My life : a record of events and opinions -

My life : a record of events and opinions - My life : a record of events and opinions -
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404 INDEX;London, early life in, 43-4$ ; lifein, 163-170, 203-216"Looking Backward," by Bellamy,327Loss of collections, 155Louray Caves, 276Lowell Institute, Boston, 272Lowell J. Russell, 238, 273Lowell, Professor P., on Mars, 316Lubbock, Sir John, 244Lung-disease, 77-78Lunn, Dr., lecture for, 302, 303Lyell's Geology, 71, 88Lyell, Sir C, 183, 192, 193, 211,220-226, 362 ; letters to, 221,224Lyman, D., a spiritualist, 347MMacassar, 186, 187, 1S9Mackay, Charles, 324-326Macmillan, A., 258Macmillan, Margaret, 328Meiringen, visit to, 301Maescar, survey of, 91Maen Llia, 92Malacca, 176Malay Archipelago, journey to,169-174, 202, 210, 216Malays, the, 200Malthus's " Population," 123, 190Manchester Guardia?i, letter to, onwar, 305Man, development of, 236Natural Selection and, 212"Man's Place in the Universe,"312Marriage of A. R. Wallace, 214" Mars, Is it habitable ? " 316Martin, Mr., a London builder, 8Martin, William, 349Massey, Gerald, a spiritualist, 328Matabello Islands, 195Mathews, Mr., 68, 72-73Mechanics, I-ondon, 44Mechanics' Institute, Neath, 135Medal, Darwin-Wallace, 397Medals, 246Memory, peculiarity of, 16Menado, Celebes, 195Mental nature, 115, 118Mesmerism, 124-127, 129, 334Migration of Birds, 305, 388Mill, John Stuart, 319-321Mill, oil cake, 23Mimicry, 208, 212, 228Mirlees, Mr. and Mrs., 258" Miracles and Modern Spiritualism,"264, 334Mitten, William, 213, 214, 301,315Mivart, Professor St, G., 249, 302Models of natives, 166, 167Monck, Mr., medium, 342, 343Money matters, 357, 378Monitor, R. Owen's silent, 54Monkeys, 199Morgan, Professor Lloyd, 213, 30$Morley, John, 337Morrison-Davidson, a socialist,328Morris, Sir L., socialist poems,328Moseley, Professor, 188Mount-Temple, Lord, 269Mouth-gesture, 385Murchison, Sir R., 169, 170Museum, British, business methods,372Mutton, G. Borrow on Welsh, 86Myers's "Human Personality,"343NNatives, government of, 182, 200 ;models of, at the Crystal Palace,166, 167; Sarawak, 178Natural selection, 207, 211, 217,224, 300Neath, Vale of, 94, 131 ; sceneryof, 13s, 136Neaves, Lord, humorous versesof, 257Nests, theory of birds', 212, 382New Guinea, collecting in,New ideas, 380194Nevada Fall, the, 279Newcastle, lecture in, 295New Lanark, 45New Radnor, 75

INDEX 405Newton, Professor A., 256, 262Niagara, 274Nineteenth Cetituiy, articles in,300Nolloth, Commander, 170Nutwood Cottage, built for A. R.Wallace, 270OOceans, permanence of, 384Oilcake mill, Hertford, 23" Old Orchard " House, 307Old Red Sandstone, 89Ophir Mount, 176Orang-utan, 177, 17S-180Ordnance survey, 59-61Origin of life, 239Origin of species, 144, 183-185,189-194, 211Osgood, Samuel, a mining surveyor,96-98Owen, Mr,, editor of Golden Gate,351Owen, Robert, 45, 46 ; socialphilosophy, 47, 48Owen, Robert Dale, 46Oxford, degree of D.C.L. givenby the University of, 295" Personal Evidence of SpiritPhenomena, Notes of," 334, 336Personal characteristics, 115-118" Personal suffrage," 315Photography, a suggestion, 112Phrenology, 17, 125, 140-142Pierpont, Jno., portrait' of, 353Pigeons of the Malay Archipelago,206Plants, Arctic, in temperateregions, 385Playloft, at Hertford, 35Political and moral views ofRobert Owen, 47Polymorphism, in Malayan butterflies,209Porth-yr-Ogof, 137-139Portraits, spirit, 353, 354Poulton, Professor E. B., 295Predictions fulfilled, 390Price, Mr., Neath Abbey, 96Principles of Sociology, 241Problem of Instinct, 388Protective colouring, 208, 209 ;colouration, 228, 229Proving the earth round, 362-372Psychical research, 124Purland, Dr. T., 252, 256 j lettersfrom, 254Pain, in childhood, not severe, 19Palembang, 199Palisades of the Hudson river,283" Palms of the Amazon," 165PapilionidK, paper on the Malayan,207Pangenesis, 221Para, arrival at, 146Paradise, birds of, 1S8, 195, 201,207Parkstone, residence at, 297-306Parrots and pigeons, papers on,206Pears, Messrs., prize essay, 270Pearson, Professor Karl, 328Pension, civil list,374Permanence of Oceans, 384Quakers' Meeting, 41Quarterly Revieiv, article in, 211RRadnorshire, surveying in, 74-79Railway carriages, early, 72Railway, London and Birmingham,69, 72Railway speculation, 132Railways, nationalization of, 318Ramage, Dr., cures my lungs, 77Randi, Signor, seances with, 339Reading, miscellaneous, 39Reasoning power, 115Reception of my works, 377Reclus, Elisee, 298" Red Lions," fraternity of, 257

404 INDEX;London, early <strong>life</strong> in, 43-4$ ; <strong>life</strong>in, 163-170, 203-216"Looking Backward," by Bellamy,327Loss <strong>of</strong> collections, 155Louray Caves, 276Lowell Institute, Boston, 272Lowell J. Russell, 238, 273Lowell, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor P., on Mars, 316Lubbock, Sir John, 244Lung-disease, 77-78Lunn, Dr., lecture for, 302, 303Lyell's Geology, 71, 88Lyell, Sir C, 183, 192, 193, 211,220-226, 362 ; letters to, 221,224Lyman, D., a spiritualist, 347MMacassar, 186, 187, 1S9Mackay, Charles, 324-326Macmillan, A., 258Macmillan, Margaret, 328Meiringen, visit to, 301Maescar, survey <strong>of</strong>, 91Maen Llia, 92Malacca, 176Malay Archipelago, journey to,169-174, 202, 210, 216Malays, the, 200Malthus's " Population," 123, 190Manchester Guardia?i, letter to, onwar, 305Man, development <strong>of</strong>, 236Natural Selection <strong>and</strong>, 212"Man's Place in the Universe,"312Marriage <strong>of</strong> A. R. <strong>Wallace</strong>, 214" Mars, Is it habitable ? " 316Martin, Mr., a London builder, 8Martin, William, 349Massey, Gerald, a spiritualist, 328Matabello Isl<strong>and</strong>s, 195Mathews, Mr., 68, 72-73Mechanics, I-ondon, 44Mechanics' Institute, Neath, 135Medal, Darwin-<strong>Wallace</strong>, 397Medals, 246Memory, peculiarity <strong>of</strong>, 16Menado, Celebes, 195Mental nature, 115, 118Mesmerism, 124-127, 129, 334Migration <strong>of</strong> Birds, 305, 388Mill, John Stuart, 319-321Mill, oil cake, 23Mimicry, 208, 212, 228Mirlees, Mr. <strong>and</strong> Mrs., 258" Miracles <strong>and</strong> Modern Spiritualism,"264, 334Mitten, William, 213, 214, 301,315Mivart, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor St, G., 249, 302Models <strong>of</strong> natives, 166, 167Monck, Mr., medium, 342, 343Money matters, 357, 378Monitor, R. Owen's silent, 54Monkeys, 199M<strong>org</strong>an, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Lloyd, 213, 30$Morley, John, 337Morrison-Davidson, a socialist,328Morris, Sir L., socialist poems,328Moseley, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, 188Mount-Temple, Lord, 269Mouth-gesture, 385Murchison, Sir R., 169, 170Museum, British, business methods,372Mutton, G. Borrow on Welsh, 86<strong>My</strong>ers's "Human Personality,"343NNatives, government <strong>of</strong>, 182, 200 ;models <strong>of</strong>, at the Crystal Palace,166, 167; Sarawak, 178Natural selection, 207, 211, 217,224, 300Neath, Vale <strong>of</strong>, 94, 131 ; scenery<strong>of</strong>, 13s, 136Neaves, Lord, humorous verses<strong>of</strong>, 257Nests, theory <strong>of</strong> birds', 212, 382New Guinea, collecting in,New ideas, 380194Nevada Fall, the, 279Newcastle, lecture in, 295New Lanark, 45New Radnor, 75

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