ON TRACK ACADEMY - Spokane Public Schools

ON TRACK ACADEMY - Spokane Public Schools

ON TRACK ACADEMY - Spokane Public Schools


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March, 2013 Page 3‘Coming of Age’ advice for freshmenOTA Seniors exchange letters of advice for Shadle High School Bridges freshmenPhoto by: Katrina BreenSeniors in p110 exchanged letters with freshmen in the Shadle High School “Bridges” program and shared their own “Coming of Age” storiesabout credit recovery in high school. OTA teacher Rick Havermann and Shadle teacher Tyler Weirauch described the activity as “therapeutic.”When a student falls behind in theircoursework, it can be easy to wantto simply give up.That’s exactly what Bridges instructorTyler Weirauch at Shadle Park High Schooldidn’t want for his freshman English students.So when his class began a “Coming of Age”unit, it was a logical choice for the studentsto interview Seniors in p110 and learn fromothers who had also once fallen behind.“The end goal was for my students towrite a narrative story using the answers fromthe interview,” Weirauch said. Bridges is aprogram at Shadle that gives freshmen anopportunity to catch up on core courses theirsecond semester if they struggled during theirfirst.“I thought that my students would havea lot in common with students at On-Track,”Weirauch said. “I thought having my studentshear how On Track Academy students haveovercome issues to remain in school andbecome successful would be empowering.”Questions were sent to students in p110,and they responded with honesty. Severaldescribed their “coming of age” story whenthey reached On Track Academy and begantheir credit recovery journey.“On Track Academy has suited my needsin school perfectly and I am going to graduate,whereas before I was just going to call it quits,”senior Connor Stephens said.“On Track isn’t an easier way to graduate,but it is simply an alternative way,” seniorJacob Scott said.Instructor Rick Havermann was excitedto work with Weirauch’s students. “Some ofthe richest learning is when students can learnfrom other students,” he said.“When I started school at On Track Ibecame wiser, more dedicated, and moremotivated to live my dream,” senior TravisBennett wrote in his letter.The students also shared some verypersonal and severe issues and roadblocks thatthey had to conquer to become successful inschool.“My group found the exercisetherapeutic and it was really good for them toreflect and see for themselves how far theyhave come as learners,” Rick said. “I think theShadle students learned they are not alonein regards to having obstacles to overcome inregards to school and life in general.”The Shadle group appreciated the advicefrom older students who were once in thesame position of catching up in school.“I am excited for my students to see amessage of hope coming from their peers,”Weirauch said. “They hear it from me, butI have a feeling it is going to be much morepowerful coming from somebody who wasstanding in their shoes only a few years ago.”

March, 2013 Page 4‘13 Graduation Previeweverything you need to know about On Track Academy graduation fun!This special section was compiled by seniors Cyra Bass, Logan Nelson, and Katrina Breen10... 9... 8... it’s countdown to graduation time! As of March11, there are 57 days OF CLASSES until graduation. Here’s everythingeveryone needs to know, today.On Track Academy’s graduation ceremony will be held Friday, June7 at 7 p.m. at the Fox Theatre, downtown across from the SpokesmanReview.“We are so fortunate to have our ceremony at such a historicalvenue,” leadership adviser Elisabeth Silver said. “It’s such a lovely placeto honor our graduates.”Graduate candidates need to know that thecap and gown order form is due May 1 to Pennyin p105. (See page 7.) Seniors have the option topurchase and keep a cap and gown, or borrow onefrom the school.Regardless if gowns are purchased or borrowed,seniors can keep their tassels and honorcords.Senior Exhibitions will begin in May. Families are invited to attendand celebrate their students’ success. The exhibition is a formalpresentation of progress over the year. It is a defense of each student’sdiploma, and is a requirement for graduation.“Like salsa completes a taco, so too the exhibition completes thehigh school experience at On Track... And really, what would a taco bewithout salsa?” counselor Jessica Haynes said.Students will have formal invitations to give to those they want to57school daysuntil graduation!(as of 3/11)Photo by: Cyra Bassattend their presentations.All exhibitions will be evaluated by judges, and the most spectacularcertificate given upon completion. And then there is always thatcoveted diploma that comes next.“I’m looking forward to seeing the hands on projects that studentscomplete, especially ones involving new art exploration,” teacher ChrisBurke said.Counselors remind students that another senior graduationrequirement is completing the Free Applicationfor Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Even if a seniordoesn’t plan to go to college at the time of highschool graduation, counselors have found thatplans change.“Every year we have past graduates changetheir mind about post-secondary training. Bycompleting the FAFSA, post-secondary stays as anoption whether it is Plan B, Plan C, or currently notin the plans at all,” counselor Lesa Renner said.Students who need support completing the FAFSA should see DebCrapes by April 19 in p105.A senior breakfast is also being planned the week before graduation.Details are to come. Any seniors who want to be a part of planningevents like breakfast and prom need to join the Senior Committee.The next meeting will be held March 18 in p104 at 10:50. The meetingis open to ANY seniors interested in helping and planning activities.

March, 2013 Page 72013 Graduation Order FormName__________________I will BORROW a cap & gownORI will BUY a cap & gown for $25.00Weight:Height:Cash payment is due with orderORDER DEADLINE: May 1, 2013Return order forms to Penny in Room P105For additional graduation items, see Penny in P105 for the Jostens Order Form

March, 2013 Page 6What’s Prom without the perfect theme?The Senior Committee has already begun plans for the On Track Academy Prom, to be held at theLodge at <strong>Spokane</strong> Falls Community College, May 11 at 6 p.m. Their first task: A theme.Three possibilities are being discussed. “We labored long and hard to come up with these options,”Senior Committee adviser Jen Perrizo said. “We have a favorite theme (not telling!) butwe really like all three. We want to hear from all the seniors, because we want this to be everyone’sawesome prom!”Option One: Vintage masquerade ball. Imagine masks on the walls, candlelight and lace.SENIOR GROUP SHOT!The all-senior group photo isTues, Mar. 12@ 11 sharp!Be in front of the schoolRain cancels!!Option Two: Hollywood red carpet! Students will receive a red carpet entrance with this option,along with the famous Hollywood sign and palm trees to greet them.Option Three: Candy Land. Remember your childhood as you dance the night away among largecandy props and a colored “board game” walkway.If you’d like to be a part of the prom decisions, plan to join the Senior Committee March 18 inp104 at 10:50. Bring your opinions, your ideas, and be ready to participate.“Anyone is welcome to join the Senior Committee. We have a blast chowing down on lunch,planning and designing. Come join us!” Jen said.Looking to purchase a class ringor other graduation materials?JOSTENS ORDERFORMS AREAVAILABLE IN p105SENIOR PHOTOS ARE DUE!Pictures are due to the yearbook MARCH 29!Senior quotes are due at the same timeDid you know that senior portraits and quotes arenot only used for the yearbook, but for the On TrackAcademy graduation ceremony as well! Both will bedisplayed on a big screen as graduateswalk across the stage!Baby photos for senior babypic section are also due!If you need a seniorpicture taken FREEof charge, come seeErin in p102 ASAPPlease e-mail your shots toerinb@spokaneschools.orgor bring your photo to p102You can bring it on a thumbdrive, CD, or we can scan yourphoto in!YEARBOOKS WILL BE PASSEDOUT AT SENIOR BREAKFAST

March, 2013 Page 8‘Reading buddy’ fun at RegalRegal Elementary student Lilyana Griffith reads to senior Malcolm Davis in her first grade class. On Track Academy students have been readingwith Bryan Hall’s class on Thursdays, helping the children build their reading skills. “The students are really building relationships and our kidsreally are finding it rewarding,” OTA teacher Elisabeth Silver said. “I love it when the kids don’t know the words, so they make up a story to gowith the pictures,” junior Alycea Lockridge said. “That is the best part.” OTA will continue reading with Regal through March.Family Fun night successOTA partners withLands Council forEarth Day activitiesSeveral generations of Johanna Derouin’s family joins her for pizza at OTA’s Family FunNight February 13 at the <strong>Spokane</strong> Falls Community College Student Union Building. Manyfamilies shared food and fun throughout the night. “It was great to see such a awesome turnout,” teacher Nate Ziegler said. “When I got there, the line was already too long to bowl.”OTA leadership is planning a tree plantingevent in partnership with the Lands Councilon Saturday, April 20 at the Garden Springswetlands.Trees will be planted at Garden Springs,meanwhile, another group of students willparticipate in watershed restoration in anotherarea of town.Students will then head to the Earth DayStreet Fair, downtown <strong>Spokane</strong>, where studentswill help man an information booth forthe Lands Council.“I feel this is an opportunity for students toparticipate in something larger than themselves,”leadership adviser Scott Sorensen said.“Planting trees on Earth Day is symbolic ofthe growth our students have made and theirdesire to ‘grow’ their community,” PrincipalLisa Mattson-Coleman said.

March, 2013 Page 9OTA marches with MLKOn Track Academy students and staff had a real-life civics lesson last month when they braved the cool temperatures and participated in theMLK march in downtown <strong>Spokane</strong>. “The march was the culminating event to On Track Academy’s partipation in President Obama’s NationalDay of Service,” Principal Lisa Mattson-Coleman said.Like us onFacebook!(so you can always knowwhat’s next!)SENIORS!Don’t forget to FAFSA!We encourage seniors to complete the FAFSAregardless of post-high school plans.Completing the FAFSA is not a commitmentto attend college, but does leave the dooropen for the 2013-’14 school year. Every yearwe have past graduates change their mindabout post-secondary training. By completingthe FAFSA, post-secondary stays as an optionwhether it is Plan B, Plan C, or currently notin the plans at all.The FAFSA does require some time andparent information (for most students).Contact a counselor if your family wants toschedule time individually.Notice: Pesticide Application!This is to inform you that our annualdormant oil spray will be applied totrees and shrubs at On Track Academyon March 18, 2013.This is spray application consisting ofone gallon mineral oil mixed in 80 gallonsof water to cover and kill dormantinsect eggs that over winter in our area.Our school has taken steps to keepschool children away from these areasfor 24 hours following the applicationof spray.We would like to ask that you andyour students refrain from brushing upagain or playing around the trees andshrubs at our school. A variation fromthis schedule may occur as a result ofinclement weather.

March, 2013 Page 10IT’S HSPEWEEK!Writing HSPE: March 12 & 13Reading HSPE: March 14Students need to meet with their advisers toconfirm which room they are testing in. If youhave any questions if your student is testing ornot, call Lesa Renner at 354-4821.Regularly scheduled classes WILL be heldduring this time.THE <strong>ON</strong> <strong>TRACK</strong> <strong>ACADEMY</strong>2802 E. Rich Ave<strong>Spokane</strong>, WA 99207Admin:MAIN OFFICE354-7449ATTENDANCE354-4833Student Services/Guidance OfficePEGGIE TROUTT354-4835Admin InternJALENE FINLEY354-3861Lisa Mattson-ColemanPrincipalLisaMat@<strong>Spokane</strong><strong>Schools</strong>.org354-3863CounselingLESA RENNERLesaR@<strong>Spokane</strong><strong>Schools</strong>.org354-4821JESSICA HAYNESJessicaHa@<strong>Spokane</strong><strong>Schools</strong>.org354-4836Career & College ReadinessDEB CRAPES354-3860FAX354-7455The On Track Academy2802 E. Rich Ave<strong>Spokane</strong>, WA 99207

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