GSC Sentinel-2 PDGS STBD - emits - ESA

GSC Sentinel-2 PDGS STBD - emits - ESA GSC Sentinel-2 PDGS STBD - emits - ESA
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12.07.2015 Views Tie Points Collection: Outer Parallelisation by Along-Track FragmentGSC Sentinel-2 PDGS STBDIssue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0031page 29 of 60The final correction model produced by the Correlation Processing Step is the result of aniterative processing composed of two sub-steps: the image matching and the Filtering.Image matching can be parallelised by along-track fragment.ImageRefImageImageMatchingCorrelationGridTie pointsSelectionCurrentCorrectionmodelCorrelationTie pointsfilteringCorrection ModelAdjustmentTie pointListConvergenceCriteriaFinalCorrectionModel3. Tie Points Filtering: no parallelizationAs indicated in § and showed in the figure above, Filtering is one sub-step of thecorrelation; correlation is performed within the GPP algorithm by Phases 9 to 10 of theGeo_S2 IAS.There are no possibilities of parallelising the Filtering. Spatiotriangulation: no parallelizationSpatiotriangulation is performed within the GPP algorithm by Phase 11 of the Geo_S2 IAS.There are no possibilities of parallelising this processing step but its processing time can beassumed negligible. Level-1B Compression: Parallelisation by Detector and Along-Track FragmentSee § In addition there’s also the possibility of parallelising by detector. Level-1C Tiles Association: No parallelizationLevel-1C Tile Association is performed within the GPP algorithm by the Tiling_S2 module ofthe Resample_S2.The image footprint is intersected with the UTM tiles footprints in order to identify the UTMtiles composing the target image. Only the metadata are used for this processing step thathas a processing time negligible with respect to the other processing step of Resample_S2.ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© ESAThe copyright of this document is the property of ESA. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from ESA.

GSC Sentinel-2 PDGS STBDIssue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0031page 30 of 60No parallelisation is possible for this processing step. Level-1C Resampling Grid Computation: Outer Parallelisation by Tile, by Bandand by DetectorLevel-1C Geometry Grid Computation is performed within the GPP algorithm by Phases 1 to7 of Resample_S2.This processing step can be parallelised at two levels: by tiles (cf. Figure 12) and, withineach tile, also by bands and by detectors.In this case all the spectral bands are processed and the parallelisation limit is 48+72+36:- 4 bands x 12 detectors at 10 m of resolution,- 6 bands x 12 detectors at 20 m of resolution,- 3 bands x 12 detectors at 60 m of resolution.Note: the processing time is function of the spatial resolution. Resampling on Level-1C Geometry: Parallelisation by Band and Bloc of TargetImageResampling on L1C Geometry is performed within the GPP algorithm by Phase 8 of theResample_S2.This processing step can be parallelised at two levels: by tiles (as showed in Figure 12) and,within each tile, also by bloc of target image if needed.Resample S2Resample S2Resample S2Resample S2Resample S2Resample S2Figure 12: Example of parallelisation by tiles3. Masks Computation: Outer Parallelisation by TileCloud Mask Computation is performed within the GPP algorithm by Mask_S2.ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© ESAThe copyright of this document is the property of ESA. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from ESA.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>STBD</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0031page 30 of 60No parallelisation is possible for this processing step. Level-1C Resampling Grid Computation: Outer Parallelisation by Tile, by Bandand by DetectorLevel-1C Geometry Grid Computation is performed within the GPP algorithm by Phases 1 to7 of Resample_S2.This processing step can be parallelised at two levels: by tiles (cf. Figure 12) and, withineach tile, also by bands and by detectors.In this case all the spectral bands are processed and the parallelisation limit is 48+72+36:- 4 bands x 12 detectors at 10 m of resolution,- 6 bands x 12 detectors at 20 m of resolution,- 3 bands x 12 detectors at 60 m of resolution.Note: the processing time is function of the spatial resolution. Resampling on Level-1C Geometry: Parallelisation by Band and Bloc of TargetImageResampling on L1C Geometry is performed within the GPP algorithm by Phase 8 of theResample_S2.This processing step can be parallelised at two levels: by tiles (as showed in Figure 12) and,within each tile, also by bloc of target image if needed.Resample S2Resample S2Resample S2Resample S2Resample S2Resample S2Figure 12: Example of parallelisation by tiles3. Masks Computation: Outer Parallelisation by TileCloud Mask Computation is performed within the GPP algorithm by Mask_S2.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

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