Vol.12_No.2 - Pesticide Alternatives Lab - Michigan State University

Vol.12_No.2 - Pesticide Alternatives Lab - Michigan State University

Vol.12_No.2 - Pesticide Alternatives Lab - Michigan State University


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Spring 2003 Resistant Pest Management Newsletter Vol. 12, <strong>No.2</strong>Saturation curves were analyzed and the bindingaffinities of each toxin for the CXC, KCBhyb, andcontrol susceptible BBMV were calculated. Nochanges in either toxin affinity or concentration ofreceptors were detected in BBMV from the CXC strainwhen compared to susceptible vesicles. On the otherhand, binding of Cry1Aa was greatly reduced invesicles from KCBhyb, while Cry1Ab and Cry1Acbinding was as in BBMV from susceptible insects.These results are evidence that resistance in theCXC strain is not due to changes in toxin binding tomidgut receptors. Resistance in this strain should be theresult of a change in a common step of the Cry1Ac andCry2A toxin mode of action. Since these toxins seemto recognize different receptors in H. virescens, onepossibility is alteration of steps prior to receptorbinding in this strain. Such a change in thesolubilization or processing of the Cry toxins inmidguts of CXC insects would lead to resistance toboth Cry1Ac and Cry2A. The existence of such amechanism would be consistent with the decreasedlevels of susceptibility to other Bt toxins, as is the casefor Cry1Aa, Cry1Ab, and Cry1Fa.Since Cry1Aa and Cry1Fa share a commonbinding site, we used biotinylated Cry1Fa (sinceiodination inactivates this toxin) to study binding ofthis toxin to BBMV from KCBhyb. No differences inCry1Fa toxin binding were observed between YDKand KCBhyb, suggesting that binding of this toxin isnot altered in KCBHyb larvae. Or at least, Cry1Fabinding is not altered to a degree detectable by thebinding assay. Since Cry1Aa shares its only BBMVbinding site with Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac, and Cry1Fa, thechange that is preventing Cry1Aa binding in KCBhybBBMV is probably also responsible for resistance to allthese toxins. This hypothesis was also proposed for theCry1Ac resistant YHD2 strain of H. virescens (Lee etal., 1995) after obtaining the same qualitative toxinbinding results we observed in KCBHyb BBMV.Additionally, since Cry1Aa and Cry2A do not sharebinding sites in H. virescens BBMV, cross-resistanceto Cry2A cannot be explained by alteration of Cry1Aabinding. In this case, a second mechanism of resistancethat would affect both Cry1Ac and Cry2A mode ofaction needs to be present. As outlined for the CXCstrain such a mechanism is may be related to alterationof toxin solubilization and/or processing conditions inthe midguts of CXC and KCBhyb midguts.In conclusion, our results indicate the presence ofat least two resistance mechanisms in larvae from theKCBHyb strain. One of the mechanisms would berelated to Cry1A receptor alteration, and possibly thesecond mechanism related to toxin solubilizationand/or processing in the larval midgut. Similarconclusions have been presented for resistant Plodiainterpunctella (Indianmeal moth) (Herrero et al., 2001).Alteration of toxin solubilization and/or processingseems to be the main mechanism of resistance in larvaefrom the CXC strain. Interestingly, high levels ofCry2A expression in chloroplasts of tobacco plantsovercome resistance in CXC larvae (Kota et al., 1999),indicating a possible solution to this resistancemechanism. Nevertheless, our conclusions raisequestions as to how H. virescens in the field willrespond to transgenic cotton producing Cry1Ac andCry2A proteins. Our results are also evidence of thearray of resistance mechanisms to Bt toxins that H.virescens can develop after selection with a single Crytoxin. This information is extremely important whendesigning and implementing strategies aimed atdelaying resistance and cross-resistance to Bttransgenic crops.Experiments in our laboratory are presently aimedat elucidating the molecular mechanism by whichdecreased toxin binding is achieved in the KCBhybresistant insects, as well as the molecular nature of theresistance mechanism in CXC larvae.REFERENCESEnglish, L., Robbins, H.L., Von Tersch, M.A., Kulesza, C.A., Ave, D.,Coyle, D., Jany, C.S., and Slatin, S. (1994) Mode of action ofCryIIA: a Bacillus thuringiensis delta-endotoxin. Insect. Biochem.Molec. Biol., 24, 1025-1035.Ferré, J., and J. Van Rie. 2002. Biochemistry and genetics of insectresistance to Bacillus thuringiensis. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 47, 501-533.Forcada, C., Alcácer, E., Garcerá, M. D., Tato, A., and R. Martínez. 1999.Resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac toxin in three strains ofHeliothis virescens: proteolytic and SEM study of the larval midgut.Arch. Insect Biochem. 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