NRTRDE: - Syniverse Technologies

NRTRDE: - Syniverse Technologies

NRTRDE: - Syniverse Technologies


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11C U S T O M E R S E R V I C EOnline ticketing is a ‘breeze’ with GEMSThe number one motivation behind the recentredesign of <strong>Syniverse</strong>’s online customerticketing tool? Customer convenience, explainedEileen RompsDirector, Customer SupportEileen Romps, directorCustomer Support,<strong>Syniverse</strong>.“We wanted to finda way for customers tocreate and monitor theirown service requestsand trouble tickets fromtheir own computers and at their own convenience,”Eileen said. “While customers are stillable to call us and send us emails, this new systemprovides all the information they need instantenouslyvia a few simple clicks on their keyboards.”The new online customer ticketing toolwas launched in February and got its new nameGlobal Enterprise Management System, orGEMS – in September. GEMS allows customersto submit, update, view status, close and printtheir service requests or tickets without delay. All<strong>NRTRDE</strong> Cont. from page 10more operators achieve compliance, fraudsters may deliberately target networks without <strong>NRTRDE</strong>,increasing the possibility of a dramatic rise in roaming fraud for those not yet compliant,” he said.“Our goal at <strong>Syniverse</strong> is simple: Make it easy for GSM operators around the world to quicklyand seamlessly implement our world-class fraud management solution. Our advanced <strong>NRTRDE</strong>development expertise, extensive experience in fraud management and commitment to provide theindustry’s best customer service make it possible for operators to realize the benefits of next generationfraud management today.” Jit takes is an online connection to <strong>Syniverse</strong>’s onlineportal Crossroads SM .Customer reaction to GEMS has been overwhelminglypositive. One user called the newsystem “very user friendly.” Another reported that“opening a trouble ticket is a breeze with the newsystem” and that he appreciates the ability to goonline and update the ticket himself.Eileen said that she hopes more people willstart to take advantage of the new online system.“Our number one priority at <strong>Syniverse</strong> is toprovide the industry’s best customer service,”Eileen said. “We think GEMS is an excellent exampleof what we are doing to put our customers’needs first and foremost, and improve our customers’overall experience with <strong>Syniverse</strong>.”To get started using the new ticketing system,just log on to Crossroads and select GEMSfrom the list on the left side of the screen. If youdon’t have authorization to access GEMS, youcan contact your Crossroads administrator togain access. JCoheur Cont. from page 3operators around theworld. Montreal, Seattle,Hong Kong, Singapore,Taipei, London, Madrid,Paris, Moscow and Nadiin Fiji are just a few of thecities I’ve visited recentlyto meet with customers,work with the GSMA’sFraud Forum or speakabout <strong>NRTRDE</strong>.Synergy: How do you believe<strong>Syniverse</strong> is perceivedby European operators?Daniel: <strong>Syniverse</strong> is one ofthe most recent entrantsinto the market in ourindustry but has gainedtraction quickly by offeringoutstanding products andcustomer service. Mucheffort has been made to bethe best, and I think we arethought of as a professionaland flexible companythat truly cares for itscustomers and offers greatsolutions.Synergy: What makes itspecial to be a member ofthe <strong>Syniverse</strong> team?Daniel: I am a passionateperson about life andwork, so I am pleased my<strong>Syniverse</strong> colleagues arethe same when it comesto their jobs. It’s a greatatmosphere to work withpeople who have real expertiseand are truly dedicatedto their work andcompany. And they knowhow to have fun, too. I amproud to be a member ofour team.Synergy: What is yourfavorite part of your job?Daniel: Solving problemsfor our customers, ofcourse!

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