My life : a record of events and opinions -

My life : a record of events and opinions - My life : a record of events and opinions -
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134 MY LIFEvery well, and was very easy to row. One day Ipersuaded my mother to let me row her to Swansea,where we made a few purchases ;and then came backquite safely till within about a mile of home, when,passing under a bridge, my mother put her hand outto keep the boat from touching, and leaning over alittle too much, the side went under water, and upsetus both. As the water was only about two or three feetdeep we escaped with a thorough wetting. The boatwas soon^baled dry, and then I rowed on to NeathBridge, where my mother got out and walked home,and did not trust herself in our boat again, though Iand my brother had many pleasant excursions.My chief work in 1846 had been the survey of theparish of Llantwit-juxta-Neath. The agent of theGnoU Estate had undertaken the valuation forthe tithe commutation, and arranged with me to dothe survey and make the map and the necessarycopies. When all was finished and the valuationmade, I was told that I must collect the paymentfrom the various farmers in the parish, who wouldafterwards deduct it from their rent. This wasa disagreeable business, as many of the farmerswere very poor ; some could not speak English, andcould not be made to understand what it was allabout ; others positively refused to pay ; and theseparate amounts were often so small that it was notworth going to law about them, so that several werenever paid at all, and others not for a year afterwards.This was one of the things that disgusted me withbusiness, and made me more than ever disposed togive it all up if I could get anything else to do.My brother John and I also obtained a littlebuilding and architectural work, and amongst otherstructures we designed and supervised the erection of

LIFE AT LEICESTER AND NEATH 135the Mechanics' Institute at Neath. It was before themembers of this institute that I made my first essayas a lecturer, having been persuaded to give a seriesof lectures on physics during two winters. I alsogave a lecture describing a short visit I had made toParis.iDuring the two summers that I and my brotherJohn lived at Neath we spent a good deal of ourleisure time in wandering about this beautiful district,on my part in search of insects, while my brotheralways had his eyes open for any uncommon bird orreptile.Though I have by no means a very wide acquaintancewith the mountain districts of Britain, yetI know Wales pretty well ; have visited the best partsof the lake district ; in Scotland have been to LochLomond, Loch Katrine, and Loch Tay ;have climbedBen Lawers, and roamed through Glen Clova in searchfor rare plants ;—but I cannot call to mind a singlevalley that in the same extent of country comprises somuch beautiful and picturesque scenery, and so manyinteresting special features, as the Vale of Neath.The town itself is beautifully situated, with the finewooded and rock-girt Drumau Mountain to the west,while immediately to the east are well-wooded heightscrowned by Gnoll House, and to the south-east, threemiles away, a high rounded hill, up which a chimneyhas been carried from the Cwm Avon copperworks in'In 1895 ^ received a letter from Cardiff, from one of the workmenwho attended the Neath Mechanics' Institution, asking if the author of" Island Life," the " Malay Archipelago," and other books is the sameMr. Alfred Wallace who taught in the evening science classes to theNeath Abbey artificers. He writes— "I have often had a desire toknow, as I benefited more while in your class—if you are the sameMr, A. Wallace—than I ever was taught at school. I have oftenwished I knew how to thank you for the good I and others receivedfrom your teaching. — (Signed) Matthew Jones."

134 MY LIFEvery well, <strong>and</strong> was very easy to row. One day Ipersuaded my mother to let me row her to Swansea,where we made a few purchases ;<strong>and</strong> then came backquite safely till within about a mile <strong>of</strong> home, when,passing under a bridge, my mother put her h<strong>and</strong> outto keep the boat from touching, <strong>and</strong> leaning over alittle too much, the side went under water, <strong>and</strong> upsetus both. As the water was only about two or three feetdeep we escaped with a thorough wetting. The boatwas soon^baled dry, <strong>and</strong> then I rowed on to NeathBridge, where my mother got out <strong>and</strong> walked home,<strong>and</strong> did not trust herself in our boat again, though I<strong>and</strong> my brother had many pleasant excursions.<strong>My</strong> chief work in 1846 had been the survey <strong>of</strong> theparish <strong>of</strong> Llantwit-juxta-Neath. The agent <strong>of</strong> theGnoU Estate had undertaken the valuation forthe tithe commutation, <strong>and</strong> arranged with me to dothe survey <strong>and</strong> make the map <strong>and</strong> the necessarycopies. When all was finished <strong>and</strong> the valuationmade, I was told that I must collect the paymentfrom the various farmers in the parish, who wouldafterwards deduct it from their rent. This wasa disagreeable business, as many <strong>of</strong> the farmerswere very poor ; some could not speak English, <strong>and</strong>could not be made to underst<strong>and</strong> what it was allabout ; others positively refused to pay ; <strong>and</strong> theseparate amounts were <strong>of</strong>ten so small that it was notworth going to law about them, so that several werenever paid at all, <strong>and</strong> others not for a year afterwards.This was one <strong>of</strong> the things that disgusted me withbusiness, <strong>and</strong> made me more than ever disposed togive it all up if I could get anything else to do.<strong>My</strong> brother John <strong>and</strong> I also obtained a littlebuilding <strong>and</strong> architectural work, <strong>and</strong> amongst otherstructures we designed <strong>and</strong> supervised the erection <strong>of</strong>

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