Libro Blanco Vol I en Ingles

Libro Blanco Vol I en Ingles

Libro Blanco Vol I en Ingles


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TOWARDS A NATIONAL INNOVATION STRATEGY FOR COMPETITIVENESSVOLUME 1to <strong>en</strong>try of innovation-int<strong>en</strong>sive companies and foster competition in the industry. The idea is that the State limit itself tofostering and <strong>en</strong>suring an adequate <strong>en</strong>vironm<strong>en</strong>t for the developm<strong>en</strong>t of this market and leave the decisions on whatprojects to back up to firms specialized in risk capital.Another type of innovation is that associated to the developm<strong>en</strong>t of complex systems, such as in the aerospace andtelecommunications sectors. In this case, the market failure arises from also the low appropriability of returns. On top ofthis, there is the high risk associated to the results of technological innovation projects and the high associated costs. Assuch, the willingness to invest in this type of high risk and high cost projects is low giv<strong>en</strong> that the prospects of recovering thereturns of the investm<strong>en</strong>t are scarce.In this case, competitiv<strong>en</strong>ess policies should be adopted for cooperation in the area of R+D (such as R+D consortia inwhich the costs and b<strong>en</strong>efits of R+D are shared). Another alternative is to subsidize innovation activity, where subsidiesshould be provided in exchange for the commitm<strong>en</strong>t by the innovative companies to disseminate their results. The latterfosters access to innovation at a reasonable cost, prev<strong>en</strong>ting a single company from capturing all the b<strong>en</strong>efits (and all therisks) which ultimately favours the consumer, since prices are g<strong>en</strong>erally lower in a more competitive <strong>en</strong>vironm<strong>en</strong>t.* Based on “Anteced<strong>en</strong>tes para el diseño de una política tecnologica nacional”. José Miguel B<strong>en</strong>av<strong>en</strong>te, 2004.73

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