My life : a record of events and opinions -

My life : a record of events and opinions - My life : a record of events and opinions -
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290 MY LIFEus, endure lives of excessive labour for a barelivelihood, or constitute that crying disgrace ofmodern civilization—willing men seeking in vain forhonest work, and forming a great army of theunemployed.What a demonstration is this of the utter follyand stupidity of those blind leaders of the blind whoimpute all the evils of our social system, all ourpoverty and starvation, to over-population ! Ireland,with half the population of fifty years ago, is stillpoor to the verge of famine, and is therefore stillover-peopled. And for England and Scotland aswell, the cry is still " Emigrate ! emigrate ! We areover-peopled "! But what of America, with twentyfivetimes as much land as we have, and with evengreater natural resources, and with a populationeven more ingenious, more energetic, and morehard-working than ours } Are they over-populatedwith only twenty people to the square mile ? Thereonly one rational solution of this terrible problem.isThe system that allows the land and the minerals,the means of communication, and all other publicservices, to be monopolized for the aggrandisement ofthe few—for the creation of millionaires—necessarilyleads to the poverty, the degradation, the misery ofthe many.There never has been, in the whole history of thehuman race, a people with such grand opportunitiesfor establishing a society and a nation in which theproducts of the general labour should be so distributedas to produce general well-being. It wantedbut a recognition of the fundamental principle of"equality of opportunity," tacitly implied in theDeclaration of Independence. It wanted but suchsocial arrangements as would ensure to every child

A LECTURE-TOUR IN AMERICA 291the best nurture, the best training of all its faculties,and the fullest opportunity for utilizing those facultiesfor its own happiness and for the common benefit.Not only equality before the law, but equality ofopportunity, is the great fundamental principle ofsocial justice. This is the teaching of HerbertSpencer, but he did not carry it out to its logicalconsequence—the inequity, and therefore the socialimmorality of wealth-inheritance. To secure equalityof opportunity there must be no inequality of initialwealth. To allow one child to be born a millionaireand another a pauper is a crime against humanity,and, for those who believe in a deity, a crime againstGod.^It is the misfortune of the Americans that theyhad such a vast continent to occupy. Had it ended atthe line of the Mississippi, agricultural developmentmight have gone on more slowly and naturally, fromeast to west, as increase of population required. Soagain, if they had had another century for developmentbefore railways were invented, expansion would necessarilyhave gone on more slowly, the need for goodroads would have shown that the rectangular systemof dividing up new lands was a mistake, and some ofthat charm of rural scenery which we possess wouldprobably have arisen.But with the conditions that actually existed wecan hardly wonder at the result. A nation formedby emigrants from several of the most energetic andintellectual nations of the old world, for the mostpart driven from their homes by religious persecutionor political oppression, including from the very first allranks and conditions of life—farmers and mechanics,traders and manufacturers, students and teachers,1 I have discussed this subject in my " Studies," vol. ii. chap, xxviii.

290 MY LIFEus, endure lives <strong>of</strong> excessive labour for a barelivelihood, or constitute that crying disgrace <strong>of</strong>modern civilization—willing men seeking in vain forhonest work, <strong>and</strong> forming a great army <strong>of</strong> theunemployed.What a demonstration is this <strong>of</strong> the utter folly<strong>and</strong> stupidity <strong>of</strong> those blind leaders <strong>of</strong> the blind whoimpute all the evils <strong>of</strong> our social system, all ourpoverty <strong>and</strong> starvation, to over-population ! Irel<strong>and</strong>,with half the population <strong>of</strong> fifty years ago, is stillpoor to the verge <strong>of</strong> famine, <strong>and</strong> is therefore stillover-peopled. And for Engl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Scotl<strong>and</strong> aswell, the cry is still " Emigrate ! emigrate ! We areover-peopled "! But what <strong>of</strong> America, with twentyfivetimes as much l<strong>and</strong> as we have, <strong>and</strong> with evengreater natural resources, <strong>and</strong> with a populationeven more ingenious, more energetic, <strong>and</strong> morehard-working than ours } Are they over-populatedwith only twenty people to the square mile ? Thereonly one rational solution <strong>of</strong> this terrible problem.isThe system that allows the l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> the minerals,the means <strong>of</strong> communication, <strong>and</strong> all other publicservices, to be monopolized for the aggr<strong>and</strong>isement <strong>of</strong>the few—for the creation <strong>of</strong> millionaires—necessarilyleads to the poverty, the degradation, the misery <strong>of</strong>the many.There never has been, in the whole history <strong>of</strong> thehuman race, a people with such gr<strong>and</strong> opportunitiesfor establishing a society <strong>and</strong> a nation in which theproducts <strong>of</strong> the general labour should be so distributedas to produce general well-being. It wantedbut a recognition <strong>of</strong> the fundamental principle <strong>of</strong>"equality <strong>of</strong> opportunity," tacitly implied in theDeclaration <strong>of</strong> Independence. It wanted but suchsocial arrangements as would ensure to every child

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