Masked Owl - Nswfmpa.org

Masked Owl - Nswfmpa.org

Masked Owl - Nswfmpa.org


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13 GlossaryCarina: projecting part of bird’s breastbone: the prominent keel-shaped projection of the breastbone ofa bird to which the flight muscles are anchoredCaudal: in hind part of body: situated in or extending towards the hind part of the bodyConjunctiva: membrane under eyelid: a delicate mucous membrane that covers the internal part ofthe eyelid and is attached to the corneaCornea: transparent membrane covering front of eye: the transparent convex membrane that coversthe pupil and iris of the eyeFemur: ZOOLOGY large bone in vertebrate leg: a bone equivalent to the human thighbone in othervertebratesKeratin: fibrous protein: a fibrous insoluble protein that is the main structural element in hair, nails,feathers, and hoovesMetatarsals: foot bone: any of the set of bones between the toes and ankleOchriesh: brownish-yellow colourOropharynx: upper part of throat: the part of the throat that is located below the soft palate andabove the larynxPalpable: feelable: able to be felt by the hands, especially in a medical examinationPhalanges: ANATOMY finger and toe bone: a finger or toe bone of a human being or vertebrate animalSedentary: BIRDS nonmigratory: remaining in the same area throughout the year and not migratingSpeculum: medical instrument: a medical instrument used to hold open a body passage, for examplethe anus or vagina, so that it can be examinedtibiotarsus: bone in birds legUlcerations: forming of ulcer: the formation of an ulcer. Ulcer: external sore: a suppurating sore onthe skin that does not heal and results in the destruction of tissueThorax: upper part of animal’s body: the area corresponding to the human thorax in other vertebrates58

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