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Appendix 2Children’s Services• Just over 7,200 children were referred to local authorities for child protection inquiries in theyear ended 31 March 2000. 36% of those referred were the subject of an inter-agency caseconference.• In 88% of instances where children were subject to a case conference the children in questionwere living at home prior to being referred.• In 78% of all case conferences, the primary source of abuse/risk to the child was known orsuspected to be the child’s birth parent(s).• 73% of case conferences occurring as a result of children referred in the year ending31 March 2000 resulted in the child being placed on the local child protection register.• There were just over 2,100 children removed from child protection registers in the year to31 March 2000. Two thirds of these children had been on the register for less than a yearwith nearly 11% having spent at least 2 years on the register. Of these 2,100 deregistrations40% were for children whose main category of abuse had been identified asphysical injury.• As at 31 March 2000, 2,050 children were on local child protection registers, a decrease ofjust over 300 on the number one year previously.• At 31 March 2001, just under 10,900 children were ‘looked after’ by the local authorities• In the year ended 31 December 2001, 418 applications were made for adoption comparedto 405 the year before.• At 31 March 2000 the number of children in residential accommodation on was 1,960.Figure 1Children registered as a result of a case Conference: Breakdown by Category of above/riskidentified by case conference.Percentage breakdown by category of abuse 2000Other1%Physicalneglect33.8%Physicainjury37.7%Emotionalabuse12.4%Sexualabuse15.1%277

Community Care ServicesTable 3 below outlines the number of people receiving different types of community careservices in the year to 31 March 2000.Table 3ServiceNumber of service usersHome Care services for older people 59,232Home Care services for physically disabled adults 53,540Home Care services for adults with a mental health problem 2,256Home Care services for adults with learning disabilities 1,469Home Care services for other client groups 1 9,918Residential care homes for older people 13,762Residential care homes for physically disabled adults 773Residential care homes for adults with mental health problems 1,146Residential care homes for adults with learning disabilities 4,394Residential care homes for other client groups 1 994Day care attendance for older people 12,362Day care attendance for adults with learning disabilities 8,587Day care attendance for physically disabled adults 2,482Day care attendance for adults with mental health problems 815Day care attendance for other client groups 1 265Source: SEHD, Social Work Statistics DivisionNote:In 1998 a new methodology was introduced for dealing with non-response for the home care, day care andresidential care data collections. Therefore, care must be taken when comparing data over time if the timeperiod covers data before and after 1998.Specific Notes:1 Other client groups include people with drug and alcohol problems, HIV and AIDS, ex-offenders, homeless peopleand other vulnerable groups.278

Appendix 2Children’s Services• Just over 7,200 children were referred to local authorities for child protection inquiries in theyear ended 31 March 2000. 36% of those referred were the subject of an inter-agency caseconference.• In 88% of instances where children were subject to a case conference the children in questionwere living at home prior to being referred.• In 78% of all case conferences, the primary source of abuse/risk to the child was known orsuspected to be the child’s birth parent(s).• 73% of case conferences occurring as a result of children referred in the year ending31 March 2000 resulted in the child being placed on the local child protection register.• There were just over 2,100 children removed from child protection registers in the year to31 March 2000. Two thirds of these children had been on the register for less than a yearwith nearly 11% having spent at least 2 years on the register. Of these 2,100 deregistrations40% were for children whose main category of abuse had been identified asphysical injury.• As at 31 March 2000, 2,050 children were on local child protection registers, a decrease ofjust over 300 on the number one year previously.• At 31 March 2001, just under 10,900 children were ‘looked after’ by the local authorities• In the year ended 31 December 2001, 418 applications were made for adoption comparedto 405 the year before.• At 31 March 2000 the number of children in residential accommodation on was 1,960.Figure 1Children registered as a result of a case Conference: Breakdown by Category of above/riskidentified by case conference.Percentage breakdown by category of abuse 2000Other1%Physicalneglect33.8%Physicainjury37.7%Emotionalabuse12.4%Sexualabuse15.1%277

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