Download EIDC brochure - Detroit Public Schools

Download EIDC brochure - Detroit Public Schools

Download EIDC brochure - Detroit Public Schools


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I'VE BELIEVEYI'E PR.OVTI'EI'YE SERVEEarly identiflcation of infants and toddlerswith special needs increases the likelihoodof reducing developmental delays in thisparticular population of children.The Early Intervention Diagnostic Center(<strong>EIDC</strong>) is a special education home andcenter base program which is family centered.The Early Intervention staff will work withfamilies to enhance the child's development inthe areas of language, cognition, fine motor,gross motor, social, emotional, self-help,hearing, and vision. The staff will also helpfamilies connecto community services andresources as needed.We believe that.... Each family is unique. Individual differences are respected. Partnerships between families andprofessionals promote trust and respect. All areas of development can be stimulatedand enhanced through play. A child leams through playThe Early Intervention Diagnostic Centerprovides the following services to infants andtoddlers (birth to three years of age):. Child Find Referral intake andoutreach services. Diagnostic Evaluations to determine specialeducation eligibility. <strong>Public</strong>Awareness information and materialsregarding Early On. Educational and Support Services. Scheduled Home Services. A Center Based Program with "hands on"experiences for children and parents thataddresses specific growth anddevelopment issues.. Parent Enrichmenthrough a variety ofmonthly informational meetings, which affordsparents the opportunity for social interaction,and the use of a lending library, whichincludes toys, books and reference materials.l<strong>EIDC</strong> provides special education services toinfants and toddlers experiencing developmentaldelays or children with an established physicalor mental conditionDevelopmental delays are often noticed bylparents when children do not speak, play ormove as expected. These delays may begenetic, auditory, visual, or due to prenataldifficulties.iwe encourage families to promote theirlchildren's growth and development. While atlElDC, families are exposed to many stimulatingItoys, activities, and presentations that assistIthem in teaching their children. During theirtparticipation at <strong>EIDC</strong>, we prepare families forjtransition to center base and preschool.oaoooolf your child is found eligible for seryices,it is essential that he/she has an updatedimmunization record and birth certificateThe EARLY INTERVENTIONDIAGNOSTIC CENTER providesthese services at no cost to familiesFor more information about theEarly Intervention Diagnostic CenterPlease Call: (3131494-2240 / 494-0961

What is early On Michigan?"Early On Michigan" is a system designed tocoordinat early intervention and other services forfamilies who have children (birth- three) that have adelay or medical condition that may lead to a delay.<strong>Detroit</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>OFFICESPECIALIZED STUDENT SERVIC"Early On" is the collaborativeffort of the MichiganDepartment of Education, <strong>Public</strong> Health, MentalHealth, Family IndependenceAgency and other nonprofitand private human services organizations.lf you suspect your child has a developmental delayor associated medical condition or disability, contactEarly On Michigan to get connected with a localcoordinatorsee if your child is eligible for services.Your local Early On system will provide you with thefollowing at no charge:. Evaluation and Assessment. Service Coordination. Development of an IFSP(lndividualized Family Service Plan)The following services may be included on the IFSP;however, in some instances, a fee may be charged tothe family:. Family training, counseling, home visits. Physical, occupational, and speech therapy. Nursing services. Special instructions (teaching). Social work services. Psychological services. Nutrition services. Vision services. Audiology. Medical services (for diagnosis and evaluation). Transportation to early intervention services. Assistive technology services and or devices. Other services as identified on the IFSPlf you would like to make a referral,CALL: 1 .800. EARLY ON<strong>Detroit</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>The Board of Education of tho school diskict of the City ofDetrort docs not discrimrnato in course offorings to any studenton the basis of raco, sox, color, crced, natronal origin, religion orhandicap, as roqurrcd by Trtlcs Vl and Vll of the Civil Rights Act ol1964 as amondcd, Titlc lX of thc Education Amendment of 1972and section 504 of thc Handicao Act of 1973.\"r"Lrcscf\d"Yl)hn,,f#P?Svny ahil,l ls Syectal"Early Intervention Diagnostic Center4555 John C t.odgeDetrort, M r

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