Masked Owl - Nswfmpa.org

Masked Owl - Nswfmpa.org

Masked Owl - Nswfmpa.org


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7.6.2 FurnishingsA block of wood firmly attached to the floor of transport box/container can act as a perchso owl can have a firm grip and stability while being transported.7.6.3 Water and FoodBirds do not usually require feeding during a trip less than 24 hours following time ofdispatch. If feeding is required due to unforeseen delay, chunks of raw meat must beprovided to owls. Moisture can normally be obtained from food, therefore, water mustonly be offered in very hot weather.Shipper’s instructions on feeding must be followed.7.6.4 Animals per BoxOnly one adult masked owl should be placed into single transport box/container. Youngfledglings from the same nest may be transported together in transport box/container.7.6.5 Timing of TransportationTransport the bird as quickly and comfortably as possible. Timing from boxing todestination should be minimized.7.6.6 Release from BoxIf releasing from box/container place box on ground in enclosure open door facing toback of enclosure, away from obstacles owl may fly into, and allow owl to exit box in itsown time.31

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