My life : a record of events and opinions - Wallace-online.org

My life : a record of events and opinions - Wallace-online.org

My life : a record of events and opinions - Wallace-online.org


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MY SCHOOL LIFE AT HERTFORD 33school—there being a score <strong>of</strong> boys older than myselfwho were scholars only—was exceedingly distasteful.Another thing hurt me dreadfully at the time,because it exposed me to what I thought was theLike mostridicule or contempt <strong>of</strong> the whole school.other boys, I was reckless about my clothes, leaningmy elbows on the desk till a hole was worn in myjacket, <strong>and</strong>, worse still, when cleaning my slate usingmy cuff to rub it dry. Slate sponges attached by astring were unknown to our school in those days.As new clothes were too costly to be had very <strong>of</strong>ten,my mother determined to save a jacket just takenfor school wear by making covers for the sleeves,which I was to wear in school. These were made <strong>of</strong>black calico, reaching from the cuff to the elbow, <strong>and</strong>though I protested that I could not wear them, thatIshould be looked upon as a guy, <strong>and</strong> other equallyvalid reasons, they were one day put in my pocket,<strong>and</strong> I was told to put them on just before I enteredthe school. Of course I could not do it ;so I broughtthem back <strong>and</strong> told my mother. Then after anotherday or two <strong>of</strong> trial, one morning the dreaded thunderboltfell upon me. On entering school I was calledup to the master's desk, he produced the dreadedcalico sleeves, <strong>and</strong> told me that my mother wished meto wear them to save my jacket, <strong>and</strong> told me toputthem on. Of course I had to do so. They fittedvery well, <strong>and</strong> felt quite comfortable, <strong>and</strong> I dare saydid not look so very strange. I have no doubt alsothat most <strong>of</strong> the boys had a fellow-feeling for me, <strong>and</strong>thought it a shame to thus make me an exception to allthe school. But to me it seemed a cruel disgrace, <strong>and</strong>I was miserable so long as I wore them. How longthat was I cannot remember, but while it lasted itwas, perhaps, the severest punishment I ever endured.D

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