What is Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying? - West Essex ...

What is Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying? - West Essex ...

What is Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying? - West Essex ...


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Table of ContentsPage 1Page 2Page 3Page 4Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8Page 9Pages 10‐11Page 11Page 12Page 13Page 14‐15IntroductionTable of contentsOverview of the New Jersey Anti‐<strong>Bullying</strong> Bill of RightsDefinitionTypes of <strong>Bullying</strong>Rep<strong>or</strong>ting incidents of <strong>Bullying</strong>Investigating complaintsPublic Rep<strong>or</strong>ting ResponsibilitiesTrainingSchool Safety TeamM<strong>is</strong>cellaneousTeacher ResponsibilitiesTimeline of Responsibilities ChartRep<strong>or</strong>ting F<strong>or</strong>m2

New Jersey Anti‐<strong>Bullying</strong> Bill of Rights ActOverviewTh<strong>is</strong> law takes effect f<strong>or</strong> the 2011-2012 school year and can be found in its 22 pageentirety at http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/2010/Bills/AL10/122_.PDFThe law states, “It <strong>is</strong> the intent of the Leg<strong>is</strong>lature in enacting th<strong>is</strong>leg<strong>is</strong>lation to strengthen the standards and procedures f<strong>or</strong> preventing,rep<strong>or</strong>ting, investigating, and responding to incidents of harassment,intimidation, and bullying of students that occur in school and off schoolprem<strong>is</strong>es.” Th<strong>is</strong> law was overwhelmingly passed by the New JerseyLeg<strong>is</strong>lature in November 2010 and signed into law by Govern<strong>or</strong> Chr<strong>is</strong>tie onJanuary 5, 2011 in part due to the following findings:1. A 2009 study by the United States Departments of Justice and Education,“Indicat<strong>or</strong>s of School Crime and Safety,” rep<strong>or</strong>ted that 32% of studentsaged 12 through 18 were bullied in the previous school year. The studyrep<strong>or</strong>ted that 25% of the responding public schools indicated thatbullying was a daily <strong>or</strong> weekly problem.2. 2009 study by the United States Centers f<strong>or</strong> D<strong>is</strong>ease Control andPrevention, “Youth R<strong>is</strong>k Behavi<strong>or</strong> Surveillance,” rep<strong>or</strong>ted that thepercentage of students bullied in New Jersey <strong>is</strong> one percentage pointhigher than the national median.3. In 2010, the chronic pers<strong>is</strong>tence of school bullying has led to 26 studentsuicides across the country, including in New Jersey.Th<strong>is</strong> Act mandates that school d<strong>is</strong>tricts address harassment, intimidation andbullying through a number of different avenues, from the hiring and training ofemployees to the investigation and handling of harassment complaints.Th<strong>is</strong> Act also adds a conviction of “bias intimidation” to the l<strong>is</strong>t of crimes that mayd<strong>is</strong>qualify someone from employment in a public school.3

<strong>What</strong> <strong>is</strong> <strong>Harassment</strong>, <strong>Intimidation</strong> <strong>or</strong> <strong>Bullying</strong>?"<strong>Harassment</strong>, intimidation <strong>or</strong> bullying" means any gesture, any written, verbal <strong>or</strong> physical act, <strong>or</strong>any electronic communication whether it be a single incident <strong>or</strong> a series of incidents, that <strong>is</strong>reasonably perceived as being motivated either by any actual <strong>or</strong> perceived character<strong>is</strong>tic, suchas:-race- col<strong>or</strong>-religion-ancestry-national <strong>or</strong>igin-gender-sexual <strong>or</strong>ientation-gender identity and expression-mental, physical <strong>or</strong> sens<strong>or</strong>y [handicap] d<strong>is</strong>ability- any other d<strong>is</strong>tingu<strong>is</strong>hing character<strong>is</strong>tic – i.e. skin pigmentation, acne, ears, etc.Where can the bullying take place and stillfall under the school d<strong>is</strong>trict’s jur<strong>is</strong>diction?1. On school grounds2. Any school- spons<strong>or</strong>ed function3. On a school bus4. Off school groundsAs long as the bullying substantially d<strong>is</strong>rupts <strong>or</strong> interferes with the <strong>or</strong>derly operation of theschool <strong>or</strong> the rights of other students and that:1. Reasonable person should know it will have an effect of causing physical <strong>or</strong>emotional harm to student’s person <strong>or</strong> property2. Has effect of insulting <strong>or</strong> demeaning any student <strong>or</strong> group of students OR3. Creates hostile educational environment by interfering with student’s education <strong>or</strong>by severely <strong>or</strong> pervasively causing physical <strong>or</strong> emotional harm to student.Th<strong>is</strong> law gives schools a wide scope of behavi<strong>or</strong> that we ought not only investigate, but we arenow legally mandated to do so by strict protocol.4

Types of <strong>Bullying</strong>Often time’s victims endure the result of multiple types of bullying. While NewJersey now defines bullying as a single incident <strong>or</strong> series of incidents, the hallmarkof bullying <strong>is</strong> its repetitive nature. Here are a number of types to look out f<strong>or</strong>:1. Direct verbal aggression2. Indirect verbal aggression3. Written Aggression4. Physical Aggression5. Property Damage6. Psychological/emotional aggression7. Social/relational aggression/social exclusion8. Bias-based bullying9. Sexual harassment10. Hazing11. Cyber-bullying-Cyber-bullying <strong>is</strong> a relatively new challenge f<strong>or</strong> schools‐1 in 5 teens have experienced cyber bullying‐ Most common in middle school‐less than 25% of students tell any adult about it‐ Difficult f<strong>or</strong> kids to escape it – they see it even on their computer in their room at home‐ can include social exclusion as a f<strong>or</strong>m‐ Social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter are the most common places currently f<strong>or</strong> cyberbullying‐Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbGIwCJK7FM Joe’s St<strong>or</strong>yo Th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> a very well made cyber bullying teaching tool – especially at the middleschool levelHere are links to some maj<strong>or</strong> social media bullying pages f<strong>or</strong> m<strong>or</strong>e inf<strong>or</strong>mation:www.facebook.com/cyberbullyingresearchwww.twitter.com/onlinebullyingwww.youtube.com/user/cyberbullyresearchhttp://www.cyberbullying.us/5

Rep<strong>or</strong>ting Incidents of HIBD<strong>is</strong>tricts are now mandated to f<strong>or</strong>mulate a procedure f<strong>or</strong> the rep<strong>or</strong>ting of an act ofharassment, intimidation, <strong>or</strong> bullying. The rep<strong>or</strong>ts may even be filed anonymously.D<strong>is</strong>tricts must also adopt their own policy on HIB. Th<strong>is</strong> policy must be annuallyre-evaluated and a rev<strong>is</strong>ed copy must be sent to the county superintendent within30 days.<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> has extensive inf<strong>or</strong>mation on HIB and our own policy at:http://www.westex.<strong>or</strong>g/23441062131434167/site/default.aspRep<strong>or</strong>ting Procedure:1. All acts of HIB must be rep<strong>or</strong>ted verbally to the school principal on the sameday when the school employee <strong>or</strong> service provider witnessed <strong>or</strong> received“reliable inf<strong>or</strong>mation” regarding any such incident.The people who are responsible to rep<strong>or</strong>t th<strong>is</strong> include just about anyone who comes incontact with students such as:a. Teachers and coachesb. Admin<strong>is</strong>trat<strong>or</strong>sc. Secretariesd. Custodial staffe. Food service providersf. Bus driversg. Board of Education Members2. A written rep<strong>or</strong>t must be submitted to the school principal within two days.3. The principal must inf<strong>or</strong>m the parents <strong>or</strong> guardians of all students involvedin the alleged incident promptly. He <strong>or</strong> she may d<strong>is</strong>cuss the availability ofcounseling services.6

Investigating Procedure:Investigating HIB1. An investigation must be initiated by the principal <strong>or</strong> the principal’sdesignee within one school day of the rep<strong>or</strong>t which must be conducted bythe school anti-bullying special<strong>is</strong>t and concluded not later than ten schooldays from the rep<strong>or</strong>t of the incident.2. The results of the investigation must be rep<strong>or</strong>ted to the superintendent ofschools within two school days of the completion of the investigation.3. The results of the investigation must be rep<strong>or</strong>ted to the Board of Educationno later than the date of the next Board of Education meeting followingcompletion of the investigation.4. The superintendent may decide to provide intervention services, establ<strong>is</strong>htraining programs to reduce HIB, impose d<strong>is</strong>cipline, <strong>or</strong> <strong>or</strong>der counseling as aresult of the findings of the investigation.5. The families of the students who are parties to the investigation are entitledto receive inf<strong>or</strong>mation about the investigation in writing within five schooldays of the rep<strong>or</strong>t to the Board of Education. A hearing may be requested bythe parent that must be held in executive session within ten days of therequest.6. The Board of Education must <strong>is</strong>sue a written dec<strong>is</strong>ion at its next meeting.Th<strong>is</strong> dec<strong>is</strong>ion will affirm, reject, <strong>or</strong> modify the superintendent’srecommendation.7. The Board of Education’s dec<strong>is</strong>ion may be appealed to the Comm<strong>is</strong>sioner ofEducation within 90 days.8. Civil Rights Complaint may be filed by parents with the NJ Div<strong>is</strong>ion onCivil Rights within 180 calendar days.7

Public Rep<strong>or</strong>ting Requirements1. Data identifying number and nature of all rep<strong>or</strong>ts of HIB must be included inschool d<strong>is</strong>trict and school rep<strong>or</strong>t cards.2. Names and contact inf<strong>or</strong>mation of all appointed anti-bullying special<strong>is</strong>ts andthe co<strong>or</strong>dinat<strong>or</strong> must be denoted on the home page of the d<strong>is</strong>trict website.These special<strong>is</strong>ts must undergo training from the department of Education.3. HIB rep<strong>or</strong>ts must be added to the violence and vandal<strong>is</strong>m rep<strong>or</strong>ting and mustbe d<strong>is</strong>cussed at least two public hearings a year. Th<strong>is</strong> rep<strong>or</strong>t must be postedon the d<strong>is</strong>trict’s website. Schools will be graded on their Anti-bullyingeff<strong>or</strong>ts and those results must be posted on the website within 10 days.4. The link to the d<strong>is</strong>trict HIB policy must be prominently d<strong>is</strong>played on thewebsite home page and must also be d<strong>is</strong>tributed to parents on an annualbas<strong>is</strong>.8

Training Requirements1. All public school teaching staff must undergo at least two hours of suicideprevention training. Th<strong>is</strong> training will include instruction on the relationshipbetween the r<strong>is</strong>k of suicide and incidents of HIB. It will also help to target atr<strong>is</strong>k populations.2. Within one year after being newly elected <strong>or</strong> appointed <strong>or</strong> being re-elected<strong>or</strong> re-appointed to the board of education, a board member shall complete atraining program on harassment, intimidation, and bullying in schools,including a school d<strong>is</strong>trict’s responsibilities. A board member shall berequired to complete the program only once.3. Beginning in the 2012-2013 school year all traditional route candidates f<strong>or</strong>teaching certificates must have sat<strong>is</strong>fact<strong>or</strong>ily completed a HIB preventionprogram.4. Beginning in the 2011-2012 school year any person seeking certificationthrough the alternate route must, within one year of being employed,sat<strong>is</strong>fact<strong>or</strong>ily complete a HIB prevention program.5. Beginning in the 2012-2013 school year all candidates f<strong>or</strong> admin<strong>is</strong>trativeand superv<strong>is</strong><strong>or</strong>y certificates must have sat<strong>is</strong>fact<strong>or</strong>ily completed a HIBprevention program.6. The d<strong>is</strong>trict policy should be included in our training of all full and parttime employees, volunteers with student contact, and those contractedto provide services to students.9

School Safety TeamThe purpose <strong>is</strong> to develop, foster, and maintain a positive school climate byfocusing on on‐going practices such as HIB.Anti‐<strong>Bullying</strong> Special<strong>is</strong>t – one per schoolThe principal in each school in a school d<strong>is</strong>trict shall appoint a school anti-bullyingspecial<strong>is</strong>t. When a school guidance counsel<strong>or</strong>, school psycholog<strong>is</strong>t, <strong>or</strong> anotherindividual similarly trained <strong>is</strong> currently employed in the school, the principal shallappoint that individual to be the school anti-bullying special<strong>is</strong>t. The school antibullyingspecial<strong>is</strong>t shall:(1) Chair the school safety team(2) Lead the investigation of incidents of harassment, intimidation, andbullying in the school(3) Act as the primary school official responsible f<strong>or</strong> preventing, identifying,and addressing incidents of harassment, intimidation, and bullying in the school.High School – Mr. Anthony EmeringMiddle School – Mrs. L<strong>is</strong>a TamburriAnti‐<strong>Bullying</strong> Co<strong>or</strong>dinat<strong>or</strong> – one per d<strong>is</strong>trict Mr. Derek SicaThe superintendent of schools shall appoint a d<strong>is</strong>trict anti-bullying co<strong>or</strong>dinat<strong>or</strong>.The d<strong>is</strong>trict anti-bullying co<strong>or</strong>dinat<strong>or</strong> shall:(1) Be responsible f<strong>or</strong> co<strong>or</strong>dinating and strengthening the school d<strong>is</strong>trict’spolicies to prevent, identify, and address harassment, intimidation, and bullying ofstudents;(2) Collab<strong>or</strong>ate with school anti-bullying special<strong>is</strong>ts in the d<strong>is</strong>trict, the boardof education, and the superintendent of schools to prevent, identify, and respond toharassment, intimidation, and bullying of students in the d<strong>is</strong>trict;(3) Provide data to the Department of Education regarding harassment,intimidation, and bullying of students;10

(4) Execute such other duties related to school harassment, intimidation, andbullying as requested by the superintendent of schools.The d<strong>is</strong>trict anti-bullying co<strong>or</strong>dinat<strong>or</strong> shall meet at least twice aschool year, once in the first semester and once in the second semester, with theschool anti-bullying special<strong>is</strong>ts to d<strong>is</strong>cuss and strengthen procedures and policies toprevent, identify, and address harassment, intimidation, and bullying in the d<strong>is</strong>trict.The School Safety Team must w<strong>or</strong>k to educate the community.Also, any parent member will not participate in activities that may comprom<strong>is</strong>econfidentiality of a student.Week of RespectBegins First Monday of October f<strong>or</strong> character educationMust focus on age‐appropriate instruction focusing on preventing HIBFunding f<strong>or</strong> HIB Prevention TrainingThe state has set up a fund f<strong>or</strong> monies set aside f<strong>or</strong> training in th<strong>is</strong> area. Schoold<strong>is</strong>tricts can apply f<strong>or</strong> a grant.11

Teacher ResponsibilitiesThe law states: “Any school employee observing <strong>or</strong> having direct knowledge from a participant<strong>or</strong> victim of an act of violence shall, in acc<strong>or</strong>dance with standards establ<strong>is</strong>hed by thecomm<strong>is</strong>sioner, file a rep<strong>or</strong>t describing the incident to the school principal in a manner prescribedby the comm<strong>is</strong>sioner, and copy of same shall be f<strong>or</strong>warded to the d<strong>is</strong>trict superintendent.”A member of a board of education <strong>or</strong> a school employee who promptly rep<strong>or</strong>ts an incident ofharassment, intimidation <strong>or</strong> bullying, to the appropriate school official designated by theschool d<strong>is</strong>trict's policy, <strong>or</strong> to any school admin<strong>is</strong>trat<strong>or</strong> <strong>or</strong> safe schools resource officer, and whomakes th<strong>is</strong> rep<strong>or</strong>t in compliance with the procedures in the d<strong>is</strong>trict's policy, <strong>is</strong> immune from acause of action f<strong>or</strong> damages ar<strong>is</strong>ing from any failure to remedy the rep<strong>or</strong>ted incident.Theref<strong>or</strong>e, you should rep<strong>or</strong>t suspected <strong>Harassment</strong>, <strong>Intimidation</strong>, <strong>or</strong> <strong>Bullying</strong> to the Principal thesame day you become aware of it.<strong>What</strong> to look out f<strong>or</strong>-when to rep<strong>or</strong>t:Remember- <strong>Bullying</strong> can be a single incident <strong>or</strong> a series of incidents1. Pushing <strong>or</strong> other physical aggression-Even if th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> not your student and you see them in the halls it <strong>is</strong> best to rep<strong>or</strong>t it-Hall cameras can be used to verify participants, aggress<strong>or</strong>s, and victims2. If you reasonably perceive that a student <strong>is</strong> being picked on because of their race,gender, ethnicity, d<strong>is</strong>tingu<strong>is</strong>hing physical character<strong>is</strong>tic, etc., and you believe it maycause physical <strong>or</strong> emotional harm <strong>or</strong> damage the student’s property3. If you reasonably believe that a student fears f<strong>or</strong> their safety <strong>or</strong> the safety of theirproperty.4. If you conf<strong>is</strong>cate a cell phone and notice something inappropriate on it (do not searchthe cell phone) bring the cell phone directly to the principal. Examples may be lewdphotos, sexting, etc.12

ProfessionalWitnessingthe Act1. Verbal Rep<strong>or</strong>tto Principal –same day2. Written Rep<strong>or</strong>tto Principal –within two (2)daysPrincipal Superintendent Board ofEd.1. Must initiateinvestigation withinone (1) school day2. Investigation mustbe conducted bydesignated antibullyingspecial<strong>is</strong>tand be concludednot later than ten(10) days of thewritten rep<strong>or</strong>t3. Must promptlyinf<strong>or</strong>m parents <strong>or</strong>guardians of allstudents involved4. Results must berep<strong>or</strong>ted to theSuperintendentwithin two (2) schooldays of thecompletion of theinvestigation1. Results of investigationmust be rep<strong>or</strong>ted to theBOE no later than thedate of the next BOEmeeting followingcompletion of theinvestigation.2. The superintendentmay decide to provideintervention services,establ<strong>is</strong>h trainingprograms to reduce HIB,impose d<strong>is</strong>cipline, <strong>or</strong><strong>or</strong>der counseling as aresult of the findings ofthe investigation.1. The Board ofEducation must <strong>is</strong>suea written dec<strong>is</strong>ion atits next meeting.Th<strong>is</strong> dec<strong>is</strong>ion willaffirm, reject, <strong>or</strong>modify thesuperintendent’srecommendation.2. The families of thestudents who areparties to theinvestigation areentitled to receiveinf<strong>or</strong>mation aboutthe investigation inwriting within five(5) school days ofthe rep<strong>or</strong>t to theBoard of Education.A hearing may berequested by theparent that must beheld in executivesession within ten(10) days of therequest.Comm<strong>is</strong>sionerof EducationParents mayappeal the Boardof Education’sdec<strong>is</strong>ion to theComm<strong>is</strong>sioner ofeducation within90 daysNJDiv<strong>is</strong>ionon CivilRightsParentsmay fileCivil RightsComplaintwithin 180calendardays13

Rep<strong>or</strong>t of <strong>Harassment</strong>, <strong>Intimidation</strong> and/<strong>or</strong> <strong>Bullying</strong> (HIB)Directions: The <strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> Regional School D<strong>is</strong>trict recognizes that harassment, intimidation and bullying are serious offenses that will notbe tolerated. If you are a student victim, the parent/guardian of a student victim, <strong>or</strong> a close adult relative of a student victim and w<strong>is</strong>h t<strong>or</strong>ep<strong>or</strong>t an incident of alleged harassment, intimidation and/<strong>or</strong> bullying, please complete th<strong>is</strong> f<strong>or</strong>m and return it to the school principaland/<strong>or</strong> the school’s Anti‐<strong>Bullying</strong> Special<strong>is</strong>t.Today’s Date: ________________Person Rep<strong>or</strong>ting Incident:Date(s) of Incident(s): _________________________________Name: ____________________________________________________________Telephone: ________________________Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________Please Check One of the Following to Describe Yourself:Student Victim Inf<strong>or</strong>mation: Please fill out asmuch inf<strong>or</strong>mation as possible.Name: ____________________________________________________________Telephone: ________________________Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________Grade Level: ________________School: ______________________________________________________Alleged Offender(s) Inf<strong>or</strong>mation: Please fill out as much inf<strong>or</strong>mation as possible.Attach a separate sheet if necessary.NameAgeSchoolIncident(s) Inf<strong>or</strong>mation: Please fill out asmuch inf<strong>or</strong>mation as possible.Where did the incident(s) occur? (Check all that apply.)14

Place check the statement(s) that best describe what happened. (Check all that apply.) Hitting, kicking, shoving, spitting, hair pulling, <strong>or</strong> throwing something at the student Getting another person to hit <strong>or</strong> harm the student Teasing, name calling, making critical remarks of, <strong>or</strong> threatening (in person <strong>or</strong> by other means) of the student Demeaning the victim and making him/her the victim of jokes Making rude and/<strong>or</strong> threatening gestures to the student Excluding <strong>or</strong> rejecting the student Intimidating, ext<strong>or</strong>ting <strong>or</strong> exploiting the student Spreading harmful rum<strong>or</strong>s <strong>or</strong> gossip about the student Unsolicited <strong>or</strong> inappropriate physical contact toward the student, including that of a sexual nature Other: _______________________________________________________________________________________________<strong>What</strong> did the alleged offender(s) say <strong>or</strong> do? (Please use as much detail as possible. Attach a separate sheet if necessary.)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Where did the harassment/bullying occur? (Attach a separate sheet if necessary.)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________F<strong>or</strong> how long has the harassment/bullying been occurring? (Attach a separate sheet if necessary.)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Has any physical injury resulted from th<strong>is</strong>/these incidents?If yes, what were the injuries that required medical treatment? (Attach a separate sheet if necessary.)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________PLEASE RETURN THIS COMPLETED FORM TO THE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL OR TO THE SCHOOL’S ANTI‐BULLYING SPECIALIST.<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> High School Juliann Hoebee, Acting WEHigh School Principal Anthony Emering, WEHS Anti‐<strong>Bullying</strong> Special<strong>is</strong>t<strong>West</strong> <strong>Essex</strong> Middle School David Montgomery, WEMiddle School Principal L<strong>is</strong>a Tamburri, WEMS Anti‐<strong>Bullying</strong> Special<strong>is</strong>t15

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