A LANTHANIDE LANTHOLOGY (.pdf) - Davidson Physics

A LANTHANIDE LANTHOLOGY (.pdf) - Davidson Physics A LANTHANIDE LANTHOLOGY (.pdf) - Davidson Physics

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YTTRIUMCompoundIdealFormulaFormula Weight % Oxide % ElementOxide Y 2O 3 225.81 100 78.7Acetate Y(CH 3COO) 3.4H 2O 338.10 33.4 26.3Carbonate Y 2(CO 3).3H 2O 411.85 54.8 43.2Chloride YCl 3.6H 2O 303.35 37.2 29.3Fluoride YF 3.3H 2O 199.94 56.5 44.5Hydroxide Y(OH) 3.3H 2O 193.97 58.2 45.8Nitrate Y(NO 3) 3.6H 2O 383.01 29.5 23.2Oxalate Y 2((COO) 2) 3.9H 2O 604.00 37.4 29.4Sulfate Y 2(SO 4) 3.8H 2O 593.98 38.0 29.7After SX purification, in order to obtain high purity - 99 % and higher - materials, it is usualto precipitate the oxalate and then calcine at ≈1000 °C. The resulting yttrium oxide is the mostreadily commercially available pure compound of yttrium. (Other compounds such as nitrate,acetate and chloride are available as well as the elemental form, the metal.)Yttrium is trivalent in its chemical compounds whose properties are very similar to those ofheavy lanthanide analogues[1]. In particular the closest similarity is with Dysprosium, aconsequence of the ionic radii Y(III) and Dy(III) being nearly the same. The exact position ofequivalence does however vary, depending on the property underlying the comparison.[2] Data forsome common compounds are recorded in the table.[1] Thermochernical Properties of Yttrium, Lanthanum and the Lanthanide Elements and Ions, L.R.Morss,Chem. Rev., 1976, 76(6), 827[2] The Position of Yttrium within the Lanthanides with respect to Unit Cell Volumes of IsostructuralCompounds as an Indication of Covalency in Lanthanide Compounds, S.Sierkerski, J.Solid State Chem.,1981,37,27953

YTTRIUMIt forms aqueous-insoluble oxides, oxalates, hydroxides, carbonates and phosphates aswell as soluble nitrates and chlorides. The sulfates and acetates are more soluble for Y and theheavies than for the light lanthanides. In comparison to lanthanum, the carbonate and oxalate tendto be solubilized in the presence of excess anion, presumably stable species such as Y(C 2 O 4 ) n - exist.Double salts also tend to be more soluble for Y and the heavies than for La and the lights.The element Y has an exceptionally high thermo-dynamic affinity for oxygen, free energy offormation 1817 kJmol -1 , probably the greatest of any element.[3] The property underlies many ofyttrium's uses not only as the yttrium oxide but also as the metal. Yttrium is the active componentin the MCrAlY family of alloys used in high temperature oxidizing environments. The trace of Ypresent enhances the stability of the alumina/chromia oxide coating by improving resistance tospalling. It has been suggested that yttrium "getters" sulfur at the oxide crystallite interfaces[4]. Thegettering effect of Yttrium has also been used in discharge lamps[5]. The affinity for hydrogen canprovide a chemical-trap method for removing trace amounts of hydrogen from molten alkali metalcircuits in certain nuclear reactors.The superconducting properties of the Y-Ba-Cu-0 system have led to an immense amount ofresearch and associated publications. A variety of processes for the preparation of these and similarmaterials are now known. Many properties, in addition to superconductivity-related behavior, havebeen investigated. Yttrium’s chemical and physical behavior in many compounds is now betterunderstood and may well lead to other uses in addition to ceramic superconductors.[3] Thermochemistry of the Rare Earths, Part I Rare Earth Oxides etc., K.A.Gschneidner et al., ReportIS-RIC-6, publ. Rare Earth Information Center, Iowa State University, Ames Iowa, 1973 (available fromMolycorp)[4] A Relationship between Indigenous Impurity Elements and Protective Oxide Scale Adherence, J.G.Smeggilet al., Metall[.Trans.A, 1986, 17A, 923[5] A Getter for Metal-Iodide High Pressure Mercury Vapour Lamps, G.Kuus, Philips Tech.Rev., 1975,35(11),35454

YTTRIUMCompoundIdealFormulaFormula Weight % Oxide % ElementOxide Y 2O 3 225.81 100 78.7Acetate Y(CH 3COO) 3.4H 2O 338.10 33.4 26.3Carbonate Y 2(CO 3).3H 2O 411.85 54.8 43.2Chloride YCl 3.6H 2O 303.35 37.2 29.3Fluoride YF 3.3H 2O 199.94 56.5 44.5Hydroxide Y(OH) 3.3H 2O 193.97 58.2 45.8Nitrate Y(NO 3) 3.6H 2O 383.01 29.5 23.2Oxalate Y 2((COO) 2) 3.9H 2O 604.00 37.4 29.4Sulfate Y 2(SO 4) 3.8H 2O 593.98 38.0 29.7After SX purification, in order to obtain high purity - 99 % and higher - materials, it is usualto precipitate the oxalate and then calcine at ≈1000 °C. The resulting yttrium oxide is the mostreadily commercially available pure compound of yttrium. (Other compounds such as nitrate,acetate and chloride are available as well as the elemental form, the metal.)Yttrium is trivalent in its chemical compounds whose properties are very similar to those ofheavy lanthanide analogues[1]. In particular the closest similarity is with Dysprosium, aconsequence of the ionic radii Y(III) and Dy(III) being nearly the same. The exact position ofequivalence does however vary, depending on the property underlying the comparison.[2] Data forsome common compounds are recorded in the table.[1] Thermochernical Properties of Yttrium, Lanthanum and the Lanthanide Elements and Ions, L.R.Morss,Chem. Rev., 1976, 76(6), 827[2] The Position of Yttrium within the Lanthanides with respect to Unit Cell Volumes of IsostructuralCompounds as an Indication of Covalency in Lanthanide Compounds, S.Sierkerski, J.Solid State Chem.,1981,37,27953

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