My life : a record of events and opinions -

My life : a record of events and opinions - My life : a record of events and opinions -
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IN LEICESTERSHIRE.[To face p. 129.

LIFE AT LEICESTER AND NEATH 129many fine trees and woods and ferny or bushy slopes.Sometimes the whole school went for a picnic, thepark at that time being quite open, and we hardlyever met any one. After we got out of the townthere was a wide grassy lane that led to it, whichitself was a delightful walk and was a good collectingground for both plants and insects. For variety wehad the meadows along the course of the little riverSoar, which were very pleasant in spring and summer.Twice during the summer the whole of the boarderswere taken for a long day's excursion. The firsttime we went to Kenilworth Castle, about thirty milesdistant, driving in coaches by pleasant country roads,and passing through Coventry. Towards the autumnwe had a much longer excursion, partly by coach andpartly by canal boat, to a very picturesque countrywith wooded hills and limestone cliffs, rural villages,and an isolated hill, from the top of which we had avery fine and extensive view. I think it must havebeen in Derbyshire, near Wirksworth, as there is along canal tunnel on the way there. One of therough out-of-door sketches made on this occasion isreproduced here on a reduced scale, as well as amore finished drawing of some village, perhaps nearLeicester, asthey may possibly enable some readerto recognize the localities, and also serve to show thelimits of my power as an artist.Early in the year 1846 I received the totallyunexpected news of the death of my brother Williamat Neath. He had been in London to give evidencebefore a committee on the South Wales Railway Bill,and returning at night caught a severe cold by beingchilled in a wretched third-class carriage, succeededby a damp bed at Bristol. This brought on congestionof the lungs, to which he speedily succumbed. I andK

IN LEICESTERSHIRE.[To face p. 129.

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