Masked Owl - Nswfmpa.org

Masked Owl - Nswfmpa.org

Masked Owl - Nswfmpa.org


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8 Health Requirements8.1 Daily Health ChecksBehavioralWhen you enter aviary the bird should be alert acknowledge your presence.<strong>Owl</strong> should be perching, not huddled on the ground.Threat displays are normal behavior, hunched over, swaying and clapping beak.Monitor the food being taken out has it been eaten, none at all or only a small amount?PhysicalDistant examinationCheck for signs of injury, is there any blood?Check the Wings for damage or injuries.Check the feet for injury, obvious inflammation, and check talons are free of debris andintactCheck posture, is the owl in a mostly upright position wings by side and not drooping?Check the beak should be closed, no discharges, no signs of mouth breathing.Check that the eyes can open no discharges.Check vent area ensure no accumulated faecal mater8.2 Detailed Physical Examination8.2.1 Physical ExaminationTo avoid any undue stress to the owl being examined, keep the length of examination asshort as possible. Using a towel to assist with restraint will also help calm the bird whenplaced over head/ eyes. Michael Taylor DVM (birds 2000) recommends beginning theexamination at the head and working towards the tail of bird.HeadFeathers should be smooth and well groomed. There should be no feather loss. The eyesshould be bilaterally symmetrical, the corneas should be clear with no discharge, andthere should be no excess fluid from the conjunctiva. Check the nostrils for fresh ordried debris. Check around ear canal for discharge and feather loss, masked owl earcanals are not bilaterally symmetrical this allows for dimensional sound location of prey.Examine beak for symmetry and shape asses the quality of keratin being produced bychecking for soft or irregular areas on the beak. Hold the beak open using a speculum ortape loop to examine the oropharynx, use a penlight to illuminate the area. The mucusmembrane should be smooth with no debris.ThoraxThe carina or keel of the sternum is palpable on the ventral mid line, it should bestraight and oriented at 90 degrees to the sternal plate the ribs are palpable along thelateral border of the sternum running from the cost sternal junction to the vertebralcolumn, and they should be evenly arranged with a flat lateral surface. The pectoral32

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