My life : a record of events and opinions -

My life : a record of events and opinions - My life : a record of events and opinions -
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352 MY LIFEfrom the table, looking on. The medium, Mr. FredEvans, was quite a young man, whose remarkablegift had been developed under Mr. Owen's guidance.From a pile of small slates on a side-table fourwere taken at a time, cleaned with a damp sponge,and handed to us to examine, then laid in pairs onthe table. All our hands were then placed over themtill the signal was given, and on ourselves openingthem writing was found on both slates. Two otherpairs were then similarly placed on the table, on oneof which the medium drew two diagonal pencil lines,and on that slate writing was produced in fivedifferent colours—deep blue, red, light green-blue,pale red-lilac, deep lilac, and these could be seen allsuperposed upon the pencil cross-lines. My brother'sfolding-slate was then placed upon the floor a foot ortwo away from the table, and after we had conversedfor a few minutes, keeping it in sight, it was found tobe written on both the inner sides. It then occurredto me to ask the medium whether writing could beproduced on paper placed between slates. Aftera moment's pause, as if asking the question of hisguides, he told me to take a paper pad, tear off sixpieces, and place them all between a pair of slates.This I did, and we placed our hands over them asbefore, and in a few minutes, on opening them, wefound six portraits in a peculiar kind of crayondrawing.I will now describe the writings and drawings weobtained, which are now before me. The first was aletter filling the slate in small, clear, and delicatewriting, of which I will quote the concluding portion :" I wish I could describe to you my spirit home. ButI cannot find words suitable in your earthly languageto give it the expression it deserves. But you will

MESMERISM TO SPIRITUALISM 353know all when you join me in the spirit world. . . .Your loving sister, Elizabeth Wallace. Herbert ishere."Here are two family names given, the first beingone which no one else present could have known, asshe died when we were both schoolboys. The openingand concluding parts of the letter show that it wasaddressed specially to myself. The next was addressedto my brother, referring to me as "brotherAlf," and is signed " P. Wallace." This we cannotunderstand, as we have no relative with that initial,except a cousin, Percy Wilson. It is, I think, notimprobable that in transferring the message throughthe medium, and perhaps through a spirit-scribe (asis often said to be the case), the surname was misunderstoodowing to the latter supposing that thecommunicant was a brother.The next slate contains a message signed "JudgeEdmonds," addressed to myself and Mr. Owen, onthe general subject of spirit manifestations. It iswritten very distinctly in a flowing hand.The next is the slate written in five colours, andsigned "John Gray," one of the well-known earlyadvocates of spiritualism in America. It is also onthe general subject of spirit-return. Then comes aslate containing a portrait and signature of " Jno.Pierpont," one of the pioneers of spiritualism, andaround the margin three messages in different handwritings.One is from Stanley St. Clair, the spiritartist,who says he has produced the portrait for me,at the request of the medium. The others are shortmessages from Elizabeth Wallace and R. Wallace,the latter perhaps one of the unknown Scotch unclesof my father, the other beginning, "God bless you,my boys," is probably from our paternal grandmother,2 A

352 MY LIFEfrom the table, looking on. The medium, Mr. FredEvans, was quite a young man, whose remarkablegift had been developed under Mr. Owen's guidance.From a pile <strong>of</strong> small slates on a side-table fourwere taken at a time, cleaned with a damp sponge,<strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>ed to us to examine, then laid in pairs onthe table. All our h<strong>and</strong>s were then placed over themtill the signal was given, <strong>and</strong> on ourselves openingthem writing was found on both slates. Two otherpairs were then similarly placed on the table, on one<strong>of</strong> which the medium drew two diagonal pencil lines,<strong>and</strong> on that slate writing was produced in fivedifferent colours—deep blue, red, light green-blue,pale red-lilac, deep lilac, <strong>and</strong> these could be seen allsuperposed upon the pencil cross-lines. <strong>My</strong> brother'sfolding-slate was then placed upon the floor a foot ortwo away from the table, <strong>and</strong> after we had conversedfor a few minutes, keeping it in sight, it was found tobe written on both the inner sides. It then occurredto me to ask the medium whether writing could beproduced on paper placed between slates. Aftera moment's pause, as if asking the question <strong>of</strong> hisguides, he told me to take a paper pad, tear <strong>of</strong>f sixpieces, <strong>and</strong> place them all between a pair <strong>of</strong> slates.This I did, <strong>and</strong> we placed our h<strong>and</strong>s over them asbefore, <strong>and</strong> in a few minutes, on opening them, wefound six portraits in a peculiar kind <strong>of</strong> crayondrawing.I will now describe the writings <strong>and</strong> drawings weobtained, which are now before me. The first was aletter filling the slate in small, clear, <strong>and</strong> delicatewriting, <strong>of</strong> which I will quote the concluding portion :" I wish I could describe to you my spirit home. ButI cannot find words suitable in your earthly languageto give it the expression it deserves. But you will

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