Growth and development.pdf

Growth and development.pdf Growth and development.pdf
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FalkirkThe Council has an overall lower rate of staff than many other authorities, although total numbersincreased between 1999 and 2000. Vacancy levels are fairly close to the Scottish average.Criminal justice was affected by posts being kept vacant to cope with a possible influx ofworkers deployed in prison social work service, but this has now been resolved. The most acutepressure is now within community-based children and families teams, unavoidably compoundedby significant change in the management team. In January 2002 there were 10 vacancies inchildcare.Recruitment and retention are reviewed every three months by the department managementteam. Since student placements are an effective way of recruiting newly qualified socialworkers, the Council provides a disproportionate and significant number of practice teachingplacements. It is examining the possibility of a traineeship scheme, enabling unqualified socialcare staff to become qualified through full-time or part-time courses.Major emphasis is placed on staff development. This includes support for post-qualifying staffdevelopment, assisting staff through child protection, criminal justice, social work management,mental health officer and PQ1 programmes. Pressure on qualified staff is being addressedflexibly through the use of social work assistant posts and an increased use of administrativestaff. The Council has concentrated on marketing its reputation as a good employer withflexible and improved employment conditions.7. Modernising servicesThe Council has a corporate approach to the development of a Race Equality Scheme, takingfull account of the resource implications, particularly in relation to education policy, but to alesser extent to housing and social work. The Council’s Race Equality Advisory Forum hasstarted to audit procedures and practices within the Council.As a partner in Central Scotland’s Racist Attacks and Harassment Strategy Group, the Councilis enhancing translation and interpreting services, and it produced guidelines in 2001 for staffwho were communicating with ethnic minority communities and people with a sensoryimpairment.There is a Modernising Government funded Citizen Focus project, organised around a knownhigh use of the phone to contact Council staff, and a network of one-stop shops. 8-10% ofcustomer contact is online. The next phase is to include division of routine enquiries from thespecialist or professional tasks.Client information systems have been completely re-designed and have the capacity to linkwith health for single shared assessment.125

8. The FutureAfter the best value review and the redevelopment of the home care service the Council has asound basis for planning and implementing progressive improvement of home care to meetingthe developing needs and numbers of older people.The Council should follow up the progress already made in learning disability services bydetermining the criteria for introducing direct payments.The effectiveness of the integrated mental health teams would be enhanced by closer workinglinks with education services.In order to enable single shared assessment to work to its full potential for service users, theCouncil and its health partners should establish arrangements to allow assessors to accessresources directly across agency boundaries.Agreed information requirements and information-sharing protocols are crucial to developingjoint services. The Council and its partners should agree and implement protocols – particularlyfor different aspects of community care – as soon as practicable.Training and support for social work staff expected to use IT systems is essential if the benefitsof using new technology are to be secured for improvements in services.To ensure further progress is made in improving the education of looked after children, thecouncil should:• ensure there is a standard format for all care plans, based on assessments which includesuitable educational targets;• link information systems so that information can be shared;• put in place quality assurance systems;• complete audits of educational environments; and• finalise a joint social work and education policy for looked after and accommodatedchildren.126

FalkirkThe Council has an overall lower rate of staff than many other authorities, although total numbersincreased between 1999 <strong>and</strong> 2000. Vacancy levels are fairly close to the Scottish average.Criminal justice was affected by posts being kept vacant to cope with a possible influx ofworkers deployed in prison social work service, but this has now been resolved. The most acutepressure is now within community-based children <strong>and</strong> families teams, unavoidably compoundedby significant change in the management team. In January 2002 there were 10 vacancies inchildcare.Recruitment <strong>and</strong> retention are reviewed every three months by the department managementteam. Since student placements are an effective way of recruiting newly qualified socialworkers, the Council provides a disproportionate <strong>and</strong> significant number of practice teachingplacements. It is examining the possibility of a traineeship scheme, enabling unqualified socialcare staff to become qualified through full-time or part-time courses.Major emphasis is placed on staff <strong>development</strong>. This includes support for post-qualifying staff<strong>development</strong>, assisting staff through child protection, criminal justice, social work management,mental health officer <strong>and</strong> PQ1 programmes. Pressure on qualified staff is being addressedflexibly through the use of social work assistant posts <strong>and</strong> an increased use of administrativestaff. The Council has concentrated on marketing its reputation as a good employer withflexible <strong>and</strong> improved employment conditions.7. Modernising servicesThe Council has a corporate approach to the <strong>development</strong> of a Race Equality Scheme, takingfull account of the resource implications, particularly in relation to education policy, but to alesser extent to housing <strong>and</strong> social work. The Council’s Race Equality Advisory Forum hasstarted to audit procedures <strong>and</strong> practices within the Council.As a partner in Central Scotl<strong>and</strong>’s Racist Attacks <strong>and</strong> Harassment Strategy Group, the Councilis enhancing translation <strong>and</strong> interpreting services, <strong>and</strong> it produced guidelines in 2001 for staffwho were communicating with ethnic minority communities <strong>and</strong> people with a sensoryimpairment.There is a Modernising Government funded Citizen Focus project, organised around a knownhigh use of the phone to contact Council staff, <strong>and</strong> a network of one-stop shops. 8-10% ofcustomer contact is online. The next phase is to include division of routine enquiries from thespecialist or professional tasks.Client information systems have been completely re-designed <strong>and</strong> have the capacity to linkwith health for single shared assessment.125

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