Vol.12_No.2 - Pesticide Alternatives Lab - Michigan State University

Vol.12_No.2 - Pesticide Alternatives Lab - Michigan State University

Vol.12_No.2 - Pesticide Alternatives Lab - Michigan State University


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Spring 2003 Resistant Pest Management Newsletter Vol. 12, <strong>No.2</strong>untreated control) but no more than 20larvae/container and store the containers in thearea where they are not exposed to direct sunlightor extremes temperature (a mean temperature of22-240 C is preferred).7. For rapidly acting insecticides (pyrethroids,chloronicotinyls, phenylpyrazoles,organophosphores, and carbamates) a finalassessment of larval mortalities is made after 48 h.For slowly acting insecticides (bensultap, Bacillusthuringiensis, etc.) assess after 120 h.Larval mortality in control container should be lessthan 10%. Larval mortality in treatment should to be100%. If 1 or more larvae survive the treatment test theproduct should not be recommended to control thetested population.REFERENCES:1. Abbot W. S. 1925. A method of computing the effectivnessof aninsecticide. J. Econ. Ent. 18: 265-267.2. Pawinska M., Mrowczynski M. (2000) Occurence and control ofColorado potato beetle in 1978-1999 (summary inEnglish).Wystepowanie i zwalczanie stonki ziemniaczanejLeptinotarsa decemlineata Say w latach 1978-1999. [W:] Progressin Plant Protection 40 (1), 292-293. Pawinska M. (2000) Colorado Potato Beetle with emphasis onproblems in Central and Eastern Europe. [W:] Proceeding of thefourh World Potato Congress Amsterdam,The Netherlands 4-6 September 2000,Wagenningen Pers, 195-2024. Pruszynski S., Wegorek P., KroczynskiJ., Szczesna E. Zwalczanie stonkiziemniaczanej w sezonie 1988. OchronaRoslin 6, 4-6. 1988.5. Przybysz E., Pawinska M., Wegorek P.1996. Resistance monitoring studies ofCPB on some insecticides applied inPoland (summary in English). Monitoringodpornosci stonki ziemniaczanej naniektore stosowane w Polsce insektycydy.Progress in Plant Protection / Postepy wOchronie Roslin Vol. 36, No. 1: 338-343.6. Szczesna E., Wnuk S., Kroczynski J.,Wegorek P. 1990 Skutecznosc preparatuEnolofos w swietle badan laboratoryjnychoraz doswiadczen przeprowadzonychprzez niektore WSKiOR w 1989 r. Mat.XXX Sesji Nauk. IOR, I 181-188, 1990.(summary in English)7. Wegorek P., Pawinska M., PrzybyszE.1999 Monitoring odpornosci stonkiziemniaczanej na chlorfenwinfos, cypermetryne i bensultap.Progress in Plant Prot./Postepy w Ochr. Rosl. Vol.39. 1. 351-359.(summary in English)8. Wegorek P., Mrowczynski M., Wachowiak H. 2001 Courrent status ofresistance in Colorado Potato beetle (leptinotarsa decemlineata Sayin Poland. Mat Conf. Resistance 2001 Meeting the Challange.Rothamsted 46 p.9. Wegorek P., Mrowczynski M., Dutton R., Pawinska M., Przybysz E.2002. Insecticide resistance management strategy for Coloradopotato betle (leptinotarsa decemlineata Say.) in Poland. PlantProtection Inst. in Poznan. 16 pp.Dr. Pawel WegorekInstitute of Plant ProtectionPoznanPolandProf. Dr. Hab. Stefan PruszynskiInstitute of Plant ProtectionPoznanPolandDr. Maria PawinskaPlant Breeding and Acclimatization InstituteDepartment in BoninPolandMgr. Anna PrzybyszInstitute of Organic IndustryWarsawPolandSusceptibility Level of Colorado Potato Beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say) to Phenylpyrazole andChloronicotinyl Insecticides in Poland in 2002INTRODUCTION Insecticides from the phenylpyrazoleand chloronicotinyl (neonicotinoid) classes arerelatively new for the control of CPB Poland (fipronil -1996, acetamiprid - 1996, imidacloprid - 1998,thiamethoxam - 1999, thiacloprid 2002) (Pawinska etal. 1995,1996, Mrowczynski et al.1997, Wegorek et al.2001). The importance of both new classes ofinsecticide for CPB control in Poland will besystematically increased and it may be assumed thatthe CPB resistance will occur in these new classes too.The use of bensultap, the inhibitor of theacetylocholine receptor, the target of chloronicotinylinsecticides (Yamamoto et al.1995) was widespread inPoland during 17 last years.The constant monitoring of CPB susceptibilitylevel to these classes of insecticides in Poland and59

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