My life : a record of events and opinions -

My life : a record of events and opinions - My life : a record of events and opinions -
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;4o6INDEXRed-wood forest, 277Reflections on misfortunes, 375Regent's Park, house near, 213Religious doubts, 45, 46, 119Religion of my parents, 41, 119Reminiscences of Amazon, 149Rescue after ship burnt, 1 56Rhayader, illness at, 76Rhone Glacier, 301Rio Negro, 147Roberts, Miss, gift from, 374Roman road, 137Ross, Mrs., medium, 344, 345Royal Commission on Vaccination,330-332Rumball, J. Q., phrenologist, 142Sabbath-keepers, suggestions to,300Sabbatarians, article for, 3SSSt. Albans, Duke of, father ofA. R. Wallace named after, 3St. Clair Stanley, spirit artist, 353St. Mark's Crescent, residence in,213Salisbury, Dr., asthma-cure, 309Salisbury, Lord, on natural selection,243Salt, H. S., a socialist, 328"Sandford and Merton," impressedby, 15San Francisco, big trees near, 277 ;seances at, 351-356Santarem, visit to, 146Sarawak, natives of, 178 ; orangutansand beetles, 177"Sarn Helen," old Roman road,137Savage, Minot J.,and spiritualism,344Savages, meeting with, 150"Saving the Face," as evidenceof Eastern civilization, 34Scenery of Vale of Neath, 135School life at Hertford, 26School meals, 31 ; work, 29Science, interest in, 101-120"Scientific Aspect of the Supernatural,"336Scientific friends, 245Scientific Opinion, Hampden'schallenge in, 362Scientific papers, 205Scientific progress, lecture on, 303-304Sclater, Dr., suggests book ongeographical distribution, 262Stances in America, 343-356 ; inLondon, 335-343Senni Bridge, life at, 91, 92Sequoia gigantea, 277, 281Sexual selection, 236Sheffield, lecture in, 299Shipwreck, 152-159Silent monitor, R. Owen's, 54Silk, George, letters to, 21, 74, 171,199Silsoe and Wray Park, 67Sims, Mr., lodge with, at Neath,.133Singapore, life at, 175Sketches while at Leicester school,129Slate quarries, bad investment in,359 .Slate- writing under test conditions,352Slater, Mr, M. B., Dr. Spruce'sexecutor, 314Sleigh, Frances, a possible relative,2Smoking, experiences of, 59, 79Snowdon, the ancient glaciers of,215"Social Evolution," article on,395.Socialism, founder of, 57Socialism, America and, 293conversion to, 327-329Socialist Review, article in, 317Soulbury, an old-world village, 69Species, origin of, 189-194Speculations, disastrous, 358-360Spencer, Herbert, first interviewwith, 239 correspondence with,;240-243Spirit messages, 390, 392Spiritualism, experiences in, 334'356"Spiritualism," article on, byA. R. Wallace, 338

;INDEX 407Spruce, Dr, R., I first meet atPara, 146; letter to, 151 ; 213,251 ; editing journals of, 314Standing stone in Glamorganshire,137Stanford's " Geography andTravel," 268Stanford, Senator, a spiritualist,347Stanner Rocks, near Kington, 74Stanzerhorn, visit to the, 301Stevens, Mr, Samuel, my agentwhile abroad, 160, 163, 177, 1S3Stockton, California, stay at, 278Stone, standing, in Vale of Neath," Strikes, Inefficiency of," 305"Studies, Scientific and Social,"by A. R. Wallace, 305, 327Suez, in omnibus to, 173-174"Succession of Species," 183, 184Sumatra, a letter from, 198Sunday observance, article on,388Supernatural, scientific aspect ofthe, 336Survey, Ordnance, interest of,59-61Surveying, experiences of, 58, 74Surveying in Bedfordshire, 58-73 ;Radnorshire, 74-79 ; in Glamorganshire,87Survival of the fittest, 190Sutherland evictions, the story ofthe, 324, 325Swimming, no success in, 22, 95Swinton, A. C, and LandNationalization, 322Switzerland, visit to, in 1867, 215Switzerland, tours in, 301, 302, 304Tebb, William, introduces me toanti-vaccination, 329Telescope, attempt to make a, loiTennyson, Lord, and spiritualism,295-296Ternate, residence at, 189, 194 ;disastrous voyage from Waigiouto, 196Thomson, Sir W., "an odiousspectre " to Darwin, 231Timor, paper on birds of, 206Toys, advantages of home-made,36Travels on Amazon and Rio Negro,146, 165Trees, big, of California, 277, 281" Tropical Nature," 265"Tropics, White men in," 305Tumuli on roadside near Stevenage,64Turning-points in life, 105, 130Turvey, an incident at, 69Tyndall, Professor, refuses to investigatespiritualism, 336UUaupes River, exploration of, 147,150Underground river in the Vale ofNeath, 137, 139Unemployed problem, the, 317" Universe, Man's Place in," byA. R. Wallace, 312Usk, my birth-place, 6, 13 ;revisited, 18Utility, the problem of, 302"Vaccination a Delusion," byA. R. Wallace, 333Vaccination, lecture on, 304question, the, 329 ; RoyalCommission on, 330-332 ;statistics, 330Val Savaranches, 216Varied knowledge, lecture on,109Varley, Cromwell, a spiritualist,335Veddahs of Ceylon, 387Verses by Lord Neaves, 257" Vestiges of Creation," 143Voyage home from the Amazon,151-159Voyage to Para, 145" Voyage up the Amazon, A," 145

;INDEX 407Spruce, Dr, R., I first meet atPara, 146; letter to, 151 ; 213,251 ; editing journals <strong>of</strong>, 314St<strong>and</strong>ing stone in Glam<strong>org</strong>anshire,137Stanford's " Geography <strong>and</strong>Travel," 268Stanford, Senator, a spiritualist,347Stanner Rocks, near Kington, 74Stanzerhorn, visit to the, 301Stevens, Mr, Samuel, my agentwhile abroad, 160, 163, 177, 1S3Stockton, California, stay at, 278Stone, st<strong>and</strong>ing, in Vale <strong>of</strong> Neath," Strikes, Inefficiency <strong>of</strong>," 305"Studies, Scientific <strong>and</strong> Social,"by A. R. <strong>Wallace</strong>, 305, 327Suez, in omnibus to, 173-174"Succession <strong>of</strong> Species," 183, 184Sumatra, a letter from, 198Sunday observance, article on,388Supernatural, scientific aspect <strong>of</strong>the, 336Survey, Ordnance, interest <strong>of</strong>,59-61Surveying, experiences <strong>of</strong>, 58, 74Surveying in Bedfordshire, 58-73 ;Radnorshire, 74-79 ; in Glam<strong>org</strong>anshire,87Survival <strong>of</strong> the fittest, 190Sutherl<strong>and</strong> evictions, the story <strong>of</strong>the, 324, 325Swimming, no success in, 22, 95Swinton, A. C, <strong>and</strong> L<strong>and</strong>Nationalization, 322Switzerl<strong>and</strong>, visit to, in 1867, 215Switzerl<strong>and</strong>, tours in, 301, 302, 304Tebb, William, introduces me toanti-vaccination, 329Telescope, attempt to make a, loiTennyson, Lord, <strong>and</strong> spiritualism,295-296Ternate, residence at, 189, 194 ;disastrous voyage from Waigiouto, 196Thomson, Sir W., "an odiousspectre " to Darwin, 231Timor, paper on birds <strong>of</strong>, 206Toys, advantages <strong>of</strong> home-made,36Travels on Amazon <strong>and</strong> Rio Negro,146, 165Trees, big, <strong>of</strong> California, 277, 281" Tropical Nature," 265"Tropics, White men in," 305Tumuli on roadside near Stevenage,64Turning-points in <strong>life</strong>, 105, 130Turvey, an incident at, 69Tyndall, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, refuses to investigatespiritualism, 336UUaupes River, exploration <strong>of</strong>, 147,150Underground river in the Vale <strong>of</strong>Neath, 137, 139Unemployed problem, the, 317" Universe, Man's Place in," byA. R. <strong>Wallace</strong>, 312Usk, my birth-place, 6, 13 ;revisited, 18Utility, the problem <strong>of</strong>, 302"Vaccination a Delusion," byA. R. <strong>Wallace</strong>, 333Vaccination, lecture on, 304question, the, 329 ; RoyalCommission on, 330-332 ;statistics, 330Val Savaranches, 216Varied knowledge, lecture on,109Varley, Cromwell, a spiritualist,335Veddahs <strong>of</strong> Ceylon, 387Verses by Lord Neaves, 257" Vestiges <strong>of</strong> Creation," 143Voyage home from the Amazon,151-159Voyage to Para, 145" Voyage up the Amazon, A," 145

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