My life : a record of events and opinions -

My life : a record of events and opinions - My life : a record of events and opinions -
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a354 MY LIFEwho is buried at Laleham. The last is my brother'sfolding-slate, containing on one side a short farewellfrom "John Gray," the signature being written threetimes in different styles and tints ; the other side is amessage signed, " Your father, T. V. Wallace." This,again, was a test, as no one present would have beenable to give my father's unusual initials correctly,and as he was accustomed to sign his name.The six portraits on paper with the lips tinted arethose of Jno. Pierpont (signed) ;Benjamin Rush (anearly spiritualist, signed) ; Robt. Hare, M.D., whoseworks I had quoted (signed) ; D. D. Home, the celebratedmedium who had died the year before—likeness easily recognized ; a girl (signed " The Spiritof Mary Wallace "), probably my sister who had diedthe year before I was born, when eight years old ;and a lady, who was recognized as Mrs. Breed, amedium of San Francisco. These are all rather rudeoutlines, in somewhat irregular and interrupted dashes,but they are all lifelike, and considering that theymust have been precipitated on the six surfaces whilein contact with each other between the slates, asplaced by myself, are exceedingly curious. Thewhole of these seven plates and six papers wereproduced so rapidly that the stance occupied less thanan hour, and with such simple and complete openness,under the eyes of four observers, as to constituteabsolutely test conditions, although without any ofthe usual paraphernalia of tests which were here quiteunnecessary. A statement to this effect was published,with an account of the seance^ signed by allpresent.During the last fifteen years I have not seen muchof spiritualistic phenomena ; but those who have read

MESMERISM TO SPIRITUALISM 355the account of my early investigations in my book onthe subject, and add to them all that I have indicatedhere, will see that I have reached my present standpointby a long series of experiences under such variedand peculiar conditions as to render unbelief impossible.As Dr. W. B. Carpenter well remarked manyyears ago, people can only believe new and extraordinaryfacts if there is a place for them in theirexisting " fabric of thought." The majority of peopleto-day have been brought up in the belief thatmiracles, ghosts, and the whole series of strangephenomena here described cannot exist ; that theyare contrary to the laws of nature ; that they are thesuperstitions of a bygone age ; and that thereforethey are necessarily either impostures or delusions.There is no place in the fabric of their thought intowhich such facts can be fitted. When I first beganthis inquiry it was the same with myself.The factsdid not fit into my then existing fabric of thought.All my preconceptions, all my knowledge, all mybelief in the supremacy of science and of natural lawwere against the possibility of such phenomena. Andeven when, one by one, the facts were forced upon mewithout possibility of escape from them, still, as SirDavid Brewster declared after being at first astoundedby the phenomena he saw withMr. Home, "spiritwas the last thing I could give in to." Every otherpossible solution was tried and rejected. Unknownlaws of nature were found to be of no avail whenthere was always an unknown intelligence behind thephenomena—an intelligence that showed a humancharacter and individuality, and an individuality whichalmost invariably claimed to be that of some personwho had lived on earth, and who, in many cases, wasable to prove his or her identity. Thus, little by

a354 MY LIFEwho is buried at Laleham. The last is my brother'sfolding-slate, containing on one side a short farewellfrom "John Gray," the signature being written threetimes in different styles <strong>and</strong> tints ; the other side is amessage signed, " Your father, T. V. <strong>Wallace</strong>." This,again, was a test, as no one present would have beenable to give my father's unusual initials correctly,<strong>and</strong> as he was accustomed to sign his name.The six portraits on paper with the lips tinted arethose <strong>of</strong> Jno. Pierpont (signed) ;Benjamin Rush (anearly spiritualist, signed) ; Robt. Hare, M.D., whoseworks I had quoted (signed) ; D. D. Home, the celebratedmedium who had died the year before—likeness easily recognized ; a girl (signed " The Spirit<strong>of</strong> Mary <strong>Wallace</strong> "), probably my sister who had diedthe year before I was born, when eight years old ;<strong>and</strong> a lady, who was recognized as Mrs. Breed, amedium <strong>of</strong> San Francisco. These are all rather rudeoutlines, in somewhat irregular <strong>and</strong> interrupted dashes,but they are all <strong>life</strong>like, <strong>and</strong> considering that theymust have been precipitated on the six surfaces whilein contact with each other between the slates, asplaced by myself, are exceedingly curious. Thewhole <strong>of</strong> these seven plates <strong>and</strong> six papers wereproduced so rapidly that the stance occupied less thanan hour, <strong>and</strong> with such simple <strong>and</strong> complete openness,under the eyes <strong>of</strong> four observers, as to constituteabsolutely test conditions, although without any <strong>of</strong>the usual paraphernalia <strong>of</strong> tests which were here quiteunnecessary. A statement to this effect was published,with an account <strong>of</strong> the seance^ signed by allpresent.During the last fifteen years I have not seen much<strong>of</strong> spiritualistic phenomena ; but those who have read

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