Growth and development.pdf

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EdinburghRecruitment procedures were radically overhauled to address the shortage of home helps.Recruitment was centralised and the Council hired external premises as a single venue forgiving presentations to the large number of applicants, and for conducting interviews. To speedup the process, extra clerical staff were appointed and interviewers received additional training.From 1000 applicants, 200 were interviewed and 146 were appointed – triple the return from aprevious exercise at no greater unit cost.Measures have been taken to retain staff. The Council has established a Trainee Social WorkerScheme, which supports up to five staff through training, and a bursary scheme to subsidiseup to ten students.7. Modernising servicesThe ethnic population (almost 10,000 in 1991) is above the average rate for Scotland, particularlyfor people of Pakistani or Chinese origin. There are also around 2,000 refugees from a widevariety of cultures, religions, nationalities and ethnic backgrounds.The Council, both corporately and within social work, has a well-developed platform for raceequality work. A black and ethnic minorities consultation group is consulted regularly on servicedevelopments and there is an active black workers support group. A minority ethnic carersproject was launched after a successful pilot stage in 2001. The Khandan Initiative (Barnardo’sfamily placement service) won a Community Care award in the same year. The social workdepartment, jointly with housing colleagues, work to support up to 300 asylum seekers.Citizen Focus, a major project resourced by the Modernising Government fund and based on apartnership with BT, is designed to support online service delivery and a council-wide customer/property database. The social work department is negotiating improvement of outdated andfragmented client information systems within these corporate developments.All social work services, including residential children’s homes and residential schools, will belinked with PCs by the end of 2002, and there is provision for non-networked PCs for fosterchildren. Work in progress includes:• a study of the feasibility of linking the information systems of health, education and socialwork for looked after children; anddevelopment of an online joint aids and equipment store with three other authorities andhealth, involving online self-assessment.101

8. The FutureThrough its onecity report the Council has demonstrated a readiness to tackle major issuesfacing vulnerable adults and children in Edinburgh. It brought to the task an improved corporateapproach and closer partnership working with both statutory and independent sectors. It nowneeds to devote attention to consolidating progress and to planning to meet changing needsin the light of demographic changes.Meeting the needs of older people depends critically on partnership working between the Counciland NHS Lothian. The Council could build on past achievements in partnership working in orderto achieve workable solutions and better services sooner for older people.To build on its programme of service improvements being introduced into home care, the Councilshould review the scope for other supportive measures, for example, enhancing shopping anddomestic services and harnessing the independent sector more closely in plans to developlocal services for older people.In the longer term the council seeks to shift the balance of care away from care home placementstowards housing with extra care.There is scope for further improving learning disability services by establishing a jointcommissioning team and by raising standards of assessment and care planning.To complement its services for people with sensory impairments, the Council should reviewthe future needs of children with sensory impairments and how it analyses them, with a viewto planning the future pattern of services for children and the resource priorities required toachieve it.Increasing numbers of looked after children are challenges to the Council and a heavy drain onthe resources on which it can call. While the Council is bound to maintain a high standard ofservices for the children for which it has a care responsibility, it seems prudent to give increasingpriority to prevention and to mobilising the efforts of staff in social work, education and healthand also voluntary organisations to this end.To consolidate the progress in improving the education of looked after children included in itsaction plan, the Council should formulate joint training and development opportunities for staffwho work with those childrenA programme of service improvement is planned across the grouping for criminal justice services,but fundamental to success in achieving the full benefits of grouping services is a commonsystem of information for practice and management. The Council should take the initiative inundertaking or commissioning with its partners a review of information needs for criminaljustice services and the options for developing a standard system to meet them.102

8. The FutureThrough its onecity report the Council has demonstrated a readiness to tackle major issuesfacing vulnerable adults <strong>and</strong> children in Edinburgh. It brought to the task an improved corporateapproach <strong>and</strong> closer partnership working with both statutory <strong>and</strong> independent sectors. It nowneeds to devote attention to consolidating progress <strong>and</strong> to planning to meet changing needsin the light of demographic changes.Meeting the needs of older people depends critically on partnership working between the Council<strong>and</strong> NHS Lothian. The Council could build on past achievements in partnership working in orderto achieve workable solutions <strong>and</strong> better services sooner for older people.To build on its programme of service improvements being introduced into home care, the Councilshould review the scope for other supportive measures, for example, enhancing shopping <strong>and</strong>domestic services <strong>and</strong> harnessing the independent sector more closely in plans to developlocal services for older people.In the longer term the council seeks to shift the balance of care away from care home placementstowards housing with extra care.There is scope for further improving learning disability services by establishing a jointcommissioning team <strong>and</strong> by raising st<strong>and</strong>ards of assessment <strong>and</strong> care planning.To complement its services for people with sensory impairments, the Council should reviewthe future needs of children with sensory impairments <strong>and</strong> how it analyses them, with a viewto planning the future pattern of services for children <strong>and</strong> the resource priorities required toachieve it.Increasing numbers of looked after children are challenges to the Council <strong>and</strong> a heavy drain onthe resources on which it can call. While the Council is bound to maintain a high st<strong>and</strong>ard ofservices for the children for which it has a care responsibility, it seems prudent to give increasingpriority to prevention <strong>and</strong> to mobilising the efforts of staff in social work, education <strong>and</strong> health<strong>and</strong> also voluntary organisations to this end.To consolidate the progress in improving the education of looked after children included in itsaction plan, the Council should formulate joint training <strong>and</strong> <strong>development</strong> opportunities for staffwho work with those childrenA programme of service improvement is planned across the grouping for criminal justice services,but fundamental to success in achieving the full benefits of grouping services is a commonsystem of information for practice <strong>and</strong> management. The Council should take the initiative inundertaking or commissioning with its partners a review of information needs for criminaljustice services <strong>and</strong> the options for developing a st<strong>and</strong>ard system to meet them.102

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