Easter! - The Goan Association of New Jersey

Easter! - The Goan Association of New Jersey

Easter! - The Goan Association of New Jersey


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Look who’s talking…about the Christmas Ball!<strong>Goan</strong> Gourmet“Thank you for all your help yesterday . Our table location was perfect. Allin my group had a terrific evening . This event gets better each year. <strong>The</strong>band hit every note and the food was very good too.Keep the event at the Ukranian center and I think early December is good.Most people have not yet left on vacation. See you at the next function.”— Cheers Ian“Just a quick thank you to all <strong>of</strong> the GOANJ organizers for an excellentgathering yesterday. It was good to get together and see a number <strong>of</strong>friends, as well as acquaint ourselves with new ones!Wishing you a very Happy Christmas and the very best for the <strong>New</strong> Year!Look forward to seeing you at another event sometime soon!”— James“I meant to send you an email with a message that you could pass onto the management committee to tell them how well organized the Ballwas and how much everyone enjoyed themselves. Everything was justperfect and so was the food. <strong>The</strong> music could have been even s<strong>of</strong>terthan it was ------- ”— Love, Sue and StanIngredients:SteakAllan D’guerra1 lb Porterhouse steakGarlic Powder to tasteKosher Salt to tasteGround Pepper to tasteOlive Oil1/2 stick margarineA great steak begins with a great cut<strong>of</strong> beef. I prefer to buy my cutsfrom either Whole Foods or Wegmans.Place the skillet in the ovenwith the broiler set to high for aboutten minutes. In that time, rub thesteak with olive oil on both sides.Sprinkle with garlic powder, koshersalt, and ground pepper to taste.Remove the skillet from the ovenand place on the stove using mediumheat. Place the margarine inthe pan, and allow it to dissolve.<strong>The</strong>n place steak in the pan, cookingon each side for about 4 minutes.Place the pan in the oven withthe broiler set to high. This is t<strong>of</strong>inish it <strong>of</strong>f, and make it look similarlyto how its prepared in the restaurant.Oven time will vary accordingto how you like your steakcooked and the power <strong>of</strong> your oven.Figure 4 minutes for a rare steak, 6-8 minutes for a medium cookedsteak, 8 to 10 minutes for a welldone steak. Bon appétit!P A G E 4

2013 Spring <strong>Goan</strong> RetreatSally & Allan CoutoCaption describingpictureorgraphic.<strong>The</strong> 2013 <strong>Goan</strong> <strong>Association</strong> retreat was no ordinaryevent, it was one <strong>of</strong> the most inspiring and rejuvenationexperiences one could have had. <strong>The</strong> venue was the sereneand majestic Incarnation – St James church in EwingNJ, where there was ample parking, large groundsand most impressive outdoor venue with prayer Stationsfor the way <strong>of</strong> the Cross.<strong>The</strong> retreat started promptly at noon with traditionalgoan hospitality with the now familiar Vera, Olinda,Dianne trio serving piping hot c<strong>of</strong>fee along with bagels,cheese platter, cake, cookies and other treats.After a brief overview and introductions by Godfrey wewere introduced to Rev. Fr. Santhosh Kozhippadan, Pastor<strong>of</strong> Incarnation-St James, Ewing NJ, who was the firstspeaker. This young priest explained to us that God isalways passing by us daily, and the only way to witnessChrist is to unfold and open up ourselves like the Samaritanwoman at the well did. In doing so, we wouldhave the ability to feel God’s assuring and loving presence.Fr. Santosh shared with us his personal experience whilehe was stationed in Orissa, he felt the strong presence <strong>of</strong>Christ in the people there who inspite <strong>of</strong> unspeakablepersecution have stood steadfast in their faith andstrongly believe that while their homes and bodies canbe destroyed, no human could harm their soul. <strong>The</strong>irfaith is an example for all <strong>of</strong> us to emulate and fromwhich to draw inspiration.Our next original plan was to have an indoor Stations<strong>of</strong> the Cross, however the weather gods were kind andthe sunny sprawling grounds with the custom builtstations depicting the passion <strong>of</strong> Christ was too temptingand hence it was unanimously decided to have entirefourteen stations outdoors. It was as though thevenue was specially built to add more solemnity andmeaning for all <strong>of</strong> us.<strong>The</strong> stations were conducted in the most serene, andprayerful manner where each station was conducted byone <strong>of</strong> the retreat attendees and was indeed very meaningfuland pr<strong>of</strong>ound. <strong>The</strong> Stations <strong>of</strong> the Cross is a vibrantway to encompass the spirit <strong>of</strong> pilgrimage andoneness. <strong>The</strong> images and Statues instill courage andconviction and help each <strong>of</strong> us to contemplate on ourown lives and help bear the crosses each <strong>of</strong> usContd.….P A G E 5

<strong>The</strong> next speaker was the renowned Rev. Fr. Steve Pugliesefrom Loyola House <strong>of</strong> Retreats, Morristown NJ. He isa very articulate, jovial and learned priest and drew theundivided attention <strong>of</strong> the entire congregation, Hetouched on the subject <strong>of</strong> “Darkness” which he witnessedwhen he visited a very remote parish in the wilderness.It was for the first time he felt fearful just to bephysically in absolute darkness where the only light wasthat from the stars. It was at this moment <strong>of</strong> truth whereit dawned to him that it is in darkness, that we can witnessthe light <strong>of</strong> Christ. In that darkness and in the peaceand serenity <strong>of</strong> ones heart, one will feel the presence <strong>of</strong>God. All the bright lights and distractions in our dailylives only dazzle, confuse and disorient. We need to getinto the darkness <strong>of</strong> our soul to see the real light. Afterthis very pr<strong>of</strong>ound and helpful talk we had a quick questionand answer session where participants asked Fr.Steve questions on the Bible, questions that challengedour faith and were given very pr<strong>of</strong>essional, valuableand convincing answers. <strong>The</strong> next session was theMass which was at the Incarnation-St James Church, abefitting finish to the retreat. We had our very own DeaconFrancis concelebrate the mass.This retreat indeed gave all <strong>of</strong> us time to relax and moveaway from our day to day distractions and feel the presence<strong>of</strong> the almighty working and communication withour inner selves. <strong>The</strong> retreat ended with a small mealand a vote <strong>of</strong> thanks and a lot <strong>of</strong> smiles on the faces andI am sure, joy in the hearts <strong>of</strong> all the faithful participants.Comments“So enlightening...wish more could attend maybe each oneshould bring along a friend or two the next time.”“In light <strong>of</strong> the Lenten season, it’s but right to stand back,meditate and reflect on the true meaning <strong>of</strong> being a Christian.Today's retreat added a lot <strong>of</strong> thoughts to reflect on.”“Great retreat, would like to make it a Lenten tradition.”“A good way to get ready for <strong>Easter</strong> and the blessings <strong>of</strong> therisen Lord.”“Really good experience, very positive.”“Very relaxing and a great spiritual experience. It explainedthat to see light one has to experience darkness. I now knowthat all trials and tribulations are stepping stones to light,joy and happiness.““A wonderful reflective Lenten retreat! So much to take backand work on at home.”“Fr. Santosh and Fr. Steve were dynamic speakers and gave usmuch food for thought and reflection.”“It was a great day <strong>of</strong> reflection. Both the priests were interesting.Fr. Steve's ideas sparked discussion and raised somemore questions.”LENTENRETREAT2013“Fr. Santosh and Fr. Steve both talked excellently about theSamaritan woman at the well. <strong>The</strong>y had not talked to eachother and Fr. Santosh does not know Fr. Steve. This showshow the holy spirit works.”“Good speakers who kept us focused on the topic... <strong>The</strong> way <strong>of</strong>the cross was exceptional... Good snacks and food and aboveall "Great camaraderie".P A G E 6

Letter <strong>of</strong> Thanks from Catholic CharitiesAdvertise Here!Advertise to our membership <strong>of</strong> nearly500 for the whole year(4 publications) at these low rates:2 inch, 1 column $20.001/3 page $125.001/2 page $150.00Full page $250.00Contact Felix Menezes at732-939 2916

Caring Corner :Charitable Donations for 2012Michael Alvares<strong>The</strong> <strong>Goan</strong> <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Jersey</strong>made several charitable donations in 2012.AmountDonatedRecipient$1200 For new desks in a newly createdGrade 3 at St. Ann's School in Quelossim,Goa run by the nuns <strong>of</strong> theOrder <strong>of</strong> St. Ann.<strong>The</strong> school is largely attended bychildren <strong>of</strong> scheduled caste parents.$1018 Last installment <strong>of</strong> the $5000 committedto Caritas, Goa for beds at theAids Center in Tivim, Goa.$ 500 For support <strong>of</strong> a seminarian studyingfor the priesthood at RacholSeminary in Goa.$325 To Catholic Charities, USA for thebenefit <strong>of</strong> folks ravaged by HurricaneSandy.$150 Given to Fr. Santosh George, OSSTfor a borewell in Karnataka.Our charitable donations are almost entirely fundedby revenues generated at our Christmas Ball. By attendingthis event, you help support many worthwhilecauses in Goa. We thank you for your generosity.We hope you will continue to support our charitiesby attending all our events in 2013.Upcoming EventsSummer PicnicAugust 3rd, 2013Princeton CountryClub, West WindsorWhist DriveOctober 5th, 2013Community PresbyterianChurch inKendall ParkChristmas BallDecember 14, 2013Ukranian CulturalCenter, SomersetDJ BrianMusic for all occasionsDJ services, lighting, total eventmanagement., Live Band providedupon request.Tel# 732-317-2621e-mail: dynamixdj@yahoo.comPRAYER CHAIN<strong>The</strong> Prayer Chain continues to provide powerful intercession on behalf <strong>of</strong> those who are suffering for avariety <strong>of</strong> reasons. Our faithful prayer members are a great source <strong>of</strong> comfort to those in need. If you wishto have this wonderful group intercede on your behalf, or if you wish to be a part <strong>of</strong> this prayerful team,please don’t hesitate to contact either Dianne at diannenunes@verizon.net or Gladys Monteiro at gladysmonteiro@hotmail.com.

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