My life : a record of events and opinions -

My life : a record of events and opinions - My life : a record of events and opinions -
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400 INDEXBellamy, E., 293 ;" LookingBackward," by, 327; "Equality,"by, 328Bengeo, 23Bennett, A. W., reply to hiscriticism of natural selection,229Biological Section of B. A., A. R,Wallace, president, 25S, 265Birds, A. R. Wallace writesabout, 205-207, 388Birmingham, first railway to, 69Blackie, Professor, 324Blatchford, Robert, 306Borneo, 177Borrow, George, quoted, 86, 93Boston, spiritualism in, 344Botany, A. R. Wallace studies,61, 104, 107Brackett, Mr, E. A., spiritualist,344Bradgate Park, rambles in, 128Bradley, Professor, on age of bigtrees of California, 282Brady, Sir Antonio, 260Brecknockshire, surveying in, 87British Association, 229, 256British Museum, its businessmethods, 372Brooke, Captain, 351Brooke, Charles, 251Brooke, Sir J., 177, 181, 250Brown, Mrs., and Lady Burdett-Coutts, 250Brown, Mr. Curtis, 312Bruce-Joy, Mr. A., 308Brunig, excursion to, 301Bryn-coch, 95, 96Buckland, Dr., and the ice-age, 71Buckley, Miss A., 220, 235, 374Bunbury, Sir Charles, 226Burdett-Coutts, Lady, 250Burney, Fanny, "Evelina," by, 40Butterflies, 150, 186, 207Byron, Lord, laudatory poem on,62Cadoxton, surveying at, 94Cairo, A. R. Wallace visits, 173Calaveras Grove, big trees, 279-2S0California, J. Wallace goes to, 9 ;A. R. Wallace visits, 277Cambridge, British Associationat, 256Carpenter, Edward, as socialist,328Carpenter, Dr. W. B., 258, 336Carpenter, William, 362-367Carroll, Lewis, books of, 117Casey, Mr. Comerford, translationof Latin speech by, 269"Causes of War," article byA. R. Wallace, 305"Caterpillars and Birds," 229Caterpillars, colouring of, 227,228, 382Celebes, A. R. Wallace at, 1S7,195Ceram, 195, 196Chambers, Dr. Robert, letter toA. R. Wallace, 336Champery, A. R. Wallace visits,215Charles Allen, 172, 176Clarion, The, letter to, from A. R.Wallace, 305Clark, Dr. G. B., and LandNationalization, 322Cleveland, President, A. R.Wallace meets, 275Clifford, Rev. J., socialist, 328Clydach River, 96"Colours of Animals," by A. R.Wallace, 383Columbia College, Georgia, F.Wallace goes to, 8Combe, George, 125" Compendium of Geography,"Australasia, by A. R. Wallace,268"Constitution of Man," byCombe, 125Constitutional, The, 63Contemporary Review, The, articlesby A. R. Wallace, 300, 322Cook, Miss, medium, 338Corelli, Miss M., A. R. Wallacemeets, 326Coulcher, Mr., 362-367Coulson, Mr., at Sarawak, 177

;INDEX 401Cox, Mrs, Robert, 325Cox, Serjeant, 335"Creed of Science," by Graham,Darwin on, 234Croll, J., 211, 233, 267Crookes, Sir W., 338-339Croydon, A. R. Wallace lives at,265Crutvvell, C. H., schoolmaster,28Crynant at a village beer-shop, 96Crystal Palace, helps Dr, Lathamat, 166Cuba, Article on, by A. R."Wallace, 305Cubitt, Mr., builder, 9DDaily Chronicle, The, article byA. R. Wallace, 305Dana, Professor J. D., 384Darlington, lecture at, 295Dartmoor, A. R. Wallace onpreserving, 320Darwen, lecture at, 295Darwin, C, 191-194, 226-238correspondence with, 183, 192,227-235 ; on caterpillars, 227,228 ; and A. R. Wallace,differences of opinion, 229 ; andA. R. Wallace's pension, 375Darwin, Dr. Erasmus, 226"Darwinism," lecture on, 272"Darwinism," by A. R, Wallace,218, 294Davos, at, with Dr. Lunn, 302-" Defence of Spiritualism," byA. R. Wallace, 338Defoe, Daniel, " The GreatPlague," by, 40Dent du Midi, 215"Descent of Man," A. R. Wallace'sopinion of, 230" Development of Human Races,"by A. R. Wallace, 381Devynock in Usk vale, 91Dialectical Society, 335" Diary of a Physician," 40Dilke, Elizabeth, 2Dinas rock, Vale of Neath, 136" Distribution of Animals, Geographical,"262Distribution of Plants, 268Dorey, 194Dorking, A. R. Wallace lives at,264Doubleday, Mr. E., 145Douglas, Miss, spiritualist, 339Dringarth, upper Neath valley,138Drumau mountain, 135Dublin University degree, 269Dunstable, 68Dyaks, 178- 1 81EEdwards, W. H., " Voyage upAmazon," 145Ega rich in insects, 186Eglinton, Mr., medium, 341" Elements of Botany," Lindley's,103" Encyclopedia Britannica," articlesifor, 264, 265Entomological Society, 204, 240Epping Forest, article on, 218" Equality," by E. Bellamy, 328Estcourt, R., an early landnationalizer,322Evans, Frederick, medium, 352"Evelina," by F. Burney, 40Exeter, meeting of B. A., 256"Exeter Change for BritishLions," 257"Expression of Emotions," byDarwin, 227"Faerie Queenc," Spenser's, 40Fielding's "Tom Jones," 40Fillingham, Rev. R. C, socialist,328"First Principles," by H. Spencer,237Fitch, Walter, artist, 165Flower, Sir W., 245Forbes, Prof. E., 1842 D

;INDEX 401Cox, Mrs, Robert, 325Cox, Serjeant, 335"Creed <strong>of</strong> Science," by Graham,Darwin on, 234Croll, J., 211, 233, 267Crookes, Sir W., 338-339Croydon, A. R. <strong>Wallace</strong> lives at,265Crutvvell, C. H., schoolmaster,28Crynant at a village beer-shop, 96Crystal Palace, helps Dr, Lathamat, 166Cuba, Article on, by A. R."<strong>Wallace</strong>, 305Cubitt, Mr., builder, 9DDaily Chronicle, The, article byA. R. <strong>Wallace</strong>, 305Dana, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor J. D., 384Darlington, lecture at, 295Dartmoor, A. R. <strong>Wallace</strong> onpreserving, 320Darwen, lecture at, 295Darwin, C, 191-194, 226-238correspondence with, 183, 192,227-235 ; on caterpillars, 227,228 ; <strong>and</strong> A. R. <strong>Wallace</strong>,differences <strong>of</strong> opinion, 229 ; <strong>and</strong>A. R. <strong>Wallace</strong>'s pension, 375Darwin, Dr. Erasmus, 226"Darwinism," lecture on, 272"Darwinism," by A. R, <strong>Wallace</strong>,218, 294Davos, at, with Dr. Lunn, 302-" Defence <strong>of</strong> Spiritualism," byA. R. <strong>Wallace</strong>, 338Defoe, Daniel, " The GreatPlague," by, 40Dent du Midi, 215"Descent <strong>of</strong> Man," A. R. <strong>Wallace</strong>'sopinion <strong>of</strong>, 230" Development <strong>of</strong> Human Races,"by A. R. <strong>Wallace</strong>, 381Devynock in Usk vale, 91Dialectical Society, 335" Diary <strong>of</strong> a Physician," 40Dilke, Elizabeth, 2Dinas rock, Vale <strong>of</strong> Neath, 136" Distribution <strong>of</strong> Animals, Geographical,"262Distribution <strong>of</strong> Plants, 268Dorey, 194Dorking, A. R. <strong>Wallace</strong> lives at,264Doubleday, Mr. E., 145Douglas, Miss, spiritualist, 339Dringarth, upper Neath valley,138Drumau mountain, 135Dublin University degree, 269Dunstable, 68Dyaks, 178- 1 81EEdwards, W. H., " Voyage upAmazon," 145Ega rich in insects, 186Eglinton, Mr., medium, 341" Elements <strong>of</strong> Botany," Lindley's,103" Encyclopedia Britannica," articlesifor, 264, 265Entomological Society, 204, 240Epping Forest, article on, 218" Equality," by E. Bellamy, 328Estcourt, R., an early l<strong>and</strong>nationalizer,322Evans, Frederick, medium, 352"Evelina," by F. Burney, 40Exeter, meeting <strong>of</strong> B. A., 256"Exeter Change for BritishLions," 257"Expression <strong>of</strong> Emotions," byDarwin, 227"Faerie Queenc," Spenser's, 40Fielding's "Tom Jones," 40Fillingham, Rev. R. C, socialist,328"First Principles," by H. Spencer,237Fitch, Walter, artist, 165Flower, Sir W., 245Forbes, Pr<strong>of</strong>. E., 1842 D

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