My life : a record of events and opinions - Wallace-online.org

My life : a record of events and opinions - Wallace-online.org

My life : a record of events and opinions - Wallace-online.org


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—148 MY LIFEmiles <strong>of</strong> river, all alike had that poverty <strong>of</strong> insect <strong>and</strong>bird-<strong>life</strong> which characterized Barra itself, a povertywhich is not altogether explicable. The enormousdifficulties <strong>and</strong> delays <strong>of</strong> travel made itimpossible tobe at the right place at the right season ;while theexcessive wetness <strong>of</strong> the climate rendered the lossthe only month or two <strong>of</strong> fine weather irreparable forthe whole year. The comparative scantiness <strong>of</strong> nativepopulation at all the towns <strong>of</strong> the Rio Negro, the smallamount <strong>of</strong> cultivation, the scarcity <strong>of</strong> roads throughthe forest, <strong>and</strong> the want <strong>of</strong> any guide from theexperience <strong>of</strong> previous collectors, combined to rendermy numerous journeys in this almost totally unknownregion comparatively unproductive in birds <strong>and</strong> insects.As it happened (owing to Custom Houseformalities at Barra), the whole <strong>of</strong> my collectionsduring the last two voyages were with me on the shipthat was burnt, <strong>and</strong> were thus totally lost.One letter I wrote from Guia on the Upper RioNegro, three months after my arrival there, hasbeen preserved, <strong>and</strong> from it I extract the followingpassage :" I have been spending a month with some Indiansthree days' journey up a narrow stream (called theCobati River). From there we went half a day'sjourney through the forest to a rocky mountain wherethe celebrated ' Gallos de Serra ' (Cocks <strong>of</strong> the Rock)breed. But we were very unfortunate, for thoughI had with me ten hunters <strong>and</strong> we remained ninedays at the Serra, suffering many inconveniences(having only taken farinha <strong>and</strong> salt with us), I onlygot a dozen gallos, whereas I had expected in lesstime to have secured fifty. Insects there were noneat all ; <strong>and</strong> other good birds excessively rare.<strong>of</strong>

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