Vol.12_No.2 - Pesticide Alternatives Lab - Michigan State University

Vol.12_No.2 - Pesticide Alternatives Lab - Michigan State University

Vol.12_No.2 - Pesticide Alternatives Lab - Michigan State University


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Spring 2003 Resistant Pest Management Newsletter Vol. 12, <strong>No.2</strong>(Abbott, 1925). LC50 values of allinsecticides were determined by Probitanalysis (Finney, 1971).Quantification of Insecticidal Resistance:The degree of development of resistancethrough different generations wasdetermined by working out LC50 values ineach generation and thus computing theresistance ratio by dividing the LC50 valuefor that generation with LC50 value of theF1.Cross-resistance with Other Insecticides:The studies on cross-resistance ofspinosad-selected strains of P. xylostella tocommonly used insecticides viz.monocrotophos, malathion, endosulfandichlorvos, cypermethrin, and carbarylwere also made as per the proceduredescribed.RESULTS and DISCUSSION Selection pressureof spinosad and responses produced indifferent generations has been presented inTable 1. Significant variations in the LC50values of all seven generations indicatethat there was no consistency in thetoxicity of spinosad to P. xylostella larvae.The LC50 in the 2nd generation(0.000299%) decreased slightly comparedto the 1st generation with a furtherdecrease in the 3rd, 4th, and 5thgenerations. Thereafter, in the 6th and 7thgenerations, it increased slightly but nevercame at par with the F1. Thus, thedecrease in LC50 values in the subsequentgenerations showed slightly increasedsusceptibility. The resistance ratios also showed asimilar trend. The resistance ratio for the 7th generationas compared to the 1st generation was 0.90, whichindicated that resistance to spinosad did not develop inP. xylostella after continuous selection at least up to 7generations. From this, it can be construed thatspinosad can be used commercially as an alternative toparticularly those insecticides against which P.xylostella has developed resistance. As per theavailable literature, such studies have not beenundertaken on the development of resistance tospinosad in P. xylostella. However, the bioefficacy ofspinosad to 10 different strains of Pseudoplusiaincludens (Walker) revealed that LC50 values variedfrom 4.19 to 13.46 ppm (Mascarenhas and Boethal,1997). The results of topical bioassays conducted bySparks et al. (1998) with spinosyn A and D againstHeliothis virescens larvae showed LC50 values rangingbetween 1.28 to 2.56 µg/g.The toxicity of commonly used insecticides wasalso calculated against spinosad-selected P. xylostella(Table 2). The comparisons of LC50 values indicatedthat monocrotophos (1.21278%) was the least toxic ofall the insecticides used against this strain whereascypermethrin (0.0276%) was found to be the mosttoxic. Data pertaining to the relative toxicity ofcypermethrin, dichlorvos, malathion, endosulfan, andcarbaryl revealed that these insecticides were 43.94,20.80, 5.85, 4.24, and 4.17 times more toxic thanmonocrotophos. It could be concluded that spinosadselectedstrains of P. xylostella did not show any crossresistance to these insecticides. As per literaturescreened, no such studies have been carried out so faron the quantification of cross resistance to thespinosad-selected strain of P. xylostella. Since themode of action of spinosad is altogether different fromother insecticides, the chances of any cross-resistancein this case seem to be quite dim (Salgado et al.1997).29

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