My life : a record of events and opinions - Wallace-online.org

My life : a record of events and opinions - Wallace-online.org

My life : a record of events and opinions - Wallace-online.org


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338 MY LIFEthen editor <strong>of</strong> the Fortnightly Review, to write anarticle on " Spiritualism " for that periodical. Muchpublic interest had been excited by the publication<strong>of</strong> the Report <strong>of</strong> the Committee <strong>of</strong> the DialecticalSociety, <strong>and</strong> especially by Mr. Crookes's experimentswith Mr. Home, <strong>and</strong> the refusal <strong>of</strong> the Royal Societyto see these experiments repeated. I therefore acceptedthe task, <strong>and</strong> my article appeared in May <strong>and</strong>June under the title, " A Defence <strong>of</strong> Modern Spiritualism."At the end <strong>of</strong> the same year I includedthis article, together with my former small book," The Scientific Aspects <strong>of</strong> the Supernatural," <strong>and</strong> apaper I had read before the Dialectical Society in1 87 1, answering the arguments <strong>of</strong> Hume, Lecky, <strong>and</strong>other writers against miracles, in a volume which hashad a very considerable sale, <strong>and</strong> has led manypersons to investigate the subject <strong>and</strong> to becomeconvinced <strong>of</strong> the reality <strong>of</strong> the phenomena.The publication <strong>of</strong> my book in 1874, not onlybrought me an extensive correspondence on thesubject, but led to my being invited to take part inmany interesting stances, <strong>and</strong> making the acquaintance<strong>of</strong> spiritualists both at home <strong>and</strong> abroad. As what Iwitnessed was <strong>of</strong>ten very remarkable, <strong>and</strong> forms a sort<strong>of</strong> supplement to the " Notes <strong>of</strong> Personal Evidence "given in my book, <strong>and</strong> also because these phenomenahave had a very important influence both on mycharacter <strong>and</strong> my <strong>opinions</strong>, it will be necessary hereto give a brief outline <strong>of</strong> them.I attended a series <strong>of</strong> sittings with Miss KateCook, the sister <strong>of</strong> the Miss Florence Cook withwhom Sir William Crookes obtained such very strikingresults. The general features <strong>of</strong> these stances werevery similar, though there was great variety in details.They took place in the rooms <strong>of</strong> Signor R<strong>and</strong>i, a

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