Penilaian Projek dan Analisis Kos Faedah

Penilaian Projek dan Analisis Kos Faedah

Penilaian Projek dan Analisis Kos Faedah

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Faculty of Social Sciences, UNIMASCOURSE TITLECOURSE CODEPROJECT EVALUATION AND COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS(<strong>Penilaian</strong> <strong>Projek</strong> <strong>dan</strong> <strong>Analisis</strong> <strong>Kos</strong> <strong>Faedah</strong> )SSR3014CREDIT 4PREREQUISITE/SSYNOPSISN/AThis course introduces to the students basic principles in projectevaluation and cost-benefit analysis. It discusses planningconcepts; management, implementation and evaluation of publicand private projects, particularly on issues affecting socialwelfare and inter-generational impacts. It also introduces to thestudents methods on how to and when to use planning tools inproject choices and project evaluation.(Kursus ini mengenalkan kepada pelajar unsur-unsur asasdalam penilaian projek <strong>dan</strong> analisis kos faedah. Ia menyentuhkonsep-konsep perancangan, pengurusan, pelaksanaan <strong>dan</strong>penilaian projek awam <strong>dan</strong> swasta, khususnya isu-isu yangmenyentuh kebajikan sosial <strong>dan</strong> impak antara generasi. Ia jugamendedahkan kepada kaedah tentang cara <strong>dan</strong> bilamenggunakan alat-alat perancangan di dalam pemilihan <strong>dan</strong>penilaian projek.)LEARNINGOUTCOMESBy the end of this course, students will be able to:o Apply theories and concepts relevant to project evaluationand cost-benefit analysis (C3)o Explain the rationale and principles behind projectevaluation and cost-benefit analysis (P3)o Practice tools and techniques used in project evaluationcost-benefit analysis (A2)o Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of projects interms of finance, environment as well as inter-generationalimpacts (CT, ES, LS)SSR3014 Project Evaluation and Cost Benefit Analysis 1 / 4

Faculty of Social Sciences, UNIMASSTUDENTLEARNINGHOURSLecturesTutorialsStudent-Centered LearningSelf-StudyQuizzes, Tests, & ExaminationsTotal24 Hour/s12 Hour/s20 Hour/s97 Hour/s7 Hour/s160 Hour/sLEARNINGUNITSSupervisedLearning Hours1. Introduction- Risk and Uncertainty- Uncertainty and Decision Making- Utility42. Planning/Decision Making Process- Deciding What? The Need for Planning- Aspects of Planning: Goals and Objectives- The Basis of Logical Decision43. Introduction to Evaluation- Types and Purposes of Evaluation- Aspects of Evaluation- Practical Problems in Evaluation44. Approaches to Evaluation (1)- Systems Analysis- Evaluation Framework: Experiment and Control- Evaluation Design and Indicators45. Approaches to Evaluation (2)- Cost Analysis: Benefit, Effectiveness and UtilityAnalyses- Needs Assessment: Outcome vs Process;- Ex-Post, Ex-Ante and In media res46. Case Study - Evaluation in Health Promotion- Does it work? Making Value Judgement- What to Measure? Effectiveness vs Efficiency- Behavioural Change and Environmental Change47. Financial Appraisal (1)4- Interests, Inflation and DepreciationSSR3014 Project Evaluation and Cost Benefit Analysis 2 / 4

Faculty of Social Sciences, UNIMAS- NPV and IRR- Secondary Markets: Distorted and Efficient8. Financial Appraisal (2)- Capital Value and Capital Project- Measures for Inter-temporal Comparisons- Payback, Discounted Payback, NPV, IRR andModified IRR49. Financial Appraisal (3): Criteria for projectevaluation- Value of information- Quasi-option value- Existence Value410. Cost Benefit Analysis: Introduction- Rationale of CBA- Key Technical Considerations- Shadow Pricing and Discount Rates411. Cost Benefit Analysis: Issues- Private and Social Cost Benefit- Efficiency and Equity- Measuring Non-Monetized Costs and Benefits412. Techniques in CBA- Incorporating Uncertainty into CBA- Sensitivity Analyses: Variable by Variable,Scenario and Decision Trees- Marginal Damage Analyses413. Putting Value on The Intangibles:- The Value of Human Life- The Value of Time- The Value of Leisure414. Estimating Values by Indirect Means- Hedonic Pricing- Estimate Economic Values of the Environment- Advantages and Disadvantages4SSR3014 Project Evaluation and Cost Benefit Analysis 3 / 4

Faculty of Social Sciences, UNIMASASSESSMENT Individual Assignment10 %Presentation10 %<strong>Projek</strong>30 %Mid-Term Exam20 %Final Exam30 %Total100 %REFERENCES 1. Boardman, A. (1996). Cost Benefit Analysis: Concepts andPractise, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall2. Harbeger, A.C. and Jenkins, G.P. (2002). Cost BenefitAnalysis, Cheltenham, UK; Northamton, MA: EdwardElgar3. McDavid, J.C and Hawthorn, L.R.L. (2006). ProgramEvaluation and Performance Measurement: AnIntroduction to Practice, Thousand Oaks: SagePublications4. Wholey, J.S., Hatry, H.P. and Newcomer, K.E. (eds.) 2ndEd. (2004). Handbook of Practical Programme Evaluation,San Francisco: Jossey-Bass5. Patton, M. Q. 4th Ed. (2008) Utilization-focusedEvaluation, Sage: Los AngelesLast updated: May 19, 2011, Thu, 12:21 PMSSR3014 Project Evaluation and Cost Benefit Analysis 4 / 4

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