Spring/Summer 2008 - ASID Georgia Chapter

Spring/Summer 2008 - ASID Georgia Chapter Spring/Summer 2008 - ASID Georgia Chapter


INDESIGN f e a t u r e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .continuedMK: Design, technology and sustainability need to be in perfect harmony to be sellablethese days. What is the purpose of design?CGM: Sustainability should be taken for granted. It should be second nature to all of usand integrated into all elements of design such as materials, shipping, product longevity,second usage etc. Certainly this shared belief was one of the reasons that Teknion appealedto me as a manufacturer. Historically our grandparents were more frugal andhad a stronger sense of what quality was about. I see that sense coming back into ourcore value system. Over a period of time the function or cultural content may changeand the design may draw a different usage. So design needs to be lasting and it cannotbe inflexible.MK: What trends are on the forefront of the market today?CGM: We can anticipate the near future but have a great deal of difficulty predicting thefar away future. Certainly there is a continuing move away from private offices, eversince the 50’s when the idea of “bureaulandschaft” by the Quickborner team began totake hold. Technology drives change and its furniture’s job to respond to these changesand the implied behavior of the employees by adding cultural dignity to the workMia Kurgan, ASID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f e a t u r eFoster Family Home MakeoverASID Georgia chapter members are teaming up with theirIndustry Partners, local sponsors and Creative CommunityServices, Inc. to create a home makeover for an Atlantafoster family in May, Foster Parents’ Month. CCS, Inc. is thelargest therapeutic foster care agency in the state and,under contract to the state Department of Children and FamilyServices, provides the many services necessary to serveand heal the most abused and neglected children, or the childrenwith special needs, that would otherwise be underservedby state services alone.“Our children require more specialized services, plus plenty oflove and support, from a lot of devoted team members, theirfoster parents in particular, if they are to live productive,happy lives, “ said Alison Findlay, CCS Development Director.“Hence, our foster parents tend to have very little time tospend updating and designing their interiors. Additionally, itwill be a new experience for the foster child, who has neverhad their own room designed according to their own tastebefore. We thought it would be a rewarding time for everyoneinvolved to pitch in for Foster Parents’ Month and honor onelucky family annually with a home makeover.”Phyllis Frierson, ASID, of Frierson Design in Atlanta, eagerlyvolunteered to chair the design team that includes Chris Socci,Muriel Sackey, Kristy Pollock and Elizabeth Hutcheson. “I amso fired up about it because it is truly a way to give someone…somethingthat they would probably only dream ofhaving - a space personalized just for them by professionalinterior designers,” said Phyllis.The team already has commitments from Manny Llerena ofMohawk Industries to provide new carpet for the home andRick Pleva, owner of Gotcha Covered, who pledged new windowtreatments. Eric Burks, currently in New Orleans filminga segment of “Extreme Home Makeover,” has offered his assistancewith the HVAC system. Additional resources will beidentified through suppliers for Home Depot as necessary.The family was selected by a drawing at the CCS FosterParents’ Appreciation Dinner on March 1st and consists offoster mother Jeri H., her adult biological daughter Ciara H.and her foster daughter, Elizabeth, who is anticipating theMay project with great enthusiasm.“ASID is very happy to be involved in making this projecthappen,” said ASID Georgia Chapter President Teresa S.Sword, Vice President-Heery International, Inc.For more information, or to volunteer, contact Alison Findlayat CCS, Inc. at (770) 469-6226, ext. 157 or atafindlay@ccsgeorgia.org.s p r i n g s u m m e r 2 0 0 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14


INDESIGN f e a t u r e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .continuedMK: Design, technology and sustainability need to be in perfect harmony to be sellablethese days. What is the purpose of design?CGM: Sustainability should be taken for granted. It should be second nature to all of usand integrated into all elements of design such as materials, shipping, product longevity,second usage etc. Certainly this shared belief was one of the reasons that Teknion appealedto me as a manufacturer. Historically our grandparents were more frugal andhad a stronger sense of what quality was about. I see that sense coming back into ourcore value system. Over a period of time the function or cultural content may changeand the design may draw a different usage. So design needs to be lasting and it cannotbe inflexible.MK: What trends are on the forefront of the market today?CGM: We can anticipate the near future but have a great deal of difficulty predicting thefar away future. Certainly there is a continuing move away from private offices, eversince the 50’s when the idea of “bureaulandschaft” by the Quickborner team began totake hold. Technology drives change and its furniture’s job to respond to these changesand the implied behavior of the employees by adding cultural dignity to the workMia Kurgan, <strong>ASID</strong>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f e a t u r eFoster Family Home Makeover<strong>ASID</strong> <strong>Georgia</strong> chapter members are teaming up with theirIndustry Partners, local sponsors and Creative CommunityServices, Inc. to create a home makeover for an Atlantafoster family in May, Foster Parents’ Month. CCS, Inc. is thelargest therapeutic foster care agency in the state and,under contract to the state Department of Children and FamilyServices, provides the many services necessary to serveand heal the most abused and neglected children, or the childrenwith special needs, that would otherwise be underservedby state services alone.“Our children require more specialized services, plus plenty oflove and support, from a lot of devoted team members, theirfoster parents in particular, if they are to live productive,happy lives, “ said Alison Findlay, CCS Development Director.“Hence, our foster parents tend to have very little time tospend updating and designing their interiors. Additionally, itwill be a new experience for the foster child, who has neverhad their own room designed according to their own tastebefore. We thought it would be a rewarding time for everyoneinvolved to pitch in for Foster Parents’ Month and honor onelucky family annually with a home makeover.”Phyllis Frierson, <strong>ASID</strong>, of Frierson Design in Atlanta, eagerlyvolunteered to chair the design team that includes Chris Socci,Muriel Sackey, Kristy Pollock and Elizabeth Hutcheson. “I amso fired up about it because it is truly a way to give someone…somethingthat they would probably only dream ofhaving - a space personalized just for them by professionalinterior designers,” said Phyllis.The team already has commitments from Manny Llerena ofMohawk Industries to provide new carpet for the home andRick Pleva, owner of Gotcha Covered, who pledged new windowtreatments. Eric Burks, currently in New Orleans filminga segment of “Extreme Home Makeover,” has offered his assistancewith the HVAC system. Additional resources will beidentified through suppliers for Home Depot as necessary.The family was selected by a drawing at the CCS FosterParents’ Appreciation Dinner on March 1st and consists offoster mother Jeri H., her adult biological daughter Ciara H.and her foster daughter, Elizabeth, who is anticipating theMay project with great enthusiasm.“<strong>ASID</strong> is very happy to be involved in making this projecthappen,” said <strong>ASID</strong> <strong>Georgia</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> President Teresa S.Sword, Vice President-Heery International, Inc.For more information, or to volunteer, contact Alison Findlayat CCS, Inc. at (770) 469-6226, ext. 157 or atafindlay@ccsgeorgia.org.s p r i n g s u m m e r 2 0 0 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

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