MEDIA MARKET DATA - World Association of Newspapers

MEDIA MARKET DATA - World Association of Newspapers

MEDIA MARKET DATA - World Association of Newspapers


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advertising spending in newspapers would increase marginally as the economy keepsimproving. In particular, it predicted that ad spending will rise in the“information/communications” and “home electric appliances/AV equipment” industries dueto progress in ground-based digital broadcasting and “number portability” for mobile phoneusers, as well as in the “finance/insurance” industry amid corporate realignments.Dentsu also predicted that ad spending by the “foodstuffs” and “cosmetics/toiletries”industries, which grew markedly in 2005, will keep rising in 2006, but at a slower rate.http://www.pressnet.or.jp/newsb/, March 2006Online Advertising Statistics / ForecastsUnited States <strong>of</strong> AmericaAdvertising on blogs, podcasts and RSS feeds could generate as much as $49.8 million forAmerica's alternative media industry this year, according to a new report. Confirming theincreasing power and commercial potential <strong>of</strong> independent online media, publisher <strong>of</strong> thereport and media research firm PQ Media estimated that advertising on user-generated mediaplatforms generated around $20.4 million in the US for 2005 but predicted 144.9 per centgrowth for 2006. Blog advertising accounted for 81.4 per cent <strong>of</strong> that revenue and is expectedto rise to $36.2 million for 2006. Podcasting is a huge growth area and is predicted to begin tooutstrip blog advertising and be worth $327 million by 2010. The number <strong>of</strong> podcasts in theUS has doubled since 2005 to more than 25,000. Advertising in RSS news feeds only becamesignificant in mid-2005 but had generated $650,000 by the end <strong>of</strong> the year. The sector isexpected to grow to £129.6 million in 2010. Technology, media and automotive brandsaccount for more than half the advertising in user-generated media. "Blog, podcast and RSSadvertising are being driven by some <strong>of</strong> the same factors boosting the growth <strong>of</strong> the overallalternative media sector: continued audience fragmentation, the perceived ineffectiveness <strong>of</strong>traditional advertising, and the elusive but coveted 18 to 34-year-old demographic," saidPatrick Quinn, president <strong>of</strong> PQ Media. "Blog, podcast and RSS advertising have demonstratedan ability to reach younger demographics as well as influentials, and the media tend to behighly engaging. These are attractive trends to brand marketers that are focused on return oninvestment." Mr Quinn said that user-generated media will grow at triple-digit rates over thenext five year as technology and measurement techniques improve. PQ Media's 'Blog, podcastand RSS advertising outlook' is the first <strong>of</strong> five reports that follow six months' research intoalternative media in the US. http://www.journalism.co.uk/news/story1807.shtml; April 12,2006Product PlacementAustriaThe Austrian Newspaper <strong>Association</strong> has added its voice to the critics <strong>of</strong> efforts to liberalizetelevision advertising by revising the European "Television Without Frontiers"' directive. Theassociation wrote to the Austrian government -- which holds the Presidency <strong>of</strong> the EuropeanCouncil for the first half <strong>of</strong> 2006 -- saying the proposal is contradictory to the separation <strong>of</strong>advertising and editorial content. The association is concerned that the liberalisation <strong>of</strong>advertising, particularly product placement, will transfer revenue away from the press.Contact: Walter Schaffelh<strong>of</strong>er, gs@voez.at; Newsletter for Directors <strong>of</strong> WAN Member<strong>Association</strong>s - N ° 34 ; February 2, 200624

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