Libro Blanco Vol I en Ingles

Libro Blanco Vol I en Ingles

Libro Blanco Vol I en Ingles


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TOWARDS A NATIONAL INNOVATION STRATEGY FOR COMPETITIVENESSVOLUME 12.2 BASES FOR PUBLIC ACTIONS IN INNOVATIONSCIENCE AS A STARTING POINTThe first chapter of this docum<strong>en</strong>t has highlighted the importance of sci<strong>en</strong>ce in innovation and growth.This is particularly the case with research that is more applied to technological developm<strong>en</strong>t or targeted atproviding a response to production problems. Ev<strong>en</strong> though in Chile first-rate sci<strong>en</strong>tific research is carried out invarious disciplines, its impact on the national production system is not very satisfactory.Why? One factor is the low number and dispersion of researchers, which makes it difficult to g<strong>en</strong>erate th<strong>en</strong>ecessary critical masses for a greater impact. Additionally, there are inc<strong>en</strong>tives and cultural elem<strong>en</strong>ts thatseparate it from the sci<strong>en</strong>tific activity of the production world. Thirdly, the public funds that support sci<strong>en</strong>tificactivity have shown greater efficacy in fostering free research or research weakly linked to companies (“pushedby sci<strong>en</strong>ce”) than in research with a production impact (“demand-driv<strong>en</strong>”).There is a cons<strong>en</strong>sus that the country must invest more in sci<strong>en</strong>ce. Consequ<strong>en</strong>tly, the Council in itsFebruary 2006 report recognises the need to carry out a g<strong>en</strong>eric <strong>en</strong>deavour such as the obligation to foster thesci<strong>en</strong>tific work that is more ori<strong>en</strong>ted to production needs. This is a task in which the business world should getinvolved with a much greater financial commitm<strong>en</strong>t. This docum<strong>en</strong>t proposes a gradual increase in the supportto individual researchers or c<strong>en</strong>tres of excell<strong>en</strong>ce for their own initiatives. It also obligates the task of creating anew balance in the future betwe<strong>en</strong> basic and applied research, favouring the progressive preval<strong>en</strong>ce of sci<strong>en</strong>celinked to knowledge for innovative change and the growing pre-emin<strong>en</strong>ce of research driv<strong>en</strong> by companies forR+D activities.However, to define the National Innovation Strategy for Competitiv<strong>en</strong>ess, the Council has sought to takeup the analysis again based on ess<strong>en</strong>tial questions.Is it necessary for a relatively poor country such as Chile to target a share of its public resources to fundbasic sci<strong>en</strong>tific research? Is it not <strong>en</strong>ough to have a handful of trained professionals capable of reading thesci<strong>en</strong>tific publications that are produced elsewhere?The answer is Yes, it is necessary, but not only because it is very difficult for a researcher to fullyappropriate the b<strong>en</strong>efits of producing knowledge, but also because home-grown basic sci<strong>en</strong>ce will give thecountry the capabilities to understand new knowledge or to adopt the new technologies that emerge from it.Why? Because highly trained people possess something that is not <strong>en</strong>tirely transmittable through their research74Ev<strong>en</strong> though in Chile first-rate sci<strong>en</strong>tificresearch is carried out in variousdisciplines, its impact on the nationalproduction system is not very satisfactory,giv<strong>en</strong> the difficulty in reaching a criticalmass of researchers, The distance betwe<strong>en</strong>production and sci<strong>en</strong>tific activity and theincreased efficacy of public funds forfostering free research versus “demanddriv<strong>en</strong>”research.It is necessary to target funding to basicsci<strong>en</strong>tific research, since without it, it isdifficult to understand new knowledge oradopt new technologies that arise from it.

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