A LANTHANIDE LANTHOLOGY (.pdf) - Davidson Physics

A LANTHANIDE LANTHOLOGY (.pdf) - Davidson Physics A LANTHANIDE LANTHOLOGY (.pdf) - Davidson Physics

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MONAZITEa mixture of sulfates but the usual process is with alkali [3]. The concentrate is finel ground anddigested with an excess of caustic soda at≈150°C for several hours.(Ln,Th)Po 4 + NaOH => Na 3 PO 4 + Ln(OH) 3 + Th(OH) 4The phosphate portion produces a soluble sodium tripolyphosphate while the lanthanides, alongwith thorium, form insoluble hydroxides (hydrated oxides) that can be recovered.The next step is hydrochloric acid attack, at ≈70 °C and pH 3-4, on the solids portion. Thethorium remains insoluble and a crude thorium hydroxide can be filtered off. (The small amountsof trace contaminants that do carry through into solution, such as uranium and lead as well as somethorium, are removed by coprecipitation with barium sulphate in a deactivation step.) The chloridesolution containing the rare earths, lanthanides, is concentrated by steam heat and can be cast intosolid form.The rare-earth-chloride (RECL 3 ), like monaziteconcentrate, is a material traded commercially not onlyfor further separation processes but also for theproduction of ferro-alloys such as mischmetal.Treatment of the RECL 3 solution with sodium carbonatewill precipitate a RE carbonate that can beconverted to other mixed-lanthanide derivatives, e.g.fluorides, nitrates and, by calcination, a rare-earthoxide. (Rare earth chlorides, whether derived fromBastnasite or from Monazite, have very similarcompositions and can most times be usedinterchangeably in later processes.)Rare Earth Chloridea.k.a. Lanthanide ChlorideLnCl3,6H2OTypical Analysistotal as Ln Oxides ≈46 %CeO2 ≈22-25%La2O3 ≈11 -16%Nd2O3 ≈5-9%Pr6O11 ≈2-3%The thermally stable (m.pt. >2000°C) monazitephosphate structure[4] accommodates the light Ln's,Chloride ≈31 %La to ≈Gd, with an irregular nine-coordinate Ln atom. Within the structure, the Ln(III) and P(V)can be substituted by Th(IV) and Si(IV) somewhat by analogy with Xenotime, YPO 4 , and zircon,ZrSiO 4 . that are isostructural.[3] Processing of Monazite at the Rare Earths Division, Udyogamandal, N.S.Narayananet al., Mater.Sci.Forum, 1988, 30, 45[4] The Structure of Cerium Orthophosphate, a Synthetic Analogue of Monazite,G.W.Beall et al., J.Inorg.Nucl. Chem., 1981, 43, 1019

NEODYMIUMNeodymium is the third most abundant lanthanideand is recovered from the minerals bastnasite andmonazite. This element is of current commercial interestbecause of the development of the Nd-Fe-B alloys aspermanent magnet materials.[1] In addition Nd-basedlasers are becoming more widely used.In all readily prepared compounds Neodyrniurn istrivalent and the Nd 3+ ion shows typical Ln 3+ chemicalproperties, see Lanthanum for a summary. The table onthe next page lists data for some of the commonlyencountered salts and more details can be found underthe appropriate anion heading, e.g. nitrate, oxide, etc.Neodymium salts usually appear pale purple, aconsequence of the spectral absorption of the Nd 3+ ion.(The oxide-in contrast to the salts-is sky-blue, with thesubtle shift from the normal Nd-salt color being causedby the stronger ligand field influences in the oxide.) Ndhas a strong absorption band centred at 580 nm, others at≈740 and ≈8OO nm and several more bands of lesserstrength.[2]NdelementAtomic Number 60Atomic Weight 144.24Electron[Xe]4f 4 6s 2configurationValency 3Ionic radius for 8- 111 pmcoordinationMagnetic moment 3.62 µBmetalCrystal Structure dhcpMelting Point 1021 °CBoiling Point 3074 °CDensity7.01 g/cm3Metallic Radius 182 pmThe 580 nm band is in the yellow and very close tothe position of the eyes' maximum sensitivity. In consequence, the perceived color ofNd-containing glass - being here caused by both reflection and subtraction phenomena - dependson the spectrum of the illuminating light; this creates so-called "dichroism". The Nd-ion colorsartistic glassware and is added, for example, to the glass used in protective goggles worn duringwelding in order to block light of the 580 nm wavelength. Nd- doped glass can be used as acontrast-enhancing filter, clarifying the eye's discrimination between reds and greens, on CRTdisplays.[1] New Permanent Magnet Materials, K.H.J.Buschow, Materials Sc. Rep., 1986, 1, 1: Neodymium-Iron-BoronPermanent Magnets prepared by Rapid Solidification, J.J.Croat, J.Mater.Eng., 1988, 10, 7 : PermanentMagnets, J.F.Herbst, Am.Sci., 1993, 81(3), 252[2] Analysis of Rare Earth Mixtures by a Recording Spectrophotometer, D.C.Stewart and D.Kato, Anal.Chem.,1958, 30(2), 16410

MONAZITEa mixture of sulfates but the usual process is with alkali [3]. The concentrate is finel ground anddigested with an excess of caustic soda at≈150°C for several hours.(Ln,Th)Po 4 + NaOH => Na 3 PO 4 + Ln(OH) 3 + Th(OH) 4The phosphate portion produces a soluble sodium tripolyphosphate while the lanthanides, alongwith thorium, form insoluble hydroxides (hydrated oxides) that can be recovered.The next step is hydrochloric acid attack, at ≈70 °C and pH 3-4, on the solids portion. Thethorium remains insoluble and a crude thorium hydroxide can be filtered off. (The small amountsof trace contaminants that do carry through into solution, such as uranium and lead as well as somethorium, are removed by coprecipitation with barium sulphate in a deactivation step.) The chloridesolution containing the rare earths, lanthanides, is concentrated by steam heat and can be cast intosolid form.The rare-earth-chloride (RECL 3 ), like monaziteconcentrate, is a material traded commercially not onlyfor further separation processes but also for theproduction of ferro-alloys such as mischmetal.Treatment of the RECL 3 solution with sodium carbonatewill precipitate a RE carbonate that can beconverted to other mixed-lanthanide derivatives, e.g.fluorides, nitrates and, by calcination, a rare-earthoxide. (Rare earth chlorides, whether derived fromBastnasite or from Monazite, have very similarcompositions and can most times be usedinterchangeably in later processes.)Rare Earth Chloridea.k.a. Lanthanide ChlorideLnCl3,6H2OTypical Analysistotal as Ln Oxides ≈46 %CeO2 ≈22-25%La2O3 ≈11 -16%Nd2O3 ≈5-9%Pr6O11 ≈2-3%The thermally stable (m.pt. >2000°C) monazitephosphate structure[4] accommodates the light Ln's,Chloride ≈31 %La to ≈Gd, with an irregular nine-coordinate Ln atom. Within the structure, the Ln(III) and P(V)can be substituted by Th(IV) and Si(IV) somewhat by analogy with Xenotime, YPO 4 , and zircon,ZrSiO 4 . that are isostructural.[3] Processing of Monazite at the Rare Earths Division, Udyogamandal, N.S.Narayananet al., Mater.Sci.Forum, 1988, 30, 45[4] The Structure of Cerium Orthophosphate, a Synthetic Analogue of Monazite,G.W.Beall et al., J.Inorg.Nucl. Chem., 1981, 43, 1019

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