Growth and development.pdf

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1. Profile for 2002A predominantly rural authority, Dumfries & Galloway has a population of 145,800.The population is set to drop by 7% over the next 14 years, particularly in the under 15’s and30-44 age group. The proportion of households with pensioners is already high and thenumber of people aged over 75 is set to increase by almost a third.At 3.7%, the unemployment rate is lower than for Scotland as a whole, but unemploymentamongst 18-24s has risen over 600% in the last year.The drug misuse rate is below average (1.6% of 15 to 54 year olds).The rate of recorded crime has fallen slightly to 528 per 10,000 of population in 2001.Relatively high offending among women and young people is a constant local feature, whichmay be associated with increased misuse of drugs.The Council has recently reorganised both its committee and management arrangements. TheCouncil is strengthening the role of its 4 Area Committees, and developing a more strategicand corporate approach at the centre of its activities. The interests of children and older peopleare seen to cut across all Council business, and will have their own sub-committees.One of three corporate directorates, Education and Community Services embraces all servicesdelivered by the council to individuals, including social services. The Chief Social Work Officerpost is to lie with either the Head of Children’s Services or the Head of Community Care.Expected % change in population, 2000-2016,local and national comparisons by age bandPercent403020100-10-20-30-40-50Under 5 5-14 15-29 30-44 45-59 60-74 75+AgeScotlandDumfries & Galloway47

2. Performance: Community CareBalance of care (aged 65+)Older people in residential care homes 615 22 2 668 24 1Older people in private nursing homes 456 16 4 401 15 4Older people receiving home care 1,545 56 3 1,455 52 4Older people in special needs housing 1,581 57.2 4 1,599 57.4 4People receiving a communitycare service1999actual1999-2000actual1999per 1,0001999-2000per 1,000QuartileQuartile2000actual2000-2001actual2000per 1,0002000-2001per 1,000QuartileQuartileOlder people (aged 65+) 6,504 233.4 2 5,620 201.7 3For mental health problems/dementia 146 1.7 4 147 1.7 4(aged 18-64)For physical disabilities (aged 18-64) 1,592 18.4 1 1,116 12.9 3For learning disabilities (aged 18-64) 355 4.1 2 135 1.6 4For drug/alcohol abuse problems 26 0.3 3 20 0.2 4(aged 18-64)Dumfries and Galloway has a higher rate of older people living in residential care homes thanmany other authorities and a lower rate of people living in special needs housing. Fewer olderpeople receive home care than many other authorities, but the service is provided for longerhours than in most, because the Council has targeted services on older people with morecomplex needs who often require personal care. The service is both provided and purchased,but does not include overnight care. Social work teams (outwith Stewartry where there is ajoint management pilot) have close links with GP practices and primary care teams. The NithsdaleRapid Response Team and the Dumfries Community Rehabilitation Team are jointly managed.A joint board produced the Partnership in Practice Agreement (PiP) and is responsible for itsimplementation. An integrated learning disability service is being put in place, with communitylearning disability teams of social workers, community learning disability nurses and occupationaltherapists working together in a shared base. The council is working towards integratingadministrative systems, wherever possible. Work is ongoing to agree a way of sharing somecommon information held by Social Services and the Primary Care Trust on its separate ITsystems. Integrated teams will each have one manager that comes from either a social work orhealth background.A learning plan sets out the training and development needs of local authority and NHS staff.The local authority and the NHS are developing a single quality assurance system linkingclinical governance and best value. This will help to make sure that services are effective andgood value for money. People with learning disabilities and their families have been consultedin a series of workshops. A small transition project in one area of Dumfries and Galloway helpsyoung people with a learning disability into jobs or further education.Mental health services are similarly organised, with a joint board giving a lead in planning andimplementation. Five multi-disciplinary community mental health teams serve adults and similarteams are being developed for older people. A joint training plan sets out the training needs ofsocial work and NHS staff and includes a current programme on the Adults with Incapacity(Scotland) Act 2000.48

1. Profile for 2002A predominantly rural authority, Dumfries & Galloway has a population of 145,800.The population is set to drop by 7% over the next 14 years, particularly in the under 15’s <strong>and</strong>30-44 age group. The proportion of households with pensioners is already high <strong>and</strong> thenumber of people aged over 75 is set to increase by almost a third.At 3.7%, the unemployment rate is lower than for Scotl<strong>and</strong> as a whole, but unemploymentamongst 18-24s has risen over 600% in the last year.The drug misuse rate is below average (1.6% of 15 to 54 year olds).The rate of recorded crime has fallen slightly to 528 per 10,000 of population in 2001.Relatively high offending among women <strong>and</strong> young people is a constant local feature, whichmay be associated with increased misuse of drugs.The Council has recently reorganised both its committee <strong>and</strong> management arrangements. TheCouncil is strengthening the role of its 4 Area Committees, <strong>and</strong> developing a more strategic<strong>and</strong> corporate approach at the centre of its activities. The interests of children <strong>and</strong> older peopleare seen to cut across all Council business, <strong>and</strong> will have their own sub-committees.One of three corporate directorates, Education <strong>and</strong> Community Services embraces all servicesdelivered by the council to individuals, including social services. The Chief Social Work Officerpost is to lie with either the Head of Children’s Services or the Head of Community Care.Expected % change in population, 2000-2016,local <strong>and</strong> national comparisons by age b<strong>and</strong>Percent403020100-10-20-30-40-50Under 5 5-14 15-29 30-44 45-59 60-74 75+AgeScotl<strong>and</strong>Dumfries & Galloway47

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