Vitodens 200 Brochure - Home Comfort Canada

Vitodens 200 Brochure - Home Comfort Canada Vitodens 200 Brochure - Home Comfort Canada
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VITODENS 200Gas-fired wall-mounted condensing boiler withmodulating MatriX-compact gas burnerStandard heating boiler 25 to 230 MBHCombi heating boiler 25 to 91 MBHMulti-boiler installation 344 to 920 MBH

VITODENS <strong>200</strong>Gas-fired wall-mounted condensing boiler withmodulating MatriX-compact gas burnerStandard heating boiler 25 to 230 MBHCombi heating boiler 25 to 91 MBHMulti-boiler installation 344 to 920 MBH

Efficient. Innovative. Compact.Wall-mounted condensing technology from Viessmann.The <strong>Vitodens</strong> <strong>200</strong> gas-fired wallmountedcondensing boiler fromViessmann delivers superiorperformance, reliability andefficiency. This translates intoincreased savings in fuel andmaintenance costs.Compact and ultra-quiet, it integrateseasily into any part of your livingarea, including closets, kitchens orbathrooms.Its industry-leading technologymakes this boiler the ultimateexperience in heating comfort andreliability.And like all Viessmann products, the<strong>Vitodens</strong> <strong>200</strong>, with its low-emissionMatriX-compact gas burner, meetsthe most stringent emissionregulations worldwide.Simply well thought outA key component of the <strong>Vitodens</strong> <strong>200</strong>design is the aqua plate with theentire water flow system integratedinto the rear panel. All parts areeasily accessible and removable forservice. The Quick Pipe ConnectionSystem with sliding couplings on allheating and domestic hot waterconnections makes maintenance andservice considerably easier and lesstime-consuming.For the heating contractor thismeans: Fast and easy installation,start-up and service - advantages thatwill pay off for the system user aswell.Simply versatileThe <strong>Vitodens</strong> <strong>200</strong> boiler is one of themost versatile wall-mountedcondensing boilers on the market.Reliable domestic hot waterproduction via the integratedDomestic Hot Water Quick System(Combi model only) guaranteesdomestic hot water instantly.For applications with a high demandfor domestic hot water, a stand-aloneDHW storage tank can be connected.Need to satisfy greater loadrequirements? No problem! Up tofour <strong>Vitodens</strong> <strong>200</strong>, WB2-44, -60boilers can be combined in a multiboilerinstallation to heat largehomes, small apartment complexesand semi-commercial buildings.Find out moreThe following pages illustrate howthe <strong>Vitodens</strong> <strong>200</strong> operates, why youshould choose the <strong>Vitodens</strong> <strong>200</strong>, andmuch more.For additional information, pleasecontact the Viessmann offices in<strong>Canada</strong> or the U.S.A.Compact and ultra-quietLow-emission gas burner23

Strength in numbers:Up to 920 MBH with multi-<strong>Vitodens</strong> installationsUp to four <strong>Vitodens</strong> <strong>200</strong>, WB2-44, -60boilers, combined in a multiple-boilersystem, are able to provide a ratedinput of up to 920 MBH. This allowsmulti-unit homes, semi-commercialor public buildings to be heated in aspace-efficient manner, usingcondensing technology.The core of the <strong>Vitodens</strong> <strong>200</strong>,WB2-44, -60 is the proven Inox-Radialparallel-coil stainless steel heatexchanger.Heating water flows through twoseparate coils of the heat exchangerarranged in parallel.This design not only provides a largeheat transfer surface, but alsoguarantees particularly low flowresistance, reducing flow noise andthe energy consumption of theheating circuit pump.Modulating Vitocontrol-S, WB2control unit for <strong>Vitodens</strong> <strong>200</strong>The Vitocontrol-S, WB2 control unitenables several <strong>Vitodens</strong> <strong>200</strong>, WB2-44, -60 to be linked to form onesingle heating center. It controls thestaging of the multi-boiler system bycommunicating with each <strong>Vitodens</strong><strong>200</strong> boiler control, ensuring energyefficient operation. For maximumcomfort, the control uses an outdoorreset function to determine a suitablecommon supply temperature withrespect to current outdoorconditions.The benefits at a glance:• Rated input of up to 920 MBH with<strong>Vitodens</strong> <strong>200</strong>, WB2-44, -60 gas-firedcondensing boilers in a multi-boilersystem.• Inox-Radial parallel-coil heatexchanger features ultra-quietoperation with low flow resistanceand minimum standby losses,keeping operating cost to aminimum.• Low power consumption throughvariable speed fan and heatingcircuit pump.• Exceptionally space-efficient sinceservice clearances to the side arenot necessary.• Matching system design for up tofour <strong>Vitodens</strong> <strong>200</strong>, WB2 boilers:- Vitocontrol-S, WB2 mastercontrol- complete hydraulic separationbetween system loops and boilerloop using Viessmann low-lossheader.• Modulating boiler operation withinthe multi-boiler system maximizesefficiency and, most importantly,energy and cost savings.• Extremely low emissions –outperforms the limits set bynumerous environmentalstandards.Vitocontrol-S, WB2 control unit formulti-boiler installationsMulti-<strong>Vitodens</strong> <strong>200</strong> installation

Everything taken care ofwith reliable DHW production andpowerful control unitThe <strong>Vitodens</strong> <strong>200</strong> offers two differentmethods for reliable DHWproduction:DHW Quick System(for use with <strong>Vitodens</strong> <strong>200</strong>, Combimodel WB2-24C):An integrated stainless steel plateheat exchanger produces domestichot water instantly, efficiently, and ateven temperatures (see cutaway viewon page 10).Stand-alone Vitocell DHW tank(for use with <strong>Vitodens</strong> <strong>200</strong>, modelsWB2-24 to -60): Domestic hot water issupplied via connected Vitocell standaloneDHW storage tank.DHW storage tankFor applications with a large demandfor domestic hot water, it isrecommended that a stand-aloneDHW storage tank be used inconjunction with the <strong>Vitodens</strong> <strong>200</strong>boiler.Choose from a comprehensiveprogram of DHW storage tanks:Vitocell 100Indirect-fired DHW storage tank ofsteel construction, with Ceraprotecttwo-coat enamel finish.Vitocell 300Indirect-fired domestic hot waterstorage tank of high-grade stainlesssteel for a long service life.Completely hygienic and lightweight.Standby losses are minimized byhighly effective, foamed-in-place, orwrap-around, HCFC-free insulation.Powerful control unit –more functions, more comfortThe integrated controlunit of the <strong>Vitodens</strong> <strong>200</strong> boiler is notonly easy to use, but also thinksalong – be it long-term, whenresetting to daylight savings time, orshort-term, as outdoor reset control,when responding automatically tooutdoor temperature fluctuations.With the <strong>Vitodens</strong> control unityou’ve got everything under control –even from your living room, whenusing one of the remote controloptions available.All settings can be adjusted directlyon the boiler or remotely (when thecontrol unit is used as the remotecontrol).Designed with all needs in mindThe control unit not onlymakes life easier for the system user,but for the heating contractor as well:the integrated diagnostic systemfacilitates quick start-up, maintenanceand service.The freeze-up protection functionautomatically activates the boiler atfreezing outdoor temperatures,protecting the entire heating systemand DHW storage tank (if installed).Most control functions are easilyaccessible through the main menu inplain text format.Programming unit –menu-driven control unitThe Vitocell tanks from Viessmannoffer extremely reliable domestic hotwater supply assured through fast,uniform heating via generously sizedheat exchanger surfaces.Vitocell-V 300 DHW storage tank,storage capacity:53 to 120 USG / <strong>200</strong> to 450 liters67


Progressive heating technologyis system technologyEvery single component of ourheating technology follows theVitotec building block principle. Thisguarantees a smooth functioning ofthe entire heating system. All boilers,burners and controls harmonizeperfectly.Gas-fired wall-mounted condensingboiler (1)Compact, reliable, energy efficientand environmentally friendly.Available as standard heating boileror as Combi boiler with integratedDHW production in white finish.Mounting bracket (2)Venting system (3)The <strong>Vitodens</strong> <strong>200</strong> is approved forthree different venting options. Acoaxial vent/air intake system forroom air independent operationsimultaneously discharges flue gasesto – and draws combustion air from –the outdoors. This coaxial ventsystem may be used in vertical andside wall venting configurations.The vertical single-wall ventingoption draws combustion air fromthe boiler room.The <strong>Vitodens</strong> <strong>200</strong> and its ventingoptions are approved together underANSI Z21.13 CSA 4.9. - <strong>200</strong>0 Standardand have been tested extensively forproper functioning to ensureoperational reliability.DHW storage tank (see page 7)The Combi version (WB2 6-24C) ofthe <strong>Vitodens</strong> <strong>200</strong> with integratedstainless steel plate heat exchangerprovides quick and reliable DHWsupply for apartments or smallhomes.For mid-sized and larger buildingswith a higher DHW draw rate, thecomprehensive Vitocell DHW storagetank program offers maximum hotwater comfort. Vitocell stand-alonetanks for connection to the <strong>Vitodens</strong><strong>200</strong> are available in sizes from 42 to120 USG / 160 to 450 liters in aVitosilver finish.Remote controls (4)The mounting bracket facilitatesquick and easy wall-mounting of theboiler.Adjustable union-type fittings and theQuick Pipe Connection Systemfacilitate the connection of allinstallation fittings (applicable toboiler models WB2 6-24C, 6-24 and8-32 only).For boiler models WB2 6-24C, 6-24and 8-32 you have the option ofroughing in the boiler connections attime of construction. This way theboiler mounting bracket with allgas/water installation fittings is preinstalled.At time of completion, theboiler is quickly mounted.All installation fittings are covered bythe boiler enclosure panel for anoverall clean appearance.112 3Room air independent operation(sealed combustion):1 Vertical coaxial venting option2 Side wall coaxial venting optionRoom air dependent operation3 Vertical single-wall venting optionRemote controls RS, with roomtemperature feedback, and WS,without room temperature feedback,are available for connection to the<strong>Vitodens</strong> <strong>200</strong>.Another remote control option is theuse of the programmingunit as a remote control. Simplyremove the programming unit fromthe control base on the boiler, inserta temperature indication unit in itsplace, and mount theprogramming unit on an inside wallof your living area.Operation of the heating system canthen take place right from your livingroom or any other convenientlocation.Venting options for the <strong>Vitodens</strong> <strong>200</strong>89

MatriX-compactgas burnerInox-Radial heatexchanger surfaceControl unitwith integrateddiagnostic system<strong>Vitodens</strong> <strong>200</strong>, WB2-24/32DHW plateheat exchanger<strong>Vitodens</strong> <strong>200</strong>, WB2-44/60VITODENS <strong>200</strong> Model No. WB2 6-24C 6-24 8-32 11-44 15-60Rated input rangeNatural gas MBH 25-91 25-91 37-124 55-172 80-230kW 7-27 7-27 11-36 16-50 23-67Liquid propane MBH 25-81 25-81 37-112 55-155 80-214kW 7-24 7-24 11-33 16-45 23-63Overall dimensionsDepth inches 16 16 16 21 1 ⁄4 21 1 ⁄4mm 406 406 406 550 550Width inches 19 3 ⁄4 19 3 ⁄4 19 3 ⁄4 23 1 ⁄2 23 1 ⁄2mm 500 500 500 600 600Height inches 35 1 ⁄2 35 1 ⁄2 35 1 ⁄2 35 1 ⁄2 35 1 ⁄2mm 900 900 900 900 900Weight (incl. insulation) lbs 159 143 165 198 198kg 72 65 75 90 90

Vitotec:Technology Function DesignThe new Vitotec program is thesuccessful synthesis of advanced,state-of-the-art technology andfuture-oriented innovations. TheVitotec program combinestechnological progress withfunctionality and design. Allinnovations are consistently targetedto providing benefits for the user –both the heating contractor and thesystem operator.Good design is functional designThe Vitotec design is the result of astrictly functional approach in whichall elements are reduced to theessential. The new “Vitosilver” colorfinish – in combination with theaccent color “Vitorange”, symbolizingheat – unites Viessmann innovationwith Viessmann tradition.One name – all productsFirst unity of form, now unity ofname. All product names contain thecomponent “Vito”, indicating not onlytheir affiliation with the Vitotecprogram – but also systemcompatibility. The second part of thename signifies the product group.The different program levels aredifferentiated by numbers such as100, <strong>200</strong> or 300.Platform strategyThe new unity of Vitotec lies in itsconstructional design and follows awell-established technical principle.With the Vitotec program, Viessmannhas implemented a modulartechnology strategy based on onecommon platform, whereby differentfunctional modules are positioned onone base chassis to build differentmodels. This permits the use of manyidentical parts, uniform and easy-tofollowinstallation steps, and areduced number of universal spareparts. Maintenance, servicing andoperation are considerably simplifiedthrough a uniform design andstandardization.Operation made easyThe new Vitotronic controls are alsodesigned on the building blockprinciple. Four modules, two basechassis with motherboards andsafety controls, and two operatingunits (fixed or in drawer form) makeup the complete control program.The heating contractor is aViessmann expertVitotec is more than a product line. Itcontains a comprehensive training,service and maintenance package forthe heating contractor. This ensuresthat the heating contractor will notonly be familiar with the latesttechnology, but will also be trainedextensively at our ViessmannAcademy for the constantly changingdemands of the heating industry. Asa result, the heating contractor willbe a Viessmann specialist.The new Vitotec program offers you adiverse, yet uniform product rangefor every need – and once moreconfirms our philosophy:“Viessmann – more than heat”.

ViessmannWith 6,800 employees around the world,the Viessmann Group is one of the leadingmanufacturers of heating technologyworldwide. Viessmann representscompetence and innovation and offers youa wide variety of high-tech heatingproducts, each a design-matchedcomponent in the progressive Viessmannsystem technology. Despite their diversity,Viessmann products have one thing incommon: a high standard of qualitythroughout the entire product line thattranslates into operational reliability,energy savings, environmental friendlinessand operational comfort.Viessmann meetsall your heatingneeds with adiverse, yetcompletelyharmonizedproduct range.Viessmann innovations lead the industrynot only in conventional heatingtechnology, but also in the area ofrenewable energy sources such as solarand heat pump technology.All of our products are developed inaccordance with our philosophy to achievethe greatest value at all times – for ourcustomers and our business partners.Contact the Viessmann office in <strong>Canada</strong> orU.S.A. for the name of the ViessmannSales Representative closest to you.North American andCanadian Head OfficeViessmann ManufacturingCompany Inc.Waterloo, ON <strong>Canada</strong>Tel. (519) 885-6300Fax (519) 885-0887www.viessmann.caU.S. Head OfficeViessmann ManufacturingCompany (U.S.) Inc.Warwick, RI U.S.A.Tel. (401) 732-0667Fax (401) 732-0590www.viessmann-us.comViessmann Sales CenterLangley, BC <strong>Canada</strong> (604) 533-9445Certified ClimateProtectionViessmann Sales OfficesWaterloo, ON <strong>Canada</strong> (519) 574-7937Toronto, ON <strong>Canada</strong> (416) 657-4333Stoney Creek, ON <strong>Canada</strong> (905) 664-4426Plainfield, IN U.S.A. (317) 839-8212Reno, NV U.S.A. (775) 849-0725Technical information subject to change without notice.5167 471 12/06 Printed in <strong>Canada</strong>

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