Growth and development.pdf

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Edinburgh4. Performance: Criminal JusticeKey ActivitiesNumber of social enquiry reports submitted to the courts 2,102 2,257 68.5 3during the yearNumber of community service orders made during the year 549 549 16.7 2The proportion of social enquiry reports reported to courtwithin target time2000-2001 QuartileProportion of social enquiry reports submitted to the courts 83.3 4by due dateThe time taken to complete community service orders1999-20002000-2001Average length of community service (hours) for orders 146 3completed during the yearAverage hours completed per week 2.5 42000-2001per 10,000QuartileEdinburgh submitted a relatively low rate of social enquiry reports to courts during 2000-2001.A low proportion of reports was submitted by the due date in comparison with other authorities.A relatively high rate of community service orders was made during 2000-2001. The averagelength of orders was relatively low, but they took a comparatively long time to complete, withjust 2.5 hours being completed on average per week.Edinburgh forms part of a grouping with the three Lothian councils and Scottish Borders. It hasan established system for monitoring criminal justice social work, concentrating primarily onkey performance indicators. Quarterly reports are available for managers. However, there arelimitations to data collection across the city due to the nature of the data systems and theavailability of clerical time. A programme of service improvement is planned across the grouping,although the use of different management information systems in individual authorities is likelyto be a complicating factor.After a best value audit of hostel accommodation, to address the over-provision of unsuitableaccommodation, the Council has now identified providers for a service for women and youngoffenders needing additional support, and is seeking funding for a high-risk offender serviceincluding follow-on accommodation. Service profiles will be developed to facilitate monitoring.99

5. FinanceService Area(£000)Children’s Services £18,060 £36,519 £18,989 £39,018Community Care £70,815 £68,911 £74,068 £71,858Adult Offenders £222 £261Other SW Services £8,742 £11,770 £8,818 £13,647Total £97,618 £117,422 £101,875 £124,784Spend per headSpend per head £258.96 £275.20Quartile 1 1GAE1999-2000Final netOut turn1999-20001999-2000GAE2000-2001Final netOut turn2000-20012000-2001StaffFunding for criminal justice services is paid directly to the Council by the Scottish Executive,and was £3,693,483 in 2000-2001.The growth in the numbers of looked after children who are accommodated in either fosterhomes or residential accommodation has placed significant pressures on the social workbudget and Edinburgh spends significantly above GAE on children’s services. Social workspend per head is higher than in most other authorities.6. StaffingManagers & central staff 208 0.5 3 303 0.7 2Frontline staff 2,681 5.9 1 2,652 5.8 1Other 760 1.7 1 808 1.8 1Total 3,649 8.1 1 3,763 8.3 1VacanciesWTE1999actualWTE1999per 1,000Vacancies2000 % Vacancies2000Quartile1999% Vacancies2000ScotlandWTE2000actualWTE2000per 1,000Vacancies2001 % Vacancies2001Quartile2000% Vacancies2001ScotlandSWs with adults 0 0 7.8 2 1.8 10.9SWs with children 0 0 7.4 18 8.3 10.7SWs with offenders 0 0 7.5 0 0 7.2Generic workers 0 0 8.0 7 7.1 12.7Total 0 0 7.7 26 5.0 10.5Edinburgh has a high rate of social work staff compared with most other authorities but has afairly low rate of managers and central staff. Vacancy levels are generally low, although thereare at present 18 vacant posts in children’s services. The Council has experienced difficulty inrecruiting home helps and unqualified care workers, and in retaining staff within childcare.100

Edinburgh4. Performance: Criminal JusticeKey ActivitiesNumber of social enquiry reports submitted to the courts 2,102 2,257 68.5 3during the yearNumber of community service orders made during the year 549 549 16.7 2The proportion of social enquiry reports reported to courtwithin target time2000-2001 QuartileProportion of social enquiry reports submitted to the courts 83.3 4by due dateThe time taken to complete community service orders1999-20002000-2001Average length of community service (hours) for orders 146 3completed during the yearAverage hours completed per week 2.5 42000-2001per 10,000QuartileEdinburgh submitted a relatively low rate of social enquiry reports to courts during 2000-2001.A low proportion of reports was submitted by the due date in comparison with other authorities.A relatively high rate of community service orders was made during 2000-2001. The averagelength of orders was relatively low, but they took a comparatively long time to complete, withjust 2.5 hours being completed on average per week.Edinburgh forms part of a grouping with the three Lothian councils <strong>and</strong> Scottish Borders. It hasan established system for monitoring criminal justice social work, concentrating primarily onkey performance indicators. Quarterly reports are available for managers. However, there arelimitations to data collection across the city due to the nature of the data systems <strong>and</strong> theavailability of clerical time. A programme of service improvement is planned across the grouping,although the use of different management information systems in individual authorities is likelyto be a complicating factor.After a best value audit of hostel accommodation, to address the over-provision of unsuitableaccommodation, the Council has now identified providers for a service for women <strong>and</strong> youngoffenders needing additional support, <strong>and</strong> is seeking funding for a high-risk offender serviceincluding follow-on accommodation. Service profiles will be developed to facilitate monitoring.99

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