <strong>Test</strong>).• Allow yourself only the time permitted for each test.• Detach and use the sample multiple-choice answerdocument on pages 73–74.• Read the general test directions on the first page of thepractice multiple-choice tests. These are the samedirections that will appear on your test booklet on testday. After you have read the directions, start your timerand begin <strong>with</strong> <strong>Test</strong> 1. Continue through <strong>Test</strong> 4, takinga short break between <strong>Test</strong>s 2 and 3. If you do not planto take the <strong>ACT</strong> Writing <strong>Test</strong>, score your multiple-choicetests using the information beginning on page 59.• If you plan to take the Writing <strong>Test</strong>, take a short breakafter <strong>Test</strong> 4. Then read the directions on the first pageof the practice <strong>ACT</strong> Writing <strong>Test</strong> (page 57). These arethe same directions that will appear on your testbooklet on test day. After you have read the directions,start your timer, then carefully read the prompt onpage 58. After you have considered what the prompt isasking you to do, use scratch paper to plan your essayand then write your essay on the answer document,pages 75–78. When you have finished, score youressay using the information on pages 66–72.12

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