My life : a record of events and opinions - Wallace-online.org

My life : a record of events and opinions - Wallace-online.org

My life : a record of events and opinions - Wallace-online.org


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—LONDON, AND VOYAGE TO THE EAST 171sailed in about a week, so that I did not lose muchtime. The voyage was a very interesting one, as westopped a few hours at Gibraltar, passed within sight<strong>of</strong> the gr<strong>and</strong> Sierra Nevada <strong>of</strong> Spain, stayed a dayat Malta, where the town <strong>and</strong> the tombs <strong>of</strong> the knightswere inspected, <strong>and</strong> then on to Alex<strong>and</strong>ria. Havingby me a long letter I wrote to my schoolfellow, Mr.Ge<strong>org</strong>e Silk, I will here quote from it a few <strong>of</strong> theimpressions <strong>of</strong> my journey as they appeared to me atthe time they occurred :"Steamer Bcfigal, Red Sea, March 26." Of all the eventful days in my <strong>life</strong> (so far), myfirst in Alex<strong>and</strong>ria was (in some respects) the mostexciting. Imagine my feelings when, coming out <strong>of</strong>the hotel (to which we had been conveyed in anomnibus) with the intention <strong>of</strong> taking a quiet strollthrough the city, I suddenly found myself in themidst <strong>of</strong> a vast crowd <strong>of</strong> donkeys <strong>and</strong> their drivers,all thoroughly determined to appropriate my personto their own use <strong>and</strong> interest, without in the leastconsulting my inclinations.In vain with rapid strides<strong>and</strong> waving arms I endeavoured to clear a way <strong>and</strong>move forward, arms <strong>and</strong> legs were seized upon, <strong>and</strong>even the Christian coat-tails were not sacred fromthe pr<strong>of</strong>ane h<strong>and</strong>s <strong>of</strong> the Mahometan crowd. Onewould hold together two donkeys by their tailswhilst I was struggling between them, <strong>and</strong> another,forcing their heads together, hoped to compel me tomount one or both <strong>of</strong> them. One fellow, more impudentthan the rest, I laid flat upon the ground,<strong>and</strong>, sending the little donkey staggering after him,I escaped for a moment midst hideous yells <strong>and</strong> mostunearthly cries. I now beckoned to a fellow moresensible-looking than the rest, <strong>and</strong> told him that I

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