GSC Sentinel-2 PDGS STBD - emits - ESA

GSC Sentinel-2 PDGS STBD - emits - ESA

GSC Sentinel-2 PDGS STBD - emits - ESA


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3.3.2 ANALYSIS OF PARALLELISATION OPPORTUNITIES<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>STBD</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0031page 22 of 60This section analyses the parallelisation opportunities associated to each step of the Level-0and Level-1 processing algorithm.Referring to the decomposition into processing steps outlined in [RD-02], the parallelisationopportunities applicable to each one are explained and classified for outer and/or innermode of parallelisation. For opportunities classified for outer parallelisation, the processingunit is defined accordingly.The parallelisation opportunities are described according to the following terminology:- By Detector, referring to the opportunity of processing the image data of every MSIDetector independently.This opportunity will result into a processing performance scalability figure of 12 as perthe number of independent MSI detectors.- By Band, referring to the opportunity of processing the image data of every MSI spectralband independently.This opportunity will result into a processing performance scalability figure of 13 to benormalised according to processing applied. E.g. For processing steps with predominantpixel-based processing applicable to all 13 bands (e.g. radiometry processing), thedensity of pixels specific to each band shall be taken into account into a normalisedglobal scalability figure of 5.58 (4 + 6 x 1/2 2 + 3 x1/6 2 ).- By Along-Track Fragment, referring to the opportunity of processing the image data infragments of MSI data split along the orbit.This opportunity will result into a processing performance scalability figure directlyproportional to the number of independent fragments to be scaled down depending onthe processing margins top be applied. Assuming a minimum fragment size equivalent to12 MSI on-board scenes (i.e. about 300km along-track), a coarse scalability figure of 22can be assumed for the processing of an average orbit segment of 6640km along-track(22 ≈ 6640/300).- By Block of Target Image, referring to the opportunity of processing the Level-1Cgeocoded image pixels in independent blocks of pixels in geocoded space, by default anentire Level-1C tile area of 100 km x 100 km.This opportunity will result into a processing performance scalability figure directlyproportional to the number of independent (and equally sized) blocks to be scaled downdepending on the processing margins top be applied. Assuming a processing split byentire level-1C tiles, a coarse scalability figure of about 200 can be assumed for theprocessing of an average orbit segment of 6640km along-track and 290km across track.- By Tile, referring to the opportunity of processing the image data in independent Level-1C tile fragments.All types of parallelisation defined above are independent from each other and will result in amultiplication of the opportunities when cumulated. E.g. an opportunity for parallelisation byDetector and Along-Track Fragment will result into an overall scalability figure of 12 timesthe one associated to the along-track fragmentation.© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

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