My life : a record of events and opinions - Wallace-online.org

My life : a record of events and opinions - Wallace-online.org

My life : a record of events and opinions - Wallace-online.org


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LONDON WORKERS, SECULARISTS, ETC. 55. . . Never perhaps in the history <strong>of</strong> the human racehas so simple a device created in so short a periodso much order, virtue, goodness, <strong>and</strong> happiness, out <strong>of</strong>so much ignorance, error, <strong>and</strong> misery. And for manyyears the permanent daily conduct <strong>of</strong> a very largemajority <strong>of</strong> those who were employed deserved, <strong>and</strong>had, No. I placed as their character on the books <strong>of</strong>the company."anyEvery visitor to New Lanark who publishedaccount <strong>of</strong> his observations seems to have agreed asto the exceptional health, good conduct, <strong>and</strong> wellbeing<strong>of</strong> the entire population ; while residents in thevicinity, as well as the ruling authorities <strong>of</strong> the district,bore witness that vice <strong>and</strong> crime were almostwholly unknown. And it must be remembered thatthis was all effected upon the chance population foundthere, which was certainly no better if no worse thanthe usual lowest class <strong>of</strong> manufacturing operatives atthat period. There appears to have been not a singlecase <strong>of</strong> an individual or a family being expelled forbad conduct ; so that we are compelled to trace themarvellous improvement that occurred entirely to thepartial application <strong>of</strong> Owen's principles <strong>of</strong> humannature, most patiently <strong>and</strong> skilfully applied by himself.They were necessarily only a partial application,because a large number <strong>of</strong> the adults had not receivedthe education <strong>and</strong> training from infancy which wasessential for producing their full beneficial results.Again, the whole establishment was a manufactory,the property <strong>of</strong> private capitalists, <strong>and</strong> the adultpopulation suffered all the disadvantages <strong>of</strong> havingto work for long hours at a monotonous employment<strong>and</strong> at low rates <strong>of</strong> wages, circumstances whollyantagonistic to any full <strong>and</strong> healthy <strong>and</strong> elevatedexistence. Owen used always to declare that the

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