Sarang Gopalakrishnan - Harvard University Department of Physics

Sarang Gopalakrishnan - Harvard University Department of Physics

Sarang Gopalakrishnan - Harvard University Department of Physics


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<strong>Sarang</strong> <strong>Gopalakrishnan</strong>ContactInformationResearchInterestsEmployment<strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Physics</strong><strong>Harvard</strong> <strong>University</strong>17 Oxford Street Phone: (217) xxx-xxxxCambridge, MA 02138 USAE-mail:sarang@physics.harvard.eduCrystalline and liquid-crystalline phases <strong>of</strong> quantum matter; disordered, frustrated, andglassy systems; mesoscopic systems and ultracold gases — in particular, dispersionandinteraction-engineering (e.g., cavity-mediated interactions, synthetic gauge fieldsin atomic BECs and graphene), superconductor-insulator and superconductor-metaltransitions, quantum impurity problems.<strong>Harvard</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Cambridge, MA, USA<strong>Harvard</strong> Quantum Optics Center Prize Postdoctoral Fellow, 2012-Education<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USAPh.D., <strong>Physics</strong>, 2012 [M.S., 2009]Thesis: Crystalline and Glassy States <strong>of</strong> Ultracold Atomic SystemsAdvisor: Paul M. GoldbartAmherst College, Amherst, MA, USAB.A., <strong>Physics</strong> and Mathematics, 2006summa cum laude, Phi Beta KappaSenior thesis: Self-Adjointness and the Renormalization <strong>of</strong> Singular PotentialsThesis Advisor: William LoinazAwardsPrinceton Center for Theoretical Science, Princeton <strong>University</strong>• PCTS Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2012-2015 (declined)<strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Physics</strong>, California Institute <strong>of</strong> Technology• Caltech Prize Fellowship in Theoretical <strong>Physics</strong>, 2012-2015 (declined)Kavli Institute for Theoretical <strong>Physics</strong>, Santa Barbara• KITP Graduate Fellowship, Fall 2010<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Illinois at Urbana-Champaign• Illinois Distinguished Fellowship, 2007-2009Thomas J. Watson Foundation• Thomas J. Watson Fellowship, 2006 (resigned due to illness)Amherst College• Forris Jewett Moore Alumni Fellowship, 2007-2008• William Warren Stifler Prize in <strong>Physics</strong>, 2006• Woods-Travis Prize, 20061 <strong>of</strong> 4

• Addison-Brown Scholarship, 2006• Bertram Prize in Latin, 2006• Rolfe Humphries Poetry Prize, 2006• MacArthur-Leithauser Travel Award, 2005• Laura Ayres Snyder Poetry Prize, 2005• Elected to Phi Beta Kappa, 2005Publications S. <strong>Gopalakrishnan</strong>, B. L. Lev, and P. M. Goldbart, “Emergent crystallinity and frusandPreprints tration with Bose-Einstein condensates in multimode cavities,” Nature <strong>Physics</strong> 5, 845(2009).S. Lal, S. <strong>Gopalakrishnan</strong>, and P. M. Goldbart, “Approaching multichannel Kondophysics with correlated bosons: quantum phases and how to realize them,” Phys. Rev.B 81, 245314 (2010).S. <strong>Gopalakrishnan</strong>, B. L. Lev, and P. M. Goldbart, “Atom-light crystallization <strong>of</strong> Bose-Einstein condensates in multimode cavities: Nonequilibrium classical and quantumphase transitions, emergent lattices, supersolidity, and frustration,” Phys. Rev. A82, 043612 (2010) [selected for a Viewpoint in <strong>Physics</strong> 3, 88 (2010)].M. W. Brenner, S. <strong>Gopalakrishnan</strong>, J. Ku, T. J. McArdle, J. N. Eckstein, N. Shah,P. M. Goldbart, and A. Bezryadin, “Cratered Lorentzian response <strong>of</strong> driven microwavesuperconducting nanowire-bridged resonators: oscillatory and magnetic-field inducedstochastic states,” Phys. Rev. B 83, 184503 (2011).S. <strong>Gopalakrishnan</strong>, A. Lamacraft, and P. M. Goldbart, “Universal phase structure <strong>of</strong>dilute Bose gases with Rashba spin-orbit coupling,” Phys. Rev. A 84, 061604(R) (2011).S. <strong>Gopalakrishnan</strong>, B. L. Lev, and P. M. Goldbart, “Frustration and glassiness in spinmodels with cavity-mediated interactions,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 277201 (2011).S. Eley, S. <strong>Gopalakrishnan</strong>, P. M. Goldbart, and N. Mason, “Approaching Zero-TemperatureMetallic States in Mesoscopic Superconductor-Normal-Superconductor Arrays,”Nature <strong>Physics</strong> 8, 69 (2012).S. <strong>Gopalakrishnan</strong>, B. L. Lev, and P. M. Goldbart, “Exploring models <strong>of</strong> associativememory via cavity quantum electrodynamics,” Phil. Mag. 92, 353 (2012).S. <strong>Gopalakrishnan</strong>, P. Ghaemi, and S. Ryu, “Non-Abelian SU(2) gauge fields throughdensity-wave order and strain in graphene,” Phys. Rev. B 86, 081403(R) (2012).P. Ghaemi, S. <strong>Gopalakrishnan</strong>, and T. L. Hughes, “Designer quantum spin Hall phasetransition in molecular graphene,” arXiv:1205.4728 (2012).S. Eley, S. <strong>Gopalakrishnan</strong>, P. M. Goldbart, and N. Mason, “Fate <strong>of</strong> global superconductivityin arrays <strong>of</strong> long SNS junctions,” arXiv:1206.5999 (2012).S. <strong>Gopalakrishnan</strong>, “Reentrant superfluidity in disordered Fermi gases near a Feshbachresonance,” in preparationPresentations2 <strong>of</strong> 4

Crystalline and glassy phases <strong>of</strong> ultracold atoms with cavity-mediated interactions.Condensed matter theory KIDS seminar, <strong>Harvard</strong> <strong>University</strong> (November 2011); condensedmatter theory seminar, Stanford <strong>University</strong> (December 2011).Emergent co-crystallization <strong>of</strong> atoms and light in multimode cavities.AMO/CM seminar, Georgia Institute <strong>of</strong> Technology (February 2011).Photons as phonons: from cavity QED to quantum crystallization.Condensed matter seminar, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Virginia (February 2011).Informal discussion: quantum dynamics (discussion leader).Workshop on “Beyond Standard Optical Lattices,” Kavli Institute for Theoretical <strong>Physics</strong>,Santa Barbara (October 2010).Photons as phonons: from cavity QED to quantum solids.Condensed matter seminar, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> California–Santa Barbara (September 2010).Ordering and frustration in multimode cavities: quantum criticality, super-stripes, andglasses. Invited talk presented at the CMMC Workshop on “Cavity Cooling <strong>of</strong> atoms,molecules and ions,” Obergurgl, Austria (February 2009).Contributed talks at APS March Meeting (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012); contributed talk atAPS Division <strong>of</strong> Atomic, Molecular, and Optical <strong>Physics</strong> Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA(2011).Point interactions and singular potentials. Thesis defense, Amherst College, Amherst,MA (May 2006)Workshops and Workshop on “Disentangling quantum many-body systems,” Kavli Institute for Theo-Conferences retical <strong>Physics</strong>, October-December 2010.Workshop on “Beyond standard optical lattices,” Kavli Institute for Theoretical <strong>Physics</strong>,September-December 2010.Workshop on “Electron glasses,” Kavli Institute for Theoretical <strong>Physics</strong>, August-October2010.Conference on “Frontiers <strong>of</strong> ultracold atoms and molecules,” Kavli Institute for Theoretical<strong>Physics</strong>, October 2010.Conference on “Out-<strong>of</strong>-equilibrium quantum systems,” Kavli Institute for Theoretical<strong>Physics</strong>, August 2010.Workshop on “Quantum materials at the nanoscale,” <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Illinois, September2009Beg Rohu Summer School on “Quantum dynamics out <strong>of</strong> equilibrium,”St. PierreQuiberon, France, June 2009CMMC Workshop on “Cavity cooling <strong>of</strong> atoms, molecules and ions,” Obergurgl, Austria,Feb 2009APS March Meetings, 2009, 2010, 2011WorkExperience<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignTeaching Assistant (discussion), <strong>Physics</strong> 436, Electromagnetism IIAmherst CollegeTeaching Assistant in <strong>Physics</strong>, Mathematics, and Astronomy 2003-2006• Introductory mechanics (lab)• Introductory electromagnetism (grading and discussion)• Introduction to astronomy (grading)• Electrodynamics (grading)• Calculus I and II (grading)• Linear algebra (grading)• Complex analysis (grading)3 <strong>of</strong> 4

Mellon Intern, <strong>Physics</strong> <strong>Department</strong> Summer 2004, 2005• Supervisor: Pr<strong>of</strong>. William LoinazStudent Encoding Assistant, Frost Library Archives 2002-2003Skills andExpertiseComputers. Experienced with Mathematica, LaTeX, Illustrator, and Photoshop. Basicknowledge <strong>of</strong> C++ and Java.Mathematics. Linear algebra, group theory, complex analysis, topology, differentialgeometry, functional analysis.Hobbies andInterestsWriting poetry and fiction, philosophy <strong>of</strong> language and mathematics, dialects, birdwatching,medieval literature. I blog about these things at http://glassbottomblog.blogspot.com/4 <strong>of</strong> 4

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