Growth and development.pdf

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ShetlandLed by NHS Shetland and including a psychiatric social worker, the community mental healthteam (CMHT) is part of a redesign of services in Shetland. Psychiatric services for adults areprovided by a resident consultant who gives leadership to the CMHT, and is supported byvisiting consultants (who provide support for other care groups). Most in-patient treatment forpeople with a mental illness, including children, adolescents and older people with dementia,is provided in Aberdeen. Where practical and justified by needs, treatment is provided inShetland, if suitable beds or GP support are available.A pre-existing joint assessment process – developed in consultation with staff, users, carersand the voluntary sector – is being refined to meet the requirements of single sharedassessment, and of Supporting People. A community care assessment form is the core tool,with additions for further assessment to be used as necessary. The procedure already routinelyseeks the consent of users to information sharing.A joint working group is developing detailed proposals for a redesign of sensory impairmentservices, including speech and language therapy. Progress is monitored by an advisory team,including the community care forum and stakeholders from both the statutory and voluntarysector. There are no sensory impairment associations within Shetland.Proposed service developments include:• extension of the specialist services offered to school-age children and young adults; and• resource centre facilities to host specialist services for adults.The needs for the service were assessed in consultation with service users and carers.Individual assessments of need are followed by access to specialist resources as required.There is a social worker specialising in sensory impairment.The Council and NHS Shetland have established a joint implementation group which plans andoversees the management of community care services. Existing Joint Future partners areinvolved – health, housing and social work. It is intended to align budgets in the first instanceand assess the scope and value of the joint resourcing pot, particularly around the inclusion ofmore hospital based services. The partners have developed a statement of intent for staff, ajoint staff forum, and are in the early stages of drawing up a joint training and development plan.227

3. Performance: Children and FamiliesBalance of care – Looked afterchildren (aged 0-17)At home 20 3.5 3 13 2.3 4With friends/relatives/other community 0 0.0 4 1 0.2 4With foster carers/prospective adopters 11 2.0 3 15 2.7 2In residential accommodation 6 1.1 2 4 0.7 4Total 37 6.6 4 33 5.8 4Key performance indicators1999-2000actual1998-1999actual1999-2000per 1,0001998-1999per 1,000QuartileQuartile2000-2001actual1999-2000actual2000-2001per 1,0001999-2000per 1,000QuartileQuartileChild protection (CP) referrals 106 20.7 1 39 7.7 2(aged 0-15)Children subject to a CP case 35 6.9 1 4 0.8 4conference (aged 0-15)Children placed on CP register 26 5.1 1 2 0.4 4(aged 0-15)Adoption applications in year 1 0.2 4 6 1.1 1(aged 0-17)Stranger adopter applications 0 0 4 2 0.4 1(aged 0-17)The rate of child protection referrals is relatively high, but has reduced considerably from anexceptionally high rate in 1998-1999. Rates of children subject to a case conference and on thechild protection register have also dropped sharply and are now lower than in most otherauthorities. Adoption application rates are high, having increased from a low level in 1998-1999.Family Support Worker posts have been created to complement the social worker establishmentfor child protection. The development of the New Community Schools project in the NorthMainland will make a significant contribution to the early intervention, prevention and protectiveservices available in the area.The overall rate of looked after children is low. The rate of looked after children living with fostercarers increased between 1999 and 2001 and is now relatively high.The Council has established a professional foster care service in the past year, and recruitmentcampaigns have resulted in the approval of 10 new foster carers.The Social Care Service and the Shetland Child care Partnership have created a Family CentreServices team, based in Lerwick, which offers family support services throughout Shetland onan outreach basis. Parent support groups, a crèche, play opportunities, the use of the mobilePlay Van are among services on offer.228

3. Performance: Children <strong>and</strong> FamiliesBalance of care – Looked afterchildren (aged 0-17)At home 20 3.5 3 13 2.3 4With friends/relatives/other community 0 0.0 4 1 0.2 4With foster carers/prospective adopters 11 2.0 3 15 2.7 2In residential accommodation 6 1.1 2 4 0.7 4Total 37 6.6 4 33 5.8 4Key performance indicators1999-2000actual1998-1999actual1999-2000per 1,0001998-1999per 1,000QuartileQuartile2000-2001actual1999-2000actual2000-2001per 1,0001999-2000per 1,000QuartileQuartileChild protection (CP) referrals 106 20.7 1 39 7.7 2(aged 0-15)Children subject to a CP case 35 6.9 1 4 0.8 4conference (aged 0-15)Children placed on CP register 26 5.1 1 2 0.4 4(aged 0-15)Adoption applications in year 1 0.2 4 6 1.1 1(aged 0-17)Stranger adopter applications 0 0 4 2 0.4 1(aged 0-17)The rate of child protection referrals is relatively high, but has reduced considerably from anexceptionally high rate in 1998-1999. Rates of children subject to a case conference <strong>and</strong> on thechild protection register have also dropped sharply <strong>and</strong> are now lower than in most otherauthorities. Adoption application rates are high, having increased from a low level in 1998-1999.Family Support Worker posts have been created to complement the social worker establishmentfor child protection. The <strong>development</strong> of the New Community Schools project in the NorthMainl<strong>and</strong> will make a significant contribution to the early intervention, prevention <strong>and</strong> protectiveservices available in the area.The overall rate of looked after children is low. The rate of looked after children living with fostercarers increased between 1999 <strong>and</strong> 2001 <strong>and</strong> is now relatively high.The Council has established a professional foster care service in the past year, <strong>and</strong> recruitmentcampaigns have resulted in the approval of 10 new foster carers.The Social Care Service <strong>and</strong> the Shetl<strong>and</strong> Child care Partnership have created a Family CentreServices team, based in Lerwick, which offers family support services throughout Shetl<strong>and</strong> onan outreach basis. Parent support groups, a crèche, play opportunities, the use of the mobilePlay Van are among services on offer.228

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