Vol.12_No.2 - Pesticide Alternatives Lab - Michigan State University

Vol.12_No.2 - Pesticide Alternatives Lab - Michigan State University

Vol.12_No.2 - Pesticide Alternatives Lab - Michigan State University


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Spring 2003 Resistant Pest Management Newsletter Vol. 12, <strong>No.2</strong>and their rotation includingdifferent modes of theirtoxic action (Wegorek etal. 1998).To conserve as long aspossible the highinsecticidal potency of allchemical classes ofinsecticides in Poland it isnecessery to follow thegeneral resistancemanagement guidelines,which were elaborated bythe Institute of PlantProtection in Poznan withhelp of IRAC (Wegorek etal. 2002). These guidelinescould be adopted in allareas of potato insecticidalprotection in Poland. Forthis reason simple fieldtests are recommended.The InsecticideSusceptibility TestMethod for CPBResistance DetectionPlant protectionadvisors and farmers inPoland should considerusing the simple IRACmethod nr.7 before "highrisk"CPB populationtreatment to detect the fieldefficacy of insecticides forCPB control.1. Collect arepresentative sample(300 - 400) of CPBlarvae L2 (or L3) stagein the different placesof the field.2. Collect sufficient noninfested,untreatedleaves to perform thetest.3. Wearing solvent-proofgloves, syringe orpipette and prepareaccuraterecommended (field concentration) water dilutionsfrom commercially available products.4. Dip leaves in water for untreated control and otherleaves in the tested liquid for 5 seconds and placeon paper towel to dry.5. Place the untreated and treated dry leaves incontainers, which must be suitable for keepingenough leaf material in good condition for up 2 -3days.6. Add equal numbers of L2 (or L3) CPB larvae toeach container (one container should be use for58

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