employee handbook - McCormick PCS Info

employee handbook - McCormick PCS Info employee handbook - McCormick PCS Info

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Technical Facility Management, Inc.Employee HandbookPresident’s LetterTechnical Facility Management, Inc pledges to its <strong>employee</strong>s that as long as the affairs ofthis company are in our hands, the following principles will govern our actions with <strong>employee</strong>s.Technical Facility Management, Inc <strong>employee</strong>s and their welfare are very important tothe success of our company. Our long-range objective is the continuous development of agrowing and prospering business through which both the <strong>employee</strong>s and the company willbenefit. Every <strong>employee</strong> is considered a member of our company team. Our success as acompany is built on the recognition of the skills and efforts made by each <strong>employee</strong>. It is ourpolicy to work with all members of our team in a fair and friendly manner and to treat each teammember with dignity and respect.The management of Technical Facility Management, Inc will work continually for the benefitof our present and prospective customers as well as our <strong>employee</strong>s to improve the competitiveposition of our company. This will enable us to provide excellent careers for our teammembers.General conditions such as safety, cleanliness, and <strong>employee</strong> accommodations will beevaluated periodically for possible improvement and will always compare favorably with goodindustry practice. We will be pleased to meet with any <strong>employee</strong> to discuss suggestedimprovements on working conditions.We will devote our best effort to conducting an expanding business within which will promote anatmosphere of harmony with opportunity for all <strong>employee</strong>s of Technical Facility Management,Inc.Michael R. <strong>McCormick</strong>Technical Facility Management, IncUpdated: 11/30/1995

Technical Facility Management, Inc.Employee HandbookForwardWe believe in keeping <strong>employee</strong>s fully informed about our policies, procedures, practices,benefits, what <strong>employee</strong>s can expect from the company, and the obligations assumed as an<strong>employee</strong> of Technical Facility Management, Inc. This practice is designed to provide fairtreatment of <strong>employee</strong>s. All <strong>employee</strong>s are expected to become familiar with the policies,procedures, practices, and benefits of Technical Facility Management, Inc. This <strong>handbook</strong> isintended to provide <strong>employee</strong>s with basic information. The policies and practices described inthis <strong>handbook</strong> reflect a great deal of concern for the people who make it possible for TechnicalFacility Management, Inc to exist . . . its <strong>employee</strong>s.Technical Facility Management, Inc is a growing, changing organization, and it reserves fulldiscretion to add to, modify, or delete provisions of this <strong>handbook</strong> at any time without advancenotice. For this reason, <strong>employee</strong>s should check with the Office Manager / Human Resourcesrepresentative to obtain current information regarding the status of any particular policy,procedure or practice. No individual other than the owners of Technical Facility Management,Inc has the authority to enter into an employment agreement or any agreement that modifiescompany policy. Any such modification must be in writing and must be signed by the Presidentof Technical Facility Management, Inc.All employment at Technical Facility Management, Inc is ”at will”. At will employmentmeans that both <strong>employee</strong>s and Technical Facility Management, Inc have the right to terminateemployment at any time, with or without advance notice, and with or without cause. No oneother than the President of Technical Facility Management, Inc has the authority to alter thisagreement, to enter into an agreement for employment for a specified period of time, or tomake any agreement contrary to this policy, and any such agreement must be in writing andmust be signed by the President of Technical Facility Management, Inc.Nothing contained in this <strong>handbook</strong> is intended to create (or be construed as creating) acontract of employment (express or implied), nor guarantee employment for any term, or tootherwise to create legally enforceable obligations on the part of Technical FacilityManagement, Inc or its <strong>employee</strong>s.Descriptions of various fringe benefits (such as group insurance) are summaries only. Shouldthe descriptions in this <strong>handbook</strong> differ with any formal agreement or document involved, theformal agreement or document shall be considered correct. The policies, procedures, practicesand benefits described in this <strong>employee</strong> manual supersede all previous company <strong>employee</strong>manuals and policies.Updated: 11/30/1995

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK1.0 Personnel Responsibilities1.1 Purpose of this HandbookPolicyIt is the policy of the Company that this Handbook be used as an outline of the basic personnelpolicies, practices, and procedures for the organization. The Handbook, however, is notintended to alter the employment-at-will relationship in any way.Comments1. This Handbook contains general statements of Company policy and should not be read asincluding the fine details of each policy, or as forming an express or implied contract orlegally enforceable obligation on the part of the Company. The Company may add to thepolicies in the Handbook or revoke or modify them from time to time. The Handbook willlikely be revised from time to time, but there may be times when policies will change beforethe Handbook is revised. Changes will be communicated to <strong>employee</strong>s in writing.This Handbook does not constitute a contract or guarantee of employment (express orimplied). In the absence of an agreement of employment, each <strong>employee</strong> is an <strong>employee</strong>at-will,which means that either the <strong>employee</strong> or Technical Facility Management, Inc canterminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without cause, and with orwithout notice.2. All Handbooks are Company property and are assigned to the job position and not to theindividual. All Handbooks must be returned to the Office Manager / Human Resourcesrepresentative upon termination of employment.3. Words used in this Handbook:a) The words “the Company” and “Technical Facility Management, Inc” should beinterpreted as “Technical Facility Management, Inc”;b) The words “shall” or “will” should be interpreted as mandatory and the word “may” aspermissive;c) The masculine gender should be interpreted to include the feminine gender;d) “Manager” or “Supervisor” means an individual with the authority to assign, direct, andreview the work of one or more subordinates;e) Descriptions of various fringe benefits, such as group insurance are summaries only.Should the descriptions in this <strong>handbook</strong> differ with any formal agreement ordocument involved, the formal agreement or document shall be considered correct.f) The policies, procedures, practices and benefits described herein replace all earlierwritten and unwritten ones.Updated: 11/30/1995 Policy Section 1.0 / Page 1

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK1.2 Code of Employer-Employee RelationsPolicyIt is the policy of the Company to employ the best individual for each position based upon theirskill, knowledge, education, ability to fulfill the requirements of the job description and otherlawful factors deemed relevant by the Company from time to time, and it is our objective toimplement and utilize fair and effective personnel policies and practices and to require all<strong>employee</strong>s to support the organization’s best interests.Upon application for employment, certain information as required and authorized bygovernment regulations may be requested from each prospective <strong>employee</strong>. This informationmay be used to ascertain a potential <strong>employee</strong>’s qualifications and eligibility for employment.The Company reserves the right to obtain a background check, to verify any and all informationprovided, and to contact previous employers and references as necessary. The Companyretains the right to deny employment or later terminate the employment of anyone giving false,misleading, or incomplete information.For certain positions or under certain circumstances and to ensure that applicants are able toperform their duties safely, a medical examination including drug testing may be required. Thisrequest will be made after an offer of employment, and will be conducted by a companyappointedphysician at the company's expense. Employment will be conditional pending thereceipt of a satisfactory physician's report.Current <strong>employee</strong>s may also be required to undergo medical examinations. When necessary,these exams will evaluate an <strong>employee</strong>'s ability to perform the essential functions of theposition or need for possible accommodation. Such examinations may be conducted for all<strong>employee</strong>s in the same job category and will be scheduled at reasonable times and intervals.The exams will be conducted at the employer's expense.Employees, who are expected to drive company vehicles as an essential function of their job orthose who are authorized to drive their own vehicles on company business, must provide thecompany with current and acceptable motor vehicle driving information. All new hires will begiven a Waiver for Driver’s Record Check to sign. This waiver authorizes Technical FacilityManagement, Inc to investigate your driving record at any time during the course ofemployment. This information will be kept strictly confidential, but employment and/orassignment will be conditional pending the receipt of a satisfactory report from the Departmentof Motor Vehicles.The company expects all <strong>employee</strong>s to:Demonstrate a considerate, cooperative and constructive attitude toward fellow <strong>employee</strong>s,• Deal with customers, suppliers and other external partners in a professional manner,• Be productive, perform assigned tasks in an efficient manner, be punctual and maintaina good attendance record,Updated: 11/30/1995 Policy Section 1.0 / Page 2

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK• Maintain current skills and be receptive to opportunities to develop new ones,• Work in a safe manner at all times,• Adhere to the policies adopted by the Company1.3 Employment at WillPolicyIn the absence of an employment contract, all individuals who are hired as <strong>employee</strong>s areconsidered to be employed “at will” for an unspecified period of time and will be classified aseither exempt or non-exempt status in a Full time or Part time capacity as defined by theCompany’s needs and the requirements for their position.No Company representative other than the President has authority to enter into an employmentagreement, which must be set forth in writing. Other supervisory and management personnelhave no authority to make any representations to <strong>employee</strong>s or applicants concerning the termsor conditions of employment with the Company which are not consistent with Company policies.No statements made in pre-hire interviews or discussion, or in recruiting materials of any kind,are to alter the at-will nature of employment or imply that discharge will occur only for cause.Completion of an introductory period, eligibility for <strong>employee</strong> benefits or conferral of regularstatus does not change an <strong>employee</strong>’s status as an <strong>employee</strong>-at-will or in any way restrict theCompany’s right to terminate such an <strong>employee</strong> or change the terms or conditions ofemployment.1.4 Dress, Personal Appearance, and ConductPolicyThe appearance and conduct of our <strong>employee</strong>s is a direct reflection on Technical FacilityManagement, Inc and is therefore extremely important to our image. Employees who areprofessional in attitude and appearance convey a positive impression to our customers. Theappearance and demeanor of our <strong>employee</strong>s must be professional at all times, on or off site.Personal appearance, proper hygiene and appropriate attire are important to our workpractices. Office staff is expected to dress in appropriate business casual attire. Clothing that istorn, overly casual, displays graphic messages or is otherwise unsuitable for a business setting,as determined by management, is prohibited.Updated: 11/30/1995 Policy Section 1.0 / Page 3

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOKPersonnel who require uniforms will be provided with uniforms, which are only to be worn atwork. Each <strong>employee</strong> is responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of their uniforms. Thecost of the uniforms is paid by the companySome projects and clients require that <strong>employee</strong>s from Technical Facility Management, Incwho are assigned to that job wear special identification badges. All new <strong>employee</strong>s will beprovided with identification badges which should be worn and visible at all times. Most projectsrequire that <strong>employee</strong>s assigned to that job wear appropriate clothing and use appropriatepersonal protective equipment. Please refer to Policy 4.1 and the General Safety Manual.Length of hair and facial hair are personal choices. The company expects that long hair will berestrained so it does not pose a safety hazard or hinder performance and those mustachesand/or beards are trimmed.Technical Facility Management, Inc expects the highest standards of ethical conduct and a highlevel of customer service from our <strong>employee</strong>s. Employees should always use good judgmentand discretion in carrying out the company's business and are expected to conduct themselvesin a polite and courteous manner with clients, potential clients, vendors, subcontractors andcoworkers at all times.1.5 Work AreaPolicyOrderliness adds to the efficiency of your work, assures safety and portrays a favorable imageto our clients. All <strong>employee</strong>s are expected to participate in maintaining a clean and neatappearance in the offices, the shop, at your personal work area and on the work site, as well asin the common areas of our business. Trash cans should be utilized and the kitchen areashould be clear of dishes and wiped down immediately after use.Employees may display their mementos and photos of his/her family or other items, topersonalize their work areas for added comfort or pleasantness, within certain guidelines.• Safety Comes First - No object can interfere with safety at the worksite, as determined bycompany management and Safety requirements.• Nothing can be displayed that, in the opinion of management, is inappropriate, sexuallysuggestive or in any way derogatory to any person or system of beliefs.• Objects that, in the opinion of management are distracting or hinder work efforts will notbe allowed and must be removed upon request.• Technical Facility Management, Inc takes no responsibility for the safekeeping of personalitems brought on premisesUpdated: 11/30/1995 Policy Section 1.0 / Page 4

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOKTechnical Facility Management, Inc observes the Virginia legal requirements that mandate asmoke-free environment. Smoking is prohibited everywhere inside the building and warehouseand outside within twenty-five feet of any entrance or air intake. Employees who wish to smokemay do so in designated areas, and must dispose of debris appropriately.1.6 Use of Company PropertyPolicyThe Company will furnish certain vehicles, equipment, materials and supplies for use by<strong>employee</strong>s exclusively related to Technical Facility Management, Inc business and thisproperty should not be used for personal reasons or removed from the office, shop or workboxwithout prior authorization. Use of tools, office supplies, computers, the internet, and companyphones for personal reasons away from the job is prohibited.1.61 Vehicles: Company vehicles, whether owned or leased by the company must only beused for company business. Employees authorized to operate company vehicles must maintaina current VA driver’s license with all required classifications, free of violations. All authorizedpersonnel will be required to review and sign the Vehicle Fleet Safety Policy each year. Failureto meet the requirements of this policy will result in Termination and or Restricted from drivingcompany vehicles. The Company will conduct annual driver’s license reviews.The following are specific policies related to company-owned/leased vehicles:• Daily records must be kept for all mileage driven related to business• Company vehicles will be driven only as needed for transportation to and from workrelated meetings and job destinations during working hours as specified.• Company-owned/leased vehicles will not be driven for private use unless specificarrangements have been made in advance.• Only the driver assigned to the vehicle is authorized to sign for gasoline, pre-scheduledrepairs and maintenance. All vehicle maintenance and repairs are to be coordinatedthrough the Fleet Manager prior to performing any work.• If a company gas card is not used, all charge receipts must include the name and addressof the vendor, the date of purchase, number of gallons purchased, the amount paid, thevehicle ID number, license plate number, and the mileage on the odometer.• No Alcoholic beverages or illegal substances are ever permitted in a company vehicle atany time.• No driver who has been drinking alcoholic beverages or is under the influence of drugs orchemicals is permitted to operate a company vehicle. Driving while taking certainprescription drugs may be restricted.Updated: 11/30/1995 Policy Section 1.0 / Page 5

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOKauthorization, at any time. You are also not to conduct personal business using the Companycomputer or email.Please keep this in mind, also, as you consider forwarding non-business emails torepresentatives, family or friends, non-business related emails waste company time andattention.Viewing pornography, or sending pornographic jokes or stories via email, is considered sexualharassment and will be addressed according to our sexual harassment policy.1.67 Emails That Discriminate: Any emails that discriminate against <strong>employee</strong>s by virtue ofany protected classification including race, gender, nationality, religion, and so forth, will bedealt with according to the harassment policy.These emails are prohibited at the Company. Sending or forwarding non-business emails willresult in disciplinary action that may lead to employment termination.1.68 Company Owns Employee Email: Keep in mind that the Company owns anycommunication sent via email or that is stored on company equipment. Management and otherauthorized staff have the right to access any material in your email or on your computer at anytime. Please do not consider your electronic communication, storage or access to be private if itis created or stored at work or on company owned computers used remotely.In order to enforce these policies, computer, Internet and e-mail usage may be monitored bythe company, including retrieving and reading e-mail messages and other computer files, andmonitoring of Internet traffic. Therefore, e-mail messages and other use of the company'scomputers is not confidential, and even though you may be issued a private password or otherprivate access code to log in to the computer, you should have no expectation of privacy withregard to your use of the system.Employees should immediately notify their supervisor or manager of any violations of thispolicy. Employees who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to andincluding termination of employment.1.7 Employee <strong>Info</strong>rmationPolicyTechnical Facility Management, Inc will maintain a confidential personnel file on each<strong>employee</strong>. From time to time when necessary, a variety of information will be added to thispersonnel file regarding an individual's employment with the company. Personnel files are theproperty of Technical Facility Management, Inc and will be treated the same as any otherconfidential company information. This information will only be available to the Employee,Senior Management personnel, the Manager who is responsible for the <strong>employee</strong> and theOffice Manager / HR representative. Any violation of this policy is considered a very seriousoffense.Updated: 11/30/1995 Policy Section 1.0 / Page 8

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOKThe following provisions apply with respect to the company's standards for creating,maintaining, and handling personnel files:• Official personnel records will be kept up to date insofar as possible and <strong>employee</strong>sshould promptly report all changes in pertinent personal information and data• Employees will be permitted to review their personnel files as per applicable laws.• <strong>Info</strong>rmation regarding the medical condition or history of an <strong>employee</strong> will be kept in aseparate file by the Office Manager / HR representative with restricted access.• The personnel files of <strong>employee</strong>s who have terminated their employment will bemaintained in accordance with applicable state and federal laws.Contents of the Employee file may include the following:1. Employee’s Application for Employment and Employee resume (if submitted).2. Government Required Documents such as Employment Eligibility Verification (Form I-9),Employee Tax Withholding authorizations and others as may be required by law.3. Performance Appraisal Reviews4. Special Commendations and Disciplinary Action Notices5. Educational achievement records6. Documents for Changes in Work Status and Salary History7. Signed/Witnessed copy of the Acknowledgment of Receipt and UnderstandingEmployee <strong>Info</strong>rmation should be current and accurate at all times. Any change in thefollowing information should be reported to your Department Manager:1. Name / Address / Home telephone number2. Emergency Contact Name(s) and telephone number(s) for notification3. Driving Record4. Authorized Payroll Deductions5. Family <strong>Info</strong>rmation if it will affect your Benefits, such as Marital status / Number ofdependents / Change of beneficiary6. Additional education and special training coursesAn <strong>employee</strong> may review his/her own Technical Facility Management, Inc personnel file. Arequest is made to the <strong>employee</strong>’s immediate supervisor, who will notify the Human Resourcesrepresentative. The Human Resources representative is responsible to coordinate the review,during work time on premises, and will sit in with the <strong>employee</strong> and the <strong>employee</strong>’s supervisor.The <strong>employee</strong> may take notes, but may not remove, deface or otherwise make notations on thedocuments in his/her personnel file.Updated: 11/30/1995 Policy Section 1.0 / Page 9

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK1.8 Employee Fitness for DutyPolicyTechnical Facility Management, Inc is committed to providing a safe, efficient, and productiveenvironment for all <strong>employee</strong>s and likewise expects that <strong>employee</strong>s will be fit and able toperform their duties when they report for work. Consumption of, possession of, or being underthe influence of alcohol or drugs while on company property, in the office, at the work site or inany vehicle used for company business is strictly prohibited.The company has in place a substance abuse policy which incorporates the provisions of theDrug-Free Workplace Act of 1988.All <strong>employee</strong>s must abide by all of the terms and conditions of this policy while employed. Inthis regard, <strong>employee</strong>s are required to read the policy and sign a statement acknowledgingtheir understanding of the policy and intent to follow the policy.Any <strong>employee</strong> who reports for work or who is at work is subject to blood/alcohol testing todetermine the presence of alcohol or drugs in their system. Current <strong>employee</strong>s may be askedto provide body substance samples (such as urine and/or blood) to determine illegal use ofdrugs or alcohol. Any <strong>employee</strong> who refuses to submit to drug testing is subject to disciplinaryaction up to and including termination of employment. Any <strong>employee</strong> who is found to be unfit forduty has violated this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, including immediatetermination of employment.In the case of prescription drugs, <strong>employee</strong>s are expected to know and follow the guidelinesregarding the restrictions and side effects of the medications they use and to exerciseappropriate precautions while on duty.Note: The Drug-Free Workplace Policy is more fully described in a separate <strong>handbook</strong>provided to each <strong>employee</strong>.1.9 Business EthicsPolicyTechnical Facility Management, Inc is engaged in a competitive business which requires astrict code of confidentiality regarding the control of company information. No <strong>employee</strong> willstore information outside of the company (either in written or electronic form) about any matterpertaining to the conduct of the company's business which may compromise a customer or thecompany to outsiders. Employees will be expected to sign and abide by a ConfidentialityAgreement. Any <strong>employee</strong> who violates this agreement may be subject to disciplinary actionincluding termination of employment.It is the expectation of the company that all <strong>employee</strong>s will avoid any conflict of interest orappearance of a conflict of interest which is likely to arise while doing business on behalf ofTechnical Facility Management, Inc. All Employees who work in a management capacity orUpdated: 11/30/1995 Policy Section 1.0 / Page 10

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOKin the office (including Union <strong>employee</strong>s) will be required to review and sign the policyrelative to Statement of Conflict of Interest and abiding by this policy.Bribes, kick-backs and other illegal payments to or from any individual or business with whichwe conduct business (in any form and for any purpose) are prohibited.On occasion, customers or other outside sources may offer gifts to <strong>employee</strong>s. It is theposition of the company that these gifts are considered the property of Technical FacilityManagement, Inc. Any gift, services, entertainment or other favor received from any outsidesource (including customers and suppliers) should be reported and turned in to the OfficeManager / Human Resources representative. At the discretion of the company, these gifts willbe shared with the <strong>employee</strong>s.Any <strong>employee</strong> who fails to abide by this policy will be subject to disciplinary action includingtermination of employment.Updated: 11/30/1995 Policy Section 1.0 / Page 11

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK2.0 Employee and Compensation2.1 Equal Employment OpportunityPolicyWhen positions are available, it is the policy of the Company to provide equal opportunity inemployment to all <strong>employee</strong>s and applicants for employment. No person will be discriminatedagainst because of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin, disability, military status or anyother protected characteristics. It is the intent of the Company to employ the most qualifiedindividual for each position based upon their skill, knowledge, education, and/or ability to fulfillthe requirements of the job description and other lawful considerations that the Companydeems to be relevant from time to time.This policy applies to all terms, conditions, and privileges of employment, including hiring,introductory period, training, orientation, placement, and <strong>employee</strong> development, promotion,transfer, compensation, benefits, layoff and recall, <strong>employee</strong> facilities, termination, andretirement.2.2 Safe Work Environment / HarassmentPolicyIt is the policy of the Company to promote a safe and productive work environment. Onlyauthorized individuals engaged in Company business are permitted on Company premises andat the Company worksite. The Company has zero tolerance for workplace violence. Verbal orphysical conduct by any individual that harasses, disrupts, or interferes with another’s workperformance or which creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile environment is prohibited.Weapons of any type are prohibited on the premises and at the worksite. Violations will be dealtwith uniformly and certain actions may be grounds for immediate dismissal.Comments1. Employees are expected to act in a positive and cooperative manner with one another andto maintain a work environment that is free from harassing or disruptive activity. No formof harassment or intimidation is tolerated and special attention is called to the prohibitionof sexual harassment.2. Each person in a supervisory position has the responsibility to maintain the work placefree of any form of sexual harassment. No supervisor is to threaten or insinuate, eitherexplicitly or implicitly, that an <strong>employee</strong>’s refusal or willingness to submit to sexualadvances will affect the <strong>employee</strong>’s terms or conditions of employment.3. Other sexually harassing or offensive conduct in the work place, whether committed bysupervisors, non-supervisory <strong>employee</strong>s, or non-<strong>employee</strong>s, is also prohibited. Suchconduct includes:Updated 11/30/2009 Policy Section 2.0 / Page 13

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOKa) Sexual flirtation, touching, advances, or propositions, revealing or provocativeclothing;b) Verbal abuse of a sexual nature;c) Graphic or suggestive comments about an individual’s dress or body;d) Sexually degrading words to describe an individual; ande) The display in the work place of sexually suggestive objects or pictures, includingnude photographs.4. Any <strong>employee</strong> who believes that a supervisor’s, another <strong>employee</strong>’s, or a non<strong>employee</strong>’sactions or words constitute unwelcome harassment of any nature has aresponsibility to report the situation as soon as possible. Such reports should be madeto the <strong>employee</strong>’s supervisor. If the report concerns a supervisor, the <strong>employee</strong> may filea report with the Human Resources representative who will escalate it to the President.5. All reports of harassment are to be investigated promptly by the President or designee,the HR representative in a confidential manner. A timely resolution of each complaint isto be reached and communicated to the parties involved. Retaliation against any<strong>employee</strong> for filing a report or participating in an investigation is strictly prohibited. Any<strong>employee</strong>, supervisor or manager who is found to have engaged in harassment ofanother <strong>employee</strong> will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, depending on thecircumstances, up to and including termination.6. It is possible that two <strong>employee</strong>s could choose to develop a voluntary personalrelationship. If this occurs, the parties are asked to advise management in a reasonabletime frame that the relationship exists and is voluntary and consensual to each.a) The <strong>employee</strong>s are to refrain from public displays of affection in the workplace orwhile representing the company at a client’s location.b) Employees who are dating, married or legally related may be prohibited fromworking together in the same department, and especially in a supervisor /subordinate work relationship. Management reserves the option of reassigning oneof the <strong>employee</strong>s as appropriate and when positions are available.c) To the degree that it is appropriate, <strong>employee</strong>s should advise the HumanResources representative when their relationship changes, particularly if they haveconcerns about safety for themselves or others in the workplace.7. The Company reserves the right to take necessary action to protect other <strong>employee</strong>s, ifthere is a threat of violence by another <strong>employee</strong> or other individual on premises.Updated 11/30/2009 Policy Section 2.0 / Page 14

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK2.3 Introductory PeriodPolicyFrom time to time, the Company may find it appropriate to characterize an initial period ofemployment as a trial or probationary period to provide further insight into an individual’ssuitability for a position. This may extend for up to 90 days after initial employment, or longer ifextended at the discretion of the Company. Continued employment beyond any such period willnot alter the at will nature of employment.2.4 Employment Classification and Salary AdministrationPolicyTechnical Facility Management, Inc may hire <strong>employee</strong>s in two (2) categories: Exempt ornon-exempt and may employ them as full time or part time status as required. Additionallycertain positions are classified as Union status, when warranted by the work.CommentsClassification - Exempt <strong>employee</strong>s receive a set annual salary and may be eligible for companybenefits. They are expected to be available to work a flexible schedule that averages 2080hours annually and they are not eligible for overtime pay.Non-exempt hourly <strong>employee</strong>s receive a regular paycheck based on hours worked. Non unionstaff may be eligible for company benefits. The Company’s workweek is forty (40) hours. Whenovertime work is required, it will be compensated. For non union staff, overtime hours may bepaid as extra time or Management may also provide compensatory time off in the same week inlieu of overtime pay as described in the policy on Pay Practices. For Union <strong>employee</strong>s, overtimeis paid as described in the current applicable union contract.Non union <strong>employee</strong>s are paid biweekly as described in the policy on Pay Practices. Union<strong>employee</strong>s are paid weekly as described in the current contract.Status - In addition to the non-exempt or exempt classification, <strong>employee</strong>s are divided into thefollowing categories for the purpose of compensation and benefit eligibility. Company policiesapply to all categories of <strong>employee</strong>s.Full-Time - Employees who are hired to work 40 Hours in a work week for a continuous andindefinite period of time are considered full-time <strong>employee</strong>s for all compensation and benefitpurposes.Part-Time - Employees whose work schedule is 39 hours or less in a work week for acontinuous and indefinite period are considered part-time <strong>employee</strong>s for all compensation andbenefit purposes.Updated 11/30/2009 Policy Section 2.0 / Page 15

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK2.5 Employment Intake and Orientation PracticesPolicyUpon acceptance of employment, the first day of work will be determined. The Employee’s firstactual day of work will be considered the <strong>employee</strong> start date. On the first day, each new<strong>employee</strong> will be given a New Hire Packet that includes federal tax forms and other requiredgovernment forms, along with appropriate company and insurance forms to complete. Duringyour first week, your Manager or direct supervisor will discuss job duties, areas of responsibilityand expectations for performance, and Company policies and procedures will also be reviewed.A copy of this <strong>Info</strong>rmation Handbook for Employees will be given to each <strong>employee</strong> to read andreview. Two copies of an Acknowledgment of Receipt and Understanding are located at theend of the <strong>handbook</strong>. After reviewing the <strong>handbook</strong>, each <strong>employee</strong> must sign the two copiesof the statement acknowledging his/her receipt of and his/her understanding of the informationcontained in the <strong>Info</strong>rmation Handbook for Employees. One signed/ witnessed copy of theAcknowledgment of Receipt and Understanding will remain in the <strong>employee</strong>'s <strong>handbook</strong>. Theother signed/witnessed copy of the statement must be returned to the Office Manager / HRrepresentative, along with federal and state tax and insurance forms within 3 days ofcommencement of employment. This signed/witnessed copy of the statement will become partof the <strong>employee</strong>'s personnel file.NOTE: The <strong>Info</strong>rmation Handbook for Employees is the property of Technical FacilityManagement, Inc and must be returned upon separation from employment.2.6 Hours of Work, Timekeeping and Pay PracticesPolicyHours of Work: The Company normal business week is Monday through Friday and hours ofoperation for the business may run from 7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. The Company normal workweek begins at 12:01 a.m. Monday and ends at 12:00 midnight on Friday for most staff, unlessspecified otherwise by union contract. Regular working hours are as follows:All Office Personnel:Work an eight (8) hour day with flexible start and end times between 7:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.daily Monday through Friday with a thirty (30 ) minute unpaid lunch break. Specific shift timesare determined by the manager and business needs of the department.Each <strong>employee</strong> is expected to complete a normal work day and work to meet company needs.The primary objective of the Company is to serve its clients. To meet this goal, occasional extratime and overtime may be needed. An <strong>employee</strong> is not to work overtime hours without the priorapproval of a supervisor. Every effort will be made to pre-plan to avoid this and to keepovertime to a minimum, but when such additional work is necessary; cooperation from the staffis expected.Updated 11/30/2009 Policy Section 2.0 / Page 16

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOKTimekeeping & Pay: The Company has established a payroll schedule for all <strong>employee</strong>s,based on their union affiliation. An <strong>employee</strong>’s pay will be based on the time sheet that issubmitted by each individual and approved by Management. The timesheet is the property ofthe company. The Company will deduct and remit all required federal and state and localemployment taxes for each <strong>employee</strong>, and will deduct and remit any union contributions fromthose <strong>employee</strong>s, as required by the current contract.For Union personnel, the pay period is weekly. Union personnel are normally paid onWednesday for work performed Monday of the previous week through Sunday of the currentweek.For Non-Union personnel, the pay period is biweekly and there are twenty-six (26) pay periodseach year. Non union personnel are normally paid every other Wednesday for work performedMonday through Sunday of the previous two (2) weeks.CommentsExempt staff will document their days of work, unpaid time off and Paid Time-Off (PTO) on theirtimesheet for each period and submit it to the Manager on their last day of work in the payperiod. The time sheet should accurately reflect the days worked, days off without pay and anyrequested paid time off that was used in the period.Non-exempt Non-union hourly staff will write in their hours of work, unpaid time off and PaidTime-Off (PTO) on their timesheet for each period and submit it to the Manager on their lastday of work in the pay period. The time sheet should accurately reflect the hours worked,including any approved extra time or compensatory time off, and any late starts or early quitsthat reduce the total work day, and any requested paid time off used in the period.Non-exempt personnel that are required to work extra hours will be compensated. At thediscretion of Management, the <strong>employee</strong> will be paid at one and one half times their regularrate for extra time worked in excess of forty (40) hours in the work week or they may be givencompensatory time off in the same week when possible.Example 1: Non-exempt <strong>employee</strong> works 10 hours on Monday and Tuesday to complete apresentation (20 hours), then works 8 hours on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (24 hours) =44 total hours. Management authorizes payment of 4 hours at 1.5 X base rate added to<strong>employee</strong>’s next paycheck.Example 2: Non-exempt <strong>employee</strong> works 10 hours on Monday and Tuesday to complete apresentation (20 hours), then works 8 hours on Wednesday and Thursday (16 hours), thenManagement authorizes <strong>employee</strong> to leave after 4 hours on Friday = 40 total hours.Hours of work for union personnel will be reported on a weekly job time sheet or weekly servicereport form and approved by their Job Superintendant. Staff will be paid for actual hours workedaccording to union contract. Employees will be docked for tardiness and unscheduled absenceand poor attendance will not be tolerated.The Company will make arrangements for payroll deductions as prescribed for the following:• Government Required: Federal and State income taxes, Social Security taxes, Stateunemployment taxes, local taxes and past due taxes at rates stipulated.Updated 11/30/2009 Policy Section 2.0 / Page 17

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK• Garnishments: Court Orders requiring an employer to withhold specified amounts from an<strong>employee</strong>'s wages for payment of a debt owed by the <strong>employee</strong> to a third party. State lawrequires the company to honor garnishments of <strong>employee</strong> wages (including child support)as a court or other legal judgment may instruct.• Employee Authorized: Employee portion of insurance premiums for self and eligibledependents; 401(K) Retirement Savings Plan contributions; Union deductions;reimbursements for loss, damage, or destruction of company property.No other deductions will be made unless specifically authorized in writing by the<strong>employee</strong>. All deductions will be itemized on the <strong>employee</strong>'s pay check stub. Questionsregarding payroll deductions should be directed to the Controller/CFO.The Company takes precautions to ensure that <strong>employee</strong>s are paid correctly. However, ifan <strong>employee</strong> believes an error has occurred, the <strong>employee</strong> should notify the AccountingDepartment immediately. The company will make every attempt to correct the error bythe end of the next business day, but no later than the <strong>employee</strong>'s next regular payperiod.If an <strong>employee</strong> is absent on pay day and would like their check released to another party,the <strong>employee</strong> must provide a written and signed note, authorizing the Company to do so,or the check will not be released. The person picking up the pay check must show properphoto identification and will be asked to sign for the check. This policy protects both the<strong>employee</strong> and the company.Technical Facility Management, Inc will not advance money to <strong>employee</strong>s against hoursto be worked or future wages nor will the company make loans to <strong>employee</strong>s.2.6 AttendancePolicyRegular and on-time attendance is expected for efficient operations at Technical FacilityManagement, Inc. We need our staff to be healthy and functioning at full capacity while atwork. The company advises any staff member who is personally ill to remain at home, seekmedical attention as necessary and regain your health before returning to work. We ask thatyou avoid spreading the illness to others.The company realizes that an occasional illness or extenuating personal reason may causeunavoidable unplanned absence from work or tardiness, however excessive unscheduledabsence negatively affects the business operations of the company and cannot be tolerated.Regular on-time attendance is required for continued employment.Employees are expected to personally make the effort to notify the company of anyunscheduled absence or tardiness. Please contact your immediate supervisor as soon as youknow you will not be in and or by the start time of your work shift for each day you will absent. Ifany <strong>employee</strong> is absent from work for three (3) consecutive days without informing theirUpdated 11/30/2009 Policy Section 2.0 / Page 18

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOKsupervisor, the Company will consider that the <strong>employee</strong> has resigned and employment withthe Company will be terminated as of the last day worked by the <strong>employee</strong>.The company reserves the right to request an explanatory note/release from the <strong>employee</strong>'sphysician if a reported absence extends beyond five (5) consecutive working days due to anon-job-related illness or injury.Disciplinary action will result when an <strong>employee</strong> engages in unscheduled absences; tardinessor an apparent pattern of unscheduled absence, such as call offs in conjunction with weekends,vacations, and holidays.To avoid any impression of attendance issues, Employees are to pre-schedule time off inadvance per the PTO policy.2.8 Performance AppraisalsPolicyThe job performance of an <strong>employee</strong> may be periodically reviewed and discussed with the<strong>employee</strong>’s supervisor. Performance will be evaluated against the requirements of the jobdescription, adherence to policies and how the <strong>employee</strong> supports and promotes the companymission and values. The <strong>employee</strong>'s strengths and weaknesses will be discussed andevaluated and recommendations for improvements are made. These interviews also identifythe short and long-range goals of <strong>employee</strong>s and determine how they interrelate with thecompany's purpose and objectives.A performance evaluation does not necessarily mean a change in pay or duties. At therecommendation of the manager and with the approval of the President, <strong>employee</strong>s who havedemonstrated good performance may receive a salary adjustment or commissions or bonusesaccording to their position and the company’s financial situation.2.9 Reimbursement of Employee Business ExpensesPolicyIt is the policy of the Company to reimburse <strong>employee</strong>s for certain expenses incurred in thecourse of company business in pre-approved circumstances. All Expense Report Forms andrecords (including gasoline credit card receipts) must be turned in weekly. The form must becompleted in full and be accompanied by the receipts or other documentation, including clientname(s), date(s), business discussed, amount(s) and the account to be charged.Documentation for all expenses is required and any item that is not accompanied by a receiptwill not be approved.Expense Reimbursement checks are issued as a separate check twice a month.Updated 11/30/2009 Policy Section 2.0 / Page 19

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOKComment1. Cell Phones: Employees will be issued a cell phone based on the requirements of theirposition and are allotted a maximum number of minutes for usage each month. Additionalcosts for overages may be the responsibility of the <strong>employee</strong>.2. Vehicles: Based on their position and requirements of their position, the Company mayprovide an <strong>employee</strong> automobile allowance or reimbursement for mileage or expenses for<strong>employee</strong> use of their personal vehicle or may provide a company vehicle to <strong>employee</strong>swhose work requires this. See Policy 1.6 for further information and requirements.a) If authorized, an allowance is included in the <strong>employee</strong>s total compensationpackage, and may be considered taxable income.b) In some cases the Company may provide reimbursement to certain staff forautomobile usage, gas, tolls and parking expenses related to business travel.Mileage logs and receipts for these business expenses should accompany thereimbursement request, as described above.c) If a company vehicle is provided for the <strong>employee</strong>, it is to be used exclusively forcompany business. Unauthorized use and/or transport of unauthorized passengersis prohibited.d) Prior to employment, a MVR check may be conducted to verify status. Employeeswho drive on business are expected to have a current license and observe all trafficrules. Drivers are required to maintain a safe driving record free of violations, and topromptly report any citations or change in license status to management.3. Travel and Business Entertainment: For pre-approved business meetings conducted offpremises, the company will reimburse the <strong>employee</strong> for reasonable costs of travel,lodging, meals, or other expenses directly related to accomplishing the assignment.Employees are expected to limit expenses to reasonable amounts and are required toprovide receipts and a full accounting of activities with the reimbursement request.If an expense is anticipated to be greater than customary expenses for travel or incidentalcustomer entertainment, <strong>employee</strong>s are strongly recommended to obtain pre-approvalbefore incurring such expenses.Questions concerning the proper procedure for making travel arrangements orreservations, the types and amounts of expenses that will be reimbursed, personal traveland traveling with companions, use of credit cards, or the completion of expense reportsshould be directed to your immediate supervisor for approval prior to submitting tothe Accounting Department.Updated 11/30/2009 Policy Section 2.0 / Page 20

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK3.0 Employee BenefitsPolicyTechnical Facility Management, Inc in cooperation and agreement with the various tradeunions administers the <strong>employee</strong> payroll deductions and forwards them to the Local Unions fortheir various benefit programs. In addition, the company provides benefits for the non union fulltimeoffice staff. These benefits are reviewed periodically to assure that they keep pace witharea practice.The information contained in this <strong>handbook</strong> regarding <strong>employee</strong> benefits is not a contract toprovide these benefits to any <strong>employee</strong>. The eligibility requirements for these benefits aredescribed in the specific policy, summary plan documents and/or benefits booklets. Employeesare eligible for benefits as provided by the Company if they meet specific establishedrequirements.Questions concerning benefit eligibility, and/or insurance claim information should be directedto the Office Manager / Human Resources representative.The benefits provided and the terms of the benefit plans described are subject to change at anytime by the insurer(s) or Technical Facility Management, Inc.3.1 Medical InsurancePolicyThe Company offers the opportunity for all full-time non union <strong>employee</strong>s to be covered underthe Company Group Health Insurance Plan. The Company reserves the right as necessary, tochange the portion paid by <strong>employee</strong>s for health insurance premiums. The providers of suchcoverage and the coverage itself may change from time to time or be eliminated entirely.Specific details of health insurance coverage will be provided to eligible <strong>employee</strong>s by theOffice Manager / Human Resources representative. Benefits will take effect on the firstday of the following month from your employment start date.For Union <strong>employee</strong>s Technical Facility Management, Inc will make the required companycontributions as determined by the current union contract.1. Medical Health / Eye Coverage – The Company will contribute 100% of the cost for the<strong>employee</strong> and family coverage (if required) of the medical health and eye insurancesubscribed in the Company Group Plan.2. Dental - program is provided for the <strong>employee</strong> to purchase additional coverage3. Short Term Disability – Is available for the <strong>employee</strong> to purchase coverageUpdated 11/30/2009 Policy Section 3.0 / Page 22

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK4. Technical Facility Management, Inc will comply with federal regulations relating to theConsolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA), which is designed toprovide <strong>employee</strong>s and eligible dependents with the opportunity to continue healthinsurance coverage at group rates in certain instances when coverage would otherwisecease. The premium for this coverage may be the responsibility of the <strong>employee</strong> ordependent, according to current legislative mandates. See the Office Manager / HumanResources representative for more information.5. Technical Facility Management, Inc will comply with the Health Insurance Portability andAccountability Act of 1996. Provisions of this Act limit exclusions for preexistingconditions; prohibit discrimination again <strong>employee</strong>s and dependents based on their healthstatus; guarantee renewability and availability of health coverage to certain employers andindividuals; and protect many workers who lose health coverage by providing betteraccess to individual health insurance. Your Insurance Carrier will manage the rules andregulations regarding this. See the Office Manager / Human Resources representativewho will contact the Plan Administrator for more details.3.2 Family Medical LeavePolicyIn general, an <strong>employee</strong> who has completed at least twelve (12) months of continuous servicewith Technical Facility Management, Inc and performed at least 1,250 hours of service in theprior 12-month period is eligible to receive an unpaid family/medical leave in accordance withthe Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA). The following provisions apply with regardto the family/medical leave policy for <strong>employee</strong>s of Technical Facility Management, Inc:• Family/medical leave may be taken only if it is made necessary due to one of the followingreasons:1) within twelve (12) months of the birth of a child of the <strong>employee</strong> in order to care forthe child;2) within twelve (12) months of the placement of a child with the <strong>employee</strong> inconnection with adoption or foster care in order to care for the child;3) a serious health condition of the <strong>employee</strong>'s child, parent, or spouse;4) a serious health condition of the <strong>employee</strong> which prevents him/her from performingthe essential functions of his/her job.• In no instance does the federal law require the company to grant more than a total oftwelve (12) weeks of unpaid leave in any consecutive twelve (12) month period.• If an <strong>employee</strong> and his/her spouse both work for Technical Facility Management, Inc,they would be eligible for a single twelve (12) week period which they can split betweenthem; however, if the leave is needed for their own serious health condition or that of theirspouse or child, each would be eligible for a total of twelve (12) weeks.Updated 11/30/2009 Policy Section 3.0 / Page 23

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK• Any leave granted to an eligible <strong>employee</strong> under this law because of a serious healthcondition of a family member may be taken consecutively or intermittently depending onthe legitimate needs of the <strong>employee</strong>. The <strong>employee</strong> must make a reasonable effort toschedule such leave so as not to disrupt the company's business operations.• Any leave granted due to the birth or adoption of a child must be taken consecutivelyunless otherwise agreed to by the company and must be completed within one (1) year ofthe adoption or birth.• During the leave, the employer will maintain the <strong>employee</strong>'s health care coverage underthe same conditions as coverage would be provided if the <strong>employee</strong> were continuouslyemployed during the entire leave period. Both the employer and the <strong>employee</strong> will beresponsible for payment of their share of the premium during the leave period.• Eligible <strong>employee</strong>s must provide reasonable prior notice to the company when requestinga leave of absence under the law. The company may require an <strong>employee</strong> to providecertification issued by a licensed health care provider in order to ensure that the <strong>employee</strong>meets the eligibility requirements.• The company is not required to comply with the FMLA to the extent an <strong>employee</strong> isamong the highest paid 10% of <strong>employee</strong>s of the company within a 75 mile radius of anyworksite if the company can show that granting the leave would cause substantial andgrievous economic injury to its operations.For more information about family/medical leave, contact the Office Manager / HumanResources representative.3.3 Profit Sharing Plan and TrustPolicyTechnical Facility Management, Inc has established a 401(K) Retirement Savings program toenable non-union <strong>employee</strong>s to save for retirement on a pre-tax basis.Each non-union <strong>employee</strong> has the ability to defer money up to 100% of their pay, into the planas a pre-tax contribution, within the guidelines and maximums determined by the U.S.government annually.1. Employees are eligible to participate in the 401(K) Retirement Savings Plan following 1hour of service and may enter the Plan on either January 1 st or July 1 st .2. All monies deferred to the plan by the <strong>employee</strong> are the sole property of the <strong>employee</strong>.Updated 11/30/2009 Policy Section 3.0 / Page 24

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK3. The Company will make a Safe Harbor match for <strong>employee</strong> deferral contributions asfollows:• Employee deferral of 3% of pay = 100% Company match.• Additional 2% of pay deferred by Employee = 50% Company match.• For any Plan Year in which we do make a Matching Contribution, you will be notified ofthe amount allocated to your Matching Contribution Account. Once contributed, thesemonies are the sole property of the <strong>employee</strong>.4. The Vested Interest in your Account is the percentage of an Account to which you areentitled at any point in time. You will at all times have a 100% Vested Interest in yourElective Deferral Account. You will at all times have a 100% Vested Interest in yourMatching Contribution account.5. The Company reserves the right to discontinue or modify the 401(K) plan or theCompany’s contributions thereto at any time in accordance with applicable law.6. The Company provides no financial advice and assumes no responsibility or liability forthe investment decisions made by <strong>employee</strong>s with these deposited funds.For complete details, contact the company Controller/CFO.3.4 Paid Time OffPolicyIt is the policy of the Company to grant Paid Time Off (PTO) to be used for vacations, sicknessand personal time to full-time, non-union <strong>employee</strong>s in accordance with the guidelines below.The Company reserves the right to award additional Paid Time Off at its discretion. Thecompany reserves the right to manage the schedule for PTO based on the business needs ofthe organization.Comments1. There is no distinction between a sick day, a personal day or a vacation day when used. Alltime is considered ‘paid time off’ (PTO). The accrual factor for PTO is determined byemployment status and tenure.2. Paid Time Off (PTO) follows the calendar year January 1 st through December 31 st . PTOwill not be paid for in lieu of time off.3. Employees may not take PTO until they have actually earned the time. New <strong>employee</strong>sbegin to accrue PTO on their first day of employment and will be eligible to receive pay fortime off, as accrued after successfully completing their introductory period.Updated 11/30/2009 Policy Section 3.0 / Page 25

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK4. The company grants annual time off with pay to eligible full-time <strong>employee</strong>s as definedbelow:Length of Continuous Service - Accrual = Available PTO• Less than 1 year - accrue at 4.67hrs/month = 7 days (56 hours) prorated• More than 1 yr less than 5 yrs – accrue 8.67hrs/month= 13 days (104 hours)• More than 5 yrs less than 15 yrs – accrue 10.0hrs/month = 15 days (120 hours)• Greater than 15 yrs – accrue at 12hrs/month = 18 days (144 hours) maximum• 5 days maximum per year can be carried over into the following year balance, but thetotal available cannot exceed base accrual plus five days.5. PTO will consist of the <strong>employee</strong>’s regular rate of pay for the PTO time period andgenerally will be paid on the next regularly scheduled payday.6. Each <strong>employee</strong> must take at least one full week of consecutive PTO annually. Noexceptions will be granted. To assure for adequate operational coverage, <strong>employee</strong>s areto pre-schedule their full week of PTO (Refer to Scheduling Notice). PTO schedulingconflicts will be based on submitted dates.7. The courtesy of pre-planning for PTO is expected when illness is not involved. Employeesare asked to pre-schedule their use of individual PTO, by requesting time off at least twodays in advance whenever possible. (Refer to Scheduling Notice). A schedule of PTOdays will be maintained by the Office Manager for the purpose of coordinating timeschedules among all departments.8. When an <strong>employee</strong> is sick and potentially contagious, we ask that he/she stay home untilwell, so that you do not risk infecting others. Please call in each day to report off for thisunscheduled absence prior to start of your regular shift. You will be paid for these dayswith any available PTO you have accumulated.9. PTO may be used in half day (4 hour) increments.10. When employment is terminated by the Company any unused accrued PTO that remainsat the time of termination will be forfeited.11. The Company will abide by union contracts regarding deductions for vacation/savings payand Union <strong>employee</strong>s are expected to follow Company policy regarding scheduling timeoff and attendance.12. If any <strong>employee</strong> is absent from work without notice to their supervisor for three (3)consecutive work days, it will be assumed that the <strong>employee</strong> resigned and employmentwill be terminated as of the last day worked by the <strong>employee</strong>.Scheduling Notice:A written request for your mandatory one full week of PTO should be submitted to yourmanager as soon as you know of your plans, but no less than two weeks in advance of theUpdated 11/30/2009 Policy Section 3.0 / Page 26

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOKdesired time. Requests will be approved based on seniority and the need to maintain businessoperations in each department. If an <strong>employee</strong> does not request their week in turn of seniority,they may only take open time. They will not be permitted to bump another less senior<strong>employee</strong> once that person’s time is approved.Regular and on-time attendance is expected for efficient operations at Technical FacilityManagement, Inc. Excessive unscheduled absence and tardiness is not only inconvenient butalso negatively impacts operations and can cause costly problems. While it is recognized thatan occasional illness or extenuating personal reason may cause unavoidable absence fromwork or tardiness, regular on-time attendance is required for continued employment.The Company understands that <strong>employee</strong>s may have personal situations arise unexpectedlyand they may be unable to work. An <strong>employee</strong> who is unable to report for duty must contacthis/her manager before the start of his/her scheduled work day to call off. This should be doneeach day prior to the <strong>employee</strong>'s normal start time so that necessary arrangements may bemade to redistribute work.Failure to pre-schedule time off, failure to report for duty without notice and patterns ofunscheduled use of PTO such as before or after weekends, holidays and vacation may begrounds for non-payment and / or disciplinary action, as described in that policy.3.5 HolidaysPolicyIt is the policy of the Company to designate and observe certain days each year as holidays.Eligible <strong>employee</strong>s will be given a day off with pay for each holiday observed. The business willbe closed.CommentsThe schedule of holidays the Company will observe during each calendar year will be asfollows: New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.1. Full-time non-union <strong>employee</strong>s are eligible to receive their regular rate of pay for eachobserved holiday when other conditions are met, as follows.2. To receive holiday pay, an eligible <strong>employee</strong> must be at work or taking an approvedabsence on the workdays immediately preceding and immediately following the day onwhich the holiday is observed. An approved absence is a day of pre-scheduled PTO. If an<strong>employee</strong> is absent on one or both of these days because of an illness or injury, theCompany reserves the right to verify the reason for the absence before approving holidaypay.Updated 11/30/2009 Policy Section 3.0 / Page 27

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK3. A holiday that occurs on a Saturday or Sunday generally may be observed by theCompany on either the preceding Friday or following Monday at the discretion ofmanagement.a. In the event that a union agreement differs from the above stated Companyholidays, the Company will abide by the specific union contract regarding pay forwork time or time off on holidays as specified for union staff.3.6 Workers CompensationPolicyEmployees of Technical Facility Management, Inc are covered by Workers' Compensationinsurance, which is purchased by the company in the state in which it operates. This insuranceprovides compensation to an <strong>employee</strong> for lost wages caused by illness, accidental injury, ordeath suffered in the course of or as a result of his/her employment with the company inaccordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.Eligibility for benefits under Workers' Compensation insurance is automatic and is effective ondate of hire.Reporting: Within 24 hours of the onset of a work related illness or injury an <strong>employee</strong> mustcomplete an Accident Report and submit it to the Safety Director. An Accident Report form isincluded with your New Hire package along with the outline for Medical Treatment for yourWork Injury or Occupational Illness. This form provides information about your RIGHTS andDUTIES if you are injured or suffer from an occupational illness.Work Related Accident Treatment: Technical Facility Management, Inc has selectedConcentra Medical Centers to be its primary medical care provider. Non life threatening injuriescan be treated at any of the four Concentra offices. Any person who suffers a life threateningwork related injury should be taken to the nearest emergency room. Upon arrival, notifypersonnel that it is a Workman’s Compensation injury.Effect on Continuous Service Date: Any time lost by an <strong>employee</strong> due to an occupationalillness or injury covered by Workers' Compensation insurance will be credited as active servicefor all company benefits.The company will comply with all state and federal laws pertaining to Workers' OccupationalDiseases and Workers' Compensation.Updated 11/30/2009 Policy Section 3.0 / Page 28

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK3.7 Leaves of AbsencePolicyIt is the policy of Technical Facility Management, Inc to grant eligible <strong>employee</strong>s extendedleaves of absence from the Company under certain circumstances. Except as stated below,<strong>employee</strong>s will not receive compensation during a leave of absence:Civic Duty: The Company encourages its <strong>employee</strong>s to meet their civic duties. Voting is aprivilege and obligation and <strong>employee</strong>s are encouraged to vote prior to or following normal workhours. Time off is not provided for voting with or without pay. If you are called to serve on a juryor are subpoenaed to serve as a witness concerning company business, the company will allowyou the necessary time off to meet this civil obligation.1. The <strong>employee</strong> must notify their manager upon receipt of the summons or subpoena sothat arrangements can be made to accommodate the absence. The <strong>employee</strong> mustprovide a copy of this document to their manager before your first day of service.2. Technical Facility Management, Inc will pay for the difference between what the Courtpays and the amount of the <strong>employee</strong>s’ regular pay for up to three (3) days of absence. Adocument from the court which shows the time spent by the <strong>employee</strong> and the amountpaid to the <strong>employee</strong> must be submitted to the Accounting Department.3. If the Court dismisses the jury from service after 4 hours or less the <strong>employee</strong> is expectedto report for work and finish the balance of the regular workday.4. Court required appearances as a witness for a non-company related trial will not becompensable time.Funeral Leave: In the event of the death of a family member, the <strong>employee</strong> will be allowed,upon proper request, time off with pay to assist with arrangements and attend the funeral. For“Immediate family”, identified as the <strong>employee</strong>’s current spouse, child, parent, brother, sisterand step-child up to three (3) days off with pay will be given. For members of the <strong>employee</strong>’sextended family, including, parents-in-law, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, grandparents andgrandchildren, the <strong>employee</strong> will be given off and paid for the one (1) day of the funeral. At thediscretion of the Company, special consideration may be given for paid time off when specificcircumstances of the death warrant. If additional bereavement time off is needed, the Companymay at its discretion, permit <strong>employee</strong>s to utilize some of their accrued PTO. Employees whomust take time off due to the death of an immediate family member should notify theirimmediate Supervisor as soon the need is known. If proper notification is not given, the<strong>employee</strong> may not be paid for the funeral leave.Military Leave: If an <strong>employee</strong> is a voluntary or conscripted member of the armed forces and iscalled to duty, the Company will, upon receipt of a copy of the military orders or verbal noticefrom the activating office, act in the following manner:.Updated 11/30/2009 Policy Section 3.0 / Page 29

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK1. Honor an <strong>employee</strong>’s request for payment of their accrued PTO for the duration of theirleave, up to the accrued amount, as available.2. If medical benefits are the provided to the <strong>employee</strong>, continue such coverage during theduration of a short-term military leave (less than or equal to 30 calendar days). For alonger-term leave, the medical coverage will be suspended after 30 days.3. In all other matters, the Company shall honor all legal requirements relating to the<strong>employee</strong>’s military leave.Updated 11/30/2009 Policy Section 3.0 / Page 30

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK4.0 Additional Workplace Issues4.1 SafetyPolicyOur workplace safety program is a top priority at Technical Facility Management, Inc and weare fully committed to the safety of our <strong>employee</strong>s. We will abide by all industry standards andregulatory requirements and will educate staff on proper Safety practices to be used in dailyactivities. A successful safety program depends on everyone being alert and committed tosafety.We regularly communicate in various ways with all <strong>employee</strong>s about workplace safety andhealth issues. These communications may include supervisor-<strong>employee</strong> meetings,superintendant-trades job site meetings, bulletin board postings, memos, a company SafetyManual and other written communications.The company expects every <strong>employee</strong> to follow safety rules and regulations and work carefullyat all times. You must immediately report any unsafe condition to the appropriate supervisor.Any <strong>employee</strong> who disregards any company safety rule and/or regulation is subject todisciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Violations include causing ahazardous or dangerous situation, not reporting a hazardous or dangerous situation, and notcorrecting a problem even though you could have corrected it.As an <strong>employee</strong> of Technical Facility Management, Inc you have certain rights regarding theuse of hazardous materials in the workplace. Technical Facility Management, Inc will provideyou with the Material Safety Data Sheets for materials identified as hazardous in the workplace.These should be reviewed to learn what chemicals are used, where they are located, thephysical and health hazards representatived with the chemicals, the protective measures thatmust be taken while using these to prevent exposure and what to do in case of exposure to thechemicals.Please refer to the separate Technical Facility Management, Inc General Safety Manual foradditional information or specific job site requirements and at anytime, questions may bedirected to your Manager or the Safety Officer of the company.Reporting Incidents: When any accident, injury, or illness occurs while an <strong>employee</strong> is atwork, it must be reported to your immediate Supervisor, Safety Manager and Office ManagerIMMEDIATELY, regardless of the nature or severity.The company will provide the proper forms for reporting job-related accidents, injuries andillnesses. The supervisor will assist you to complete an Injury Report. This must be completedand given to the Safety Manager as soon as possible after an injury occurs. Refer to theGeneral Safety Manual for specific details. Any <strong>employee</strong> failing to report such occurrenceswill be subject to disciplinary action.Updated 11/30/2009 Policy Section 4.0 / Page 31

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOKIn the event of a vehicular accident involving a company vehicle or while on company business,please call the Office Manager immediately before leaving the scene. You will be asked toreport all information to your immediate supervisor (Manager, Foreman or Superintendent) aswell as to the Safety Manager and Fleet Manager, and complete all required paperwork.Refrain from discussing the incident until the proper company representative has been notifiedand permission has been obtained to make statements.Seek medical attention as needed, utilizing the Company sponsored provider or the nearesthospital if injuries are severe.Please refer to policy 3.6 Workers Compensation for additional information.4.2 Advancement and Work AssignmentsPolicyTechnical Facility Management, Inc believes in promoting from within the company wheneverpossible. We want <strong>employee</strong>s to have the opportunity for promotion to higher paying positionswithin the company. Promotions are based on how well the Employee can meet therequirements of the new position. Such factors as experience, educational preparation, prior jobperformance, quality and quantity of work, attendance record, safety record, and the ability towork well with others will be considered.If the <strong>employee</strong> wishes to apply for a new position, they should advise their Manager andsubmit a letter of interest with a current resume to the Office Manager / Human Resourcesrepresentative. Consideration will be given based on current opportunities. The Companyreserves the right to look outside the organization if we feel that an <strong>employee</strong> with the bestqualifications cannot be found within the organization.Employees may be reassigned from one department to another or from one work location toanother, permanently or for a short term to meet the business needs of the company.Employee initiated requests for reassignment may be made in writing and submitted toManagement for consideration. A reassignment may be made if management determines it isin the best interest of the company and the <strong>employee</strong>.4.3 Outside EmploymentPolicyTechnical Facility Management, Inc makes every effort to keep its <strong>employee</strong>s as fullyemployed as possible. Employees who are full time on the Technical Facility Management,Inc payroll are not permitted to work for any company that would be considered to be the samebusiness as Technical Facility Management, Inc, concurrently while they are employed byTechnical Facility Management, Inc. Working for a competitor at the same time as employedby Technical Facility Management, Inc may be grounds for dismissal.Updated 11/30/2009 Policy Section 4.0 / Page 32

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOKIf an <strong>employee</strong> chooses to work another position during off hours to supplement their income,and the outside employment competes with what is expected of him/her as an <strong>employee</strong> ofTechnical Facility Management, Inc, opportunities for promotion and advancement withTechnical Facility Management, Inc will be limited by this decision.Employees are not permitted to use Technical Facility Management, Inc property for personaluse or to engage in outside work to supplement their income. This will be grounds for dismissal.If Management feels that outside employment prevents an <strong>employee</strong> from fulfilling his/herobligations to the company, the <strong>employee</strong> will be asked to resign from Technical FacilityManagement, Inc or to leave his/her outside employment. All management and supervisorypersonnel are expected to enforce this policy and, by example, refrain from engaging inconflicting outside employment.4.4 Termination of EmploymentPolicyAn <strong>employee</strong> may terminate their employment with the Company at any time and for anyreason by resignation from their position. The Company may terminate an <strong>employee</strong> fromemployment at any time and for any reason not prohibited by law. Termination may bevoluntarily or involuntarily due to retirement, voluntary resignation, lack of work and reduction inwork force or termination. When possible an <strong>employee</strong> will be told the reason(s), however, if inthe judgment of the Company the misconduct warranting discipline is severe enough, thecompany has the authority to discharge the <strong>employee</strong> immediately.Comments1. An <strong>employee</strong> who voluntarily resigns his/her position with Technical FacilityManagement, Inc is expected to provide the company with advance written notice.Failure to give written notice may result in forfeiture of non vested Company benefits andthe <strong>employee</strong> would not be eligible for re-employment. The following professionalguidelines are suggested:a) Management and Supervisory <strong>employee</strong>s are requested to voluntarily provide andwork a three (3) week notice;b) Non-Exempt union and non-union office <strong>employee</strong>s are requested to voluntarilyprovide and work at least two (2) weeks’ notice; andc) The company reserves the right at its discretion to accept an Employees notice ofresignation and to terminate employment immediately.2. An <strong>employee</strong> who provides written notice of voluntary resignation and works out the noticemay be eligible for severance pay at the discretion of the Company.Updated 11/30/2009 Policy Section 4.0 / Page 33

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK3. An <strong>employee</strong> who is discharged by the company for cause shall not be given severancepay. Any <strong>employee</strong> whose employment is terminated for reasons that are not unfavorableto Technical Facility Management, Inc may be given severance pay at the Company’ssole discretion.4. Employees who are absent from work for three consecutive days without being excusedor giving proper notice will be considered as having voluntarily quit.5. Letters of recommendation for departing <strong>employee</strong>s are not a matter of right. Requests forsuch letters should be made to the President. Company policy is only to verify dates ofemployment.Final Pay - The Department Manager will advise the Office Manager / Human Resourcesrepresentative immediately of the date and reason for termination.The Office Manager / Human Resources representative in conjunction with the Manager willdetermine if the terminating <strong>employee</strong> has any outstanding debt owed to the company andwhether the individual has in his/her possession any company credit cards, uniforms, tools,keys, safety equipment, manuals, vehicles, phones, computers, ID cards/badges or othercompany property. All company property in the <strong>employee</strong>'s possession must be returned to theOffice Manager / Human Resources representative upon separation from employment beforethe final pay check is released.Upon completion of a full accounting of the <strong>employee</strong>'s and the Company's accounts (asdetermined by the company), a final pay check for time worked (less deductions) will be issuedto the <strong>employee</strong> on the next regular pay day in accordance with applicable federal and statelaw. Union <strong>employee</strong>s will receive their paycheck at the end of their last full day of work.The Company will issue a check designated as the final payment for all services rendered. Thefinal check will reflect only the time actually worked. In the case of an <strong>employee</strong> who voluntarilyresigned their employment and worked out their notice, the <strong>employee</strong> will receive pay for his/herearned (unused) PTO.Upon resignation or termination, the <strong>employee</strong> should contact the Human Resourcesrepresentative for possible conversion of group insurance and to address any financial issues.An <strong>employee</strong> who has resigned their position may be asked to participate in an exit interview.In addition to discussing his/her decision to leave the company with his/her immediatesupervisor, a member of Management or the Human Resources representative may also meetwith the <strong>employee</strong> prior to the termination. Discussions concerning the reasons for leaving willassist the company in evaluating the effectiveness of its personnel policies and practices. At thetime of the exit interview matters relating to final pay and any other personal considerations willbe arranged.Updated 11/30/2009 Policy Section 4.0 / Page 34

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK4.5 Performance IssuesPolicyTechnical Facility Management, Inc expects all <strong>employee</strong>s to abide by established policiesand rules of general conduct and performance at all times. The regulations governing<strong>employee</strong> conduct and responsibilities have been established in the best interest of thecompany, its <strong>employee</strong>s, and its customers.Violations constitute misconduct on the part of the <strong>employee</strong> and appropriate disciplinary actionwill be initiated. Disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to verbal reprimand, writtennotice, suspension from work without pay, and termination of employment. Managementreserves the right to apply or escalate the discipline process to termination as the company, inits discretion, considers necessary in the individual circumstances.In the event an <strong>employee</strong> is suspended from work for disciplinary reasons, benefits will notaccrue nor will benefits be recoverable during the suspension period.The following are some examples of misconduct for which an <strong>employee</strong> may be subjectto discipline, and these examples do not constitute a complete list of the circumstancesfor which discipline may be warranted.• Unethical conduct including inappropriately accessing records, or disclosing confidential orproprietary company or personnel information to outsiders, or collusion with others thatresults in benefits of any nature to the individual <strong>employee</strong> and detriment to the company• Falsification of <strong>employee</strong> timesheets, records or reports pertaining to absence from work,claims pertaining to injuries occurring on company premises, claims for any benefitsprovided by the company, communications or records including personnel and productionrecords• Violation of the policy on Workplace Violence and Harassment of any type, includingphysical or verbal intimidation or use of profanity or abusive language• Concealing defective work• Theft of company's property, a customer's property or the property of any <strong>employee</strong>;hiding, concealing or misappropriation of company property or the property of other<strong>employee</strong>s or customers; sabotage or willful damage to company property, or the propertyof other <strong>employee</strong>s or customers• Unauthorized use or sale of any company-owned property, salvage material or equipment• Reporting to work in an unfit state, including under the influence of alcohol or drugs;possession, sale or use of illegal substances or consumption of alcohol while working onjob sites, in the Office or in company vehicles.Updated 11/30/2009 Policy Section 4.0 / Page 35

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK• Failure to follow Safety Policies and safe practice requirements. Negligence or willful actsin the performance of duties or misusing company property; actions resulting in damageto company property or injury to self or others• Insubordination through willfully ignoring or deliberately refusing to follow reasonablerequests or orders from a member of management• Inadequate work performance, such as failure to meet deadlines, failure to completeassignments, poor quality of work, low productivity, inability to utilize required technology,inability to complete the essential functions in the scope of the position• Unsafe Driving, receipt of moving violations or unauthorized use of company vehicle• Demonstrated lack of courtesy towards other <strong>employee</strong>s, customers or vendors; failure tocooperate to achieve company goals• Failure to report personal injury resulting from an on-the-job work situation• Violation of other Company policies4.6 Employee ConcernsPolicyTechnical Facility Management, Inc believes in open communication. If an <strong>employee</strong>has a suggestion, concern or complaint, management wants to know about it.Suggestions: Technical Facility Management, Inc welcomes <strong>employee</strong> suggestionsthat could improve on work process, increase revenues, save on expenses or improve thework environment and <strong>employee</strong> moraleConcerns and Complaints - In most cases, an issue or problem can be resolved throughopen discussion with the direct supervisor. For issues which cannot be resolved informallybetween an <strong>employee</strong> and supervisor, the following procedure has been established toensure a fair and impartial review.All complaints will be given timely and objective consideration in an atmosphere of mutualassistance. Time periods specified may be extended at the discretion of the managementperson reviewing a particular complaint if extenuating circumstances justify a longerperiod.This complaint procedure does not apply directly to complaints of harassment which aremore specifically discussed in Section 5 - Work Policies and Regulations.Step 1: The <strong>employee</strong> must present his/her complaint verbally or in writing to theirsupervisor. The Supervisor will make a thorough inquiry into the circumstances and factsof the complaint and will make every effort to resolve the matter promptly and fairly withintwo weeks. The resolution will be communicated to the <strong>employee</strong> who initiated theUpdated 11/30/2009 Policy Section 4.0 / Page 36

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOKconcern and will be copied to the Office Manager / Human Resource representative forthe <strong>employee</strong> file.Step 2: If the <strong>employee</strong> is dissatisfied with the resolution, the <strong>employee</strong> may submit awritten report to the Office Manager / Human Resource representative who will discuss itwith the next management level, and this should occur within one week. The OfficeManager / Human Resource representative will make a thorough inquiry into thecircumstances and facts of the complaint and will make every effort to resolve the matterpromptly and fairly within two weeks. The resolution will be communicated to the<strong>employee</strong> who initiated the concern and will be copied to the <strong>employee</strong> file.The filing of a complaint will not be accepted after an <strong>employee</strong> has been terminated fromemployment.Updated 11/30/2009 Policy Section 4.0 / Page 37

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOKAcknowledgment of Receipt and UnderstandingRead and Sign ImmediatelyI understand and acknowledge that:• The statements contained in the <strong>Info</strong>rmation Handbook for Employees of TechnicalFacility Management, Inc are intended to serve as general information concerningTechnical Facility Management, Inc and its existing policies, procedures, practicesof employment and <strong>employee</strong> benefits.• Nothing contained in the <strong>Info</strong>rmation Handbook for Employees of Technical FacilityManagement, Inc is intended to create (nor shall be construed as creating) acontract of employment (express or implied) or guarantee employment for a definiteor indefinite term, or in any way alter the ‘at-will’ nature of my employment.• From time to time Technical Facility Management, Inc may need to clarify, amendand/or supplement the information contained in the <strong>Info</strong>rmation Handbook forEmployees of Technical Facility Management, Inc and that the company willinform me when changes occur.• I have received a copy of the <strong>Info</strong>rmation Handbook for Employees of TechnicalFacility Management, Inc, have read and understand the information outlined inthe <strong>handbook</strong>, have asked any questions I may have concerning its contents andwill comply with all policies and procedures to the best of my ability.EmployeeSignature ________________________________________________________Date ____________________________________________________________Location _________________________________________________________AuthorizedWitness _________________________________________________________Employee CopyKeep this signed form with your Employee Manual.Updated 11/30/2009Policy Section 4.0 / Acknowledgment Form

Technical Facility Management, Inc.EMPLOYEE HANDBOOKAcknowledgment of Receipt and UnderstandingRead and Sign ImmediatelyI understand and acknowledge that:• The statements contained in the <strong>Info</strong>rmation Handbook for Employees of TechnicalFacility Management, Inc are intended to serve as general information concerningTechnical Facility Management, Inc and its existing policies, procedures, practicesof employment and <strong>employee</strong> benefits.• Nothing contained in the <strong>Info</strong>rmation Handbook for Employees of Technical FacilityManagement, Inc is intended to create (nor shall be construed as creating) acontract of employment (express or implied) or guarantee employment for a definiteor indefinite term, or in any way alter the ‘at-will’ nature of my employment.• From time to time Technical Facility Management, Inc may need to clarify, amendand/or supplement the information contained in the <strong>Info</strong>rmation Handbook forEmployees of Technical Facility Management, Inc and that the company willinform me when changes occur.• I have received a copy of the <strong>Info</strong>rmation Handbook for Employees of TechnicalFacility Management, Inc, have read and understand the information outlined inthe <strong>handbook</strong>, have asked any questions I may have concerning its contents andwill comply with all policies and procedures to the best of my ability.EmployeeSignature ________________________________________________________Date ____________________________________________________________Location _________________________________________________________AuthorizedWitness _________________________________________________________Employee CopyKeep this signed form with your Employee Manual.Updated 11/30/2009Policy Section 4.0 / Acknowledgment Form

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