Dear Dr.Van Impe - Jack Van Impe Ministries

Dear Dr.Van Impe - Jack Van Impe Ministries

Dear Dr.Van Impe - Jack Van Impe Ministries


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JACKVAN IMPEMINISTRIESJANUARY/FEBRUARY 2007New teaching from<strong>Dr</strong>s. <strong>Jack</strong> andRexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>!Don’t miss what’s insideA revelation from <strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> ..................page 3From Rexella’s heart.....................................page 10Letters We Love ................................................page 20

Is history’s clock ticking toward the END OF THE WORLD?Astonishing new DVD teachingby <strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>In a recent letter to my global partners I stated the following:I have been a defender of the faith for 58 years. During that time I have read11,000 volumes at a rate of one book per day and studied God’s Word for a total of100,000 hours, which is a total of 11 years of 24-hour days.Five years ago the Holy Spirit began awakening my mind and heart concerningthe “end of the world” teaching held by leaders of many major denominations whopromote erroneous conclusions based on a-millennialism which rejects and mocksthe 1,000 year reign of Christ as taught throughout God’s holy word in Revelation20:4 as well as hundreds of Old and New Testament texts.I believe that God has raised me up for such an hour as this, and dogmaticallyfeel that the two videos covering 425 verses of scripture will be mylegacy which I will leave behind for generations to come.The two-video series is entitled: 11:59 – the Countdown. Thefirst video is ready now and the second video will be offered inMay. No theologian or minister will be able to refute thisvoluminous amount of Biblical texts proving that Christ’s(continued on next page)return to earth to rule and reign for 1,000 years and then

6 | Perhaps Today | January-February 2007more thorough understandingof the future than has everbeen possible in the past ... andnot only “the future” in generalterms, but your individual,personal future in the contextof Bible prophecy andprophetic events!Let me share with you thekey concepts revealed in thecompanion book:• The Rapture, theRevelation, andProphetical Signs• Signs of Christ’s ImminentReturn• Prophetic Truths from theBook of Revelation• Ten Pertinent Propheciesabout the Middle East• The War to End All Wars• America in Prophecy:From Birth to MoralDecline• Questions and Answersabout America’s Future• World Events that Signalthe Return of Christ to theEarth Forever• Portrait of the Tribulation• God’s ApproachingJudgment — and How toGet ReadyBeloved, this book is entirelydifferent from the DVD andboth are informational andevangelistic. You can sharethis book or DVD with anunsaved loved one and believethat God will use these uniqueresources to draw thatindividual to faith in JesusChrist. As you will see, I makethe plan of salvation absolutelyclear. In both the video andthe book there is a strong,loving challenge to acceptChrist as Lord and Savior. As IEven secularauthorities havebegun to wonderif recent newsdevelopmentspoint to acoming worldconflict — theyare asking, Isthis the time ofthe end?write in the preface, “Mypersonal prayer is that, uponcompleting this book, allChristians will renew theirvows of love and service to theSavior, and that unbelieverswill give their hearts and livesto the only One who is able tosave us from the wrath of theseven year period oftribulation that’s coming(Revelation 3:10).”Please request your copy of11:59 — THE COUNTDOWNas you give in support of <strong>Jack</strong><strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> today. Theimportance of this DVD andcompanion book cannot bestated too strongly! Even secu -lar authorities have begun towonder if recent newsdevelopments point to acoming world conflict — theyare asking, Is this the time of<strong>Dear</strong> <strong>Dr</strong>.<strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>I watch your broadcastevery week (sometimestwice a week). It is souplifting. I get excitedjust waiting for it to comeon. The Lord is definitelyworking in your life!Please don’t stop,because if there washope for me, there ishope for others.E.A.the end? They need notwonder ... You need notwonder! You and your familycan understand the future andbe prepared for the propheciesabout to unfold!God told me to create thisvideo for you! Here it is! Seizethis God-given opportunity! Itis my legacy for generations tocome, because lifeon earth will go on eternally.

DanielFinal End TimesMysteries Unsealed• The mystery of iniquity• The colossal doomsday machine• Four great beasts of history• Assassination and Resurrectionof the Antichrist• And much more!God commanded Daniel to seal the mysteries ofhis prophetic book until “the time of the end.”What did it mean? Only when the final predictedevents began to occur would the Spirit reveal Hismysteries to present-day messengers ... That timeis now!<strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> has poured more than 300 hoursof research into this project, studying every bookpossible on the subject by the greatest scholars.Now he and Rexella have had their master work onthe book of Daniel digitally produced — and youget 4 DVDs or videos and the bonus companionbook, too!Get all the facts —send for the videoteaching series today!BonusDanielBook!Daniel DVD (DDAP)Daniel VHS (VDAP)Send a gift of $49.95 U.S.$59.95 Can.Seven Hours of Video Teaching! CC

<strong>Dr</strong>s. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> bring you the truth about the infamous Mark of the Beast<strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> has uncoveredevidence in Brussels, Belgium, oftwo sinister organizations whichmay be preparing the way for theAntichrist through the developmentof a universal ID marker!The Scriptures predict without this“mark” of the Antichrist during theGreat Tribulation years, no one willbe able to buy or sell — people willbe forced to take the mark or sufferstarvation or execution!And the technology to make the666 mark a reality may exist today!Discover how it could beadministered, what technology isbeing developed now to make itpossible, and much more in thisdramatic video teaching from <strong>Dr</strong>s.<strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>.Global ID: 666 DVD (DIDV)Global ID: 666 VHS (VIDV)Send a gift of $24.95 U.S.$29.95 Can.Running time: 85 min. CCI just finished watching Global ID: 666. I have oneword to describe it: WOW!!!! You leave no stoneunturned nor any question unanswered. Thisshould be required viewing in every church notonly in America, but in the world! You are soright. Jesus is coming to call HIS church homeand then the tribulation will start. We are so near.–RS

10 | Perhaps Today | January-February 2007B Y D R . REXELLA V AN I MPEThe following article is an excerpt from <strong>Dr</strong>. Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s new book“Baffled, Bewildered, Befuddled … And Searching! Why?”To order the entire book, please see the ad on page 15.Take a walk down Main Street in your hometown, or visit thelocal shopping mall. Look at those around you, and study thefaces in the crowds coming out of sports arenas or entertainmentauditoriums. Notice how few seem to be really enjoying themselves,or laughing, genuinely having a good time.Even if they put up a jovial front with those around them,watch how soon the laughter dies and the smiles fade when theyare alone again and confront the reality of daily living. For too manyindividuals, the world seems to be a grim and joyless place.

My husband, <strong>Jack</strong>, and Ihear from so many peopleeach week, and often they say,“I can’t stand to watch the TVnews anymore. Everythingthat’s on is bad or ugly. Theway the world is going isfrightening and depressing.The more I see and hear, themore baffled, bewildered, andbefuddled I get!”A good many of these folksgo on to say, “We just couldn’tmake it through the weekwithout seeing the ‘<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong><strong>Impe</strong> Presents’ telecast. It’s theonly good news we hear. Youalways have a message of hope— that God is still in control!”WHAT DOES ITALL MEAN?Baffled! According to thedictionary, means “confused,puzzled, frustrated.”Bewildered speaks of losingone’s bearings, beingperplexed and overwhelmedby the complexity and themultitude of considerations.Befuddled means to muddleabout, virtually stupefied,unable to cope with thecomplications.Have you ever had feelingslike these?Lately I’ve been asking thepeople I meet in my weeklyactivities about what issuesthey are concerned about and Ifeel sure that what they’ve toldme probably includes the samethings that trouble you. Ibelieve the world once againhas plunged to the low point ofbeing as it was in the days ofNoah, when the earth wastotally corrupt and filled withviolence. So surely this meansthat it’s time to look up, andlift up your heads; for yourredemption draweth nigh(Luke 21:28).WHEN AND WHEREWILL TERRORISTSSTRIKE AGAIN?The number one thing onpeople’s minds, I think, is thethreat of internationalterrorism. The 9/11 attackscertainly changed the outlookof all Americans. And the laterterrorist attacks in Englandand other European countrieshave made millions of otherpeople realize that the wholeSo surely thismeans that it’stime to look up,and lift up yourheads; for yourredemptiondraweth nigh(Luke 21:28).world is vulnerable. Mostthinking people now realizethat it’s not a question of ifthere will be major terroristattacks again, but when!Another concern is thegrowing threat of nuclear war.It seems everyone is talkingabout nuclear proliferationinvolving more countries, likeNorth Korea and Iran. And ofJanuary-February 2007 | Perhaps Today | 11course, huge nations like India,China, and Russia are flexingtheir muscles and saying, “youcan’t tell us what to do.” Sothere are opportunities forconfrontation on every corner.There’s no peace in the worldat all.IS THE WORLDGETTING TOO WARM?There is also a growingconcern around the world aboutglobal warming. Many scientistsbelieve that the impact ofmankind’s pollution is upsettingthe delicate balance of nature.Our oceans and waterways arebecoming fouled, and the veryatmosphere is being damaged.The resulting increases inaverage temperatures, say theexperts, might already beaffecting weather patterns,producing record numbers ofviolent storms like typhoons,hurricanes, and tsunamis.They say the warming trendultimately could kill mostmarine life, destroy agriculturalfood production, and eventuallymelt the remaining glaciers andice packs, putting more lowlyingland under water. Noteveryone agrees with these direpredictions, but while thedebate rages on, more and morepeople are becoming fearful ofwhat the future holds.IS SICKNESS ANDDISEASE GETTINGWORSE?In addition to these majorconcerns, there is heightenedawareness of the expansion ofboth new and old diseases.Cancer, heart disease, mentaldisorders, Alzheimer’s disease

11:59 The Countdown (DCN1P) DVD & companion book11:59 The Countdown (VCN1P) VHS & companion bookSend a gift of $25.00 U.S.$30.00 Can. • Running time: 75 minutes CC

• How close are we today to the Markof the Beast?• What’s the real truth about the USAin prophecy?• How can your heart be encouragedeven in the midst of the turmoil goingon all around us today?• What is the “Bema Seat”? When will itoccur, and where? Why?• What is the difference between “amillenialists”and “pre-millenialists”?Which one are you?• What are the facts about 666?• What will your “glorified body” be like?Why – and when – will you receive it?• What is greatest error ever preached?• What’s the truth about the Raptureand the Revelation?• Who are the two “elect” groups in theBible, and are you in either of them?• What are the three upcominginvasions of Israel?• What has God actually committed tothe people of Israel?• What do the “doomsday clock”scientists believe about the “endof the world”?• What does the current “knowledgeexplosion” really mean?• Which signs of the times are happeningsimultaneously right now?• And much more!Bible prophecy speaks of the latter days and last days ... does this mean the literal end of the world?Absolutely not!This comprehensive video teaching and bonus companion book prove from the Scripture thatthe world will not end, but continue in the glory of the 1,000 year Millennium and beyond!The book and video teaching explain exactly how the prophetic events about to occur willunfold, so you and your family can have complete confidence in your future with Christ.Never again suffer a moment’s confusion about your own prophetic future! Discover thetruth through 11:59 — THE COUNTDOWN! Request your book and video today.

New program every week — keepsyou aware of developments inBible prophecy as it happens<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> Presents is a fast-paced, awardwinning, 30-minute weekly news program hosted byprophecy experts, <strong>Dr</strong>s. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>.Check your local listings and be sure to tune in for:• News events as they relate toBible prophecy• Clear explanation of propheticScriptures• Exciting Biblical teaching• And much moreDid you know, if you don’t have a will or estate plan, your family could lose assets togovernment taxes and probate — and more of your estate could go to supportgovernment programs which are contrary to your spiritual and moral beliefs!But when you make a Christian will or estate plan, you canmake sure to provide for your family, and pleaseinclude charitable bequests for the outreachesyou support, such as <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong>.Contact your financial planner or lawyer and make sure yourChristian will is protecting the financial legacy you wish to leave.

Do people ever really die?Is there more than one Heaven?What was Jesus referring towhen He said at the crucifixionone of the thieves would be withHim in “paradise”?What is the difference betweenHades, Gehenna and Hell?A must-have teaching.A great witnessing tool.Find out what liesbeyond this life foryou and your family.Beyond the Grave VIDEO (VBGV)Beyond the Grave DVD (DBGV)Send a gift of $24.95 U.S.$29.95 Can.Running Time: 85 minutes CC

January-February 2007 | Perhaps Today | 21Found Christ at an early ageI really enjoy your TV show Brother and Sister<strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>. I am a Jew, and I was always taughtthat Abraham and Moses and all the prophetsare what we Hebrews are supposed to live by.I’m 14-years old and I was watching the TVshow, and I received Yeshua (Jesus) into myheart. I could not stop the tears from comingdown my face, I was on my knees and soon afterthat my tongue began to move uncontrollably. Itscared me. So I called one of my Christianfriends and told me that it was the Holy Ghost.He read me the book of Acts about the initialbaptism of the Holy Ghost in the upper room.Abraham, Moses and all the prophets are right;Yeshua is the Son of God, the Father and Himalone I will worship. I now attend a holinesschurch and will never ever be attending thesynagogue ever again. And I will tell every Jew,and every person about Yeshua’s saving power.Anyway, I couldn’t stop the tears for about anhour, there was so much power in our house.Now I’m working on my parents and trying toget them to understand Jesus was before ourforefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and I’mtrying to get my parents saved by the blood ofJesus! Glory to God and thanks again!Yours in ChristH.D.me included. We’re not generally very religious,but the show is inspiring. I know there are quitea few non-Christian viewers here who like theshow a lot. I thought I was the only one whowatched until I heard about the network offriends who were fans as well.E.H.Minneapolis, MNI have Jesus in my heart . . . For realI wanted to write to you about what happenedtonight while we were watching your program.Our six-year old son was watching withuncharacteristic interest. At one point hecuddled up in my lap and asked — what is theantichrist? I explained. He asked more andmore questions. Finally he said, “Mommy, I’mnot all the way sure I have Jesus in my heart forreal.” (He had made a profession faith at a veryearly age.) I explained the plan of salvation tohim and this time he was absolutely clear aboutit – and “for real, all the way sure” asked Jesusto forgive his sins and be his Savior! Had we notbeen watching your program together, whoknows when the Lord would have had such awonderful opportunity. Thank you for helping tomake this awesome event possible.H.N.Crawfordville, FLI wanted to say thank you for your ministry. Iwas raised in the church, but I had strayed foryears. Alcohol and sin had overcome me, untiltwo years ago. Not only watching you, buthearing God through the both of you turnedmy life around. I quit drinking 16 months agoand joined a church in my town.E.A.Thanks to JVI Ministry and StaffI just wanted to give praise to your TVshow. Here in Minneapolis, JVI Presents isuncharacteristically popular with teenagers,

Anticipated sequel to the blockbuster movie, The Moment AfterIt’s finally here! The thrilling follow-up to the blockbusterRapture movie The Moment After! Part II tracksChristians being persecuted by the forces of theAntichrist ... experience the heart-stopping “close calls”and agonizing choices facing survivors in the midst of theGreat Tribulation! Great family drama — a must-see DVD!The Moment After 2 DVD (D8202)Send a gift of $24.95 U.S.$29.95 Can. • Running time: 93 minutes CCAward-winning Christian filmmaker Rich Christiano presentsUnidentified, the story of two reporters who are investigating a UFOsighting in a small Texas town, but what they discover willshock you and challenge what science and media may wantyou to believe about UFO’s and spiritual warfare.Presented in a “news magazine” format,Unidentified packs a powerful messageinto an entertaining movie.Unidentified DVD (D737)Send a gift of $24.95 U.S.$29.95 Can. • Running time: 80 minutes CCSend for your copy today!

What Prophecy Reveals About Extreme Islam and the WestThe Next World War book (B106)Send a gift of $14.95 U.S.$19.95 Can.Escalation of hostilities in the Middle Easttoday is NOT just a series of isolatedincidents ... but rather the first warningshots of a coming world war! Grant Jeffrey’snew book reveals how we know!Astonishing insights and analysis discussSaddam Hussein, 9/11, Iraq and WMD’s,Osama bin Laden, Islam’s commitment todestroy Israel, Islam’s conquest of Europe,how the western media aids theenemy, how peace between Islamand Judaism will finally beestablished, and much more! Greatreading for your prophecy library, asuperb gift for anyone interested inworld events.You get 180 new pages of very unique, full-colored Biblecharts, maps and timelines in one spiral-bound book.Old Testament charts include Creation, Abraham’sFamily Tree, Names of God, Prophets and more. NewTestament charts include Genealogy of Jesus,Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus, Events in the Life ofChrist, Miracles of Christ, Four Views of the End Times,and much more. Great for teachers and study leaders— legally photocopy up to 300 copies of each chart!Rose Book of Charts book (B279)Send a gift of $29.95 U.S.$34.95 Can.

“I received my Electronic Prophecy Bible, and I reallylove it. It’s so much easier to hold it than trying to holda bigger Bible, plus I can put it in my purse and takethe Word of God with me everywhere I go.”— AliceFor years the <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>Prophecy Bible has blessedpartners like you. Now his “workof a lifetime” Prophecy Bible isavailable as a FranklinElectronic Bible ...including these speciallydesigned features:JVI Electronic Prophecy Bible (OEBJ)Send a gift of $99.95 U.S.$119.95 Can.All the prophetic verses in theentire Bible arranged by <strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Van</strong><strong>Impe</strong> ... <strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’srevolutionary and easy-to-use“Topic-Index” Referencing system... <strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s entire personalSCRIPTURE MEMORY SYSTEM ...Comprehensive A-to-Z PROPHECYINDEX ... Verse-by-versecommentary on the Book ofRevelation and more!

In the courts of the Lord’s house, inthe midst of thee, O Jerusalem.Praise ye the LORD- Psalm 116:19Our feet shall stand within thygates, O Jerusalem- Psalm 122:2Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:they shall prosper that love thee- Psalm 122:6The LORD shall bless thee out ofZion: and thou shalt see the good ofJerusalem all the days of thy life- Psalm 128:5<strong>Dr</strong>s. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> take an enlightening look at the ancient city ofJerusalem, and her critical place in Bible prophecy.You will learn the truth about the mysterious reason the Eastern gate has been sealedsince the early 16th Century, discover the Antichrist’s plans for Jerusalem, learn theprophecies of Armageddon which surround the holy city — and even see how the firstmoon landing fit into Bible prophecy about Jerusalem!Jerusalem is a city revered by three major religions of the world: Christianity, Islamand Judaism. Right now it is a hotbed of dissension and strife, so it is no surprise todiscover Jerusalem is at the heart of the latter days action on earth.Send for this exciting video and get all the facts!Blessed be the LORD out of Zion,which dwelleth at Jerusalem.- Psalm 135:21If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, letmy right hand forget her cunning- Psalm 137:5The LORD doth build upJerusalem: he gathereth togetherthe outcasts of Israel- Psalm 147:2Jerusalem, Jerusalem, whichkillest the prophets, and stonestthem that are sent unto thee; howoften would I have gathered thychildren together, as a hen dothgather her brood under herwings, and ye would not!- Luke 13:34Jerusalem: War or Peace? DVD (DWPV)Jerusalem: War or Peace? VHS (VWPV)Send a gift of $19.95 U.S.$24.95 Can.Running time: 75 min. CC

26 | Perhaps Today | January-February 2007SCIENTISTS TO CREATE‘FRANKENBUNNY’ IN BIGRESEARCH LEAPThisIsLondon.co.uk reports:“Scientists are planning to createa ‘frankenrabbit’ by fusingtogether human cells with arabbit egg.It is hoped the ‘chimeric’embryos, which would be 99.9percent human and 0.1 percentrabbit, could lead to breakthroughsin stem cell research which couldone day cure diseases such asAlzheimer’s or spinal cord injury.The embryos will allowscientists to perfect stem cellcreation techniques without usinghuman eggs.‘If we learn how to do this withanimal eggs, we should be ableto have more success withhuman eggs, and I’d much ratherknow that if we were going toask women to donate eggs thatwe were very likely to get stemcells as a result,” said ChrisShaw, at the Institute ofPsychiatry.Teams in London, Edinburghand Newcastle are to submitapplication to the HumanFertilization and EmbryologyAuthority this month, requestinglicenses to create embryos thatwill be 99.9 per cent human and0.1 per cent rabbit or cow…”(Inventors of evil things –Romans 1:30.)EVANGELICAL SCHOOLSORDERED TO TEACH DARWINThe National Post reports:“The Quebec Ministry ofEducation has told unlicensedChristian evangelical schools thatthey must teach Darwin’s theoryof evolution and sex education orclose their doors after a schoolboard in the Outaouais regioncomplained the provincialcurriculum was not beingfollowed.‘Quebec children are legallyrequired to follow the provincialcurriculum ... but theseevangelical schools teach theirown courses on creationism andsexuality that don’t follow theQuebec curriculum,’ said PierreDaoust, director-general of theCommission Scolaire au Coeurdes-Valleesin Thurso, Que.Mr. Daoust’s complaint sparkedthe province-wide investigation.Quebec law requires schoolboards to assure the Ministry ofEducation that every childbetween the ages six of and 16,with the exception of homeschooledchildren, receives anadequate education, he said.But the 20 elementary and highschool students who attend aschool operated by EgliseEvangelique near Saint-Andre-Avellin, Que., are being educatedaccording to a Bible-basedcurriculum and their high schooldiplomas will not be recognizedanywhere in Canada, he said.Supporters of EgliseEvangelique, part of thel’Association des eglisesevangeliques du Quebec, counterthat the school teaches a ‘worldview’ that is essential for theirstudents.‘We offer a curriculum based ona Christian world view ratherthan humanistic world view,” saidAlan Buchanan, chairman of acommittee that reorganized theschool’s administration this pastsummer, as well as a formerQuebec public school teacher.Mr. Buchanan said Eglise

January-February 2007 | Perhaps Today | 27Evangelique teaches evolution aswell as intelligent design.‘We want the children tounderstand what they’re going tomeet in the outside world, andalso what’s wrong with thetheory,’ he said. ‘We also teachthat a better theory — that Godcreated the universe and so on.’While the school doesn’t teachsex education, it does teachbiology, he said.‘You have the Christian worldview that says sex should only bein the marriage and a publicschool system that teaches kidsabout sexuality,’ Mr. Buchanansaid. “We believe students shouldbe taught abstinence.”He said the school metprovincial guidelines during tworeviews conducted in the 1990s,although they were asked to adda Canadian history course.Ministry spokeswoman Marie-France Boulay said the provincewill negotiate for several weekswith an unspecified number ofevangelical schools to determinewhether they can meet provincialstandards that include theteaching of Darwin’s theory ofevolution…” (Jude 1:3,4)‘LOST TRIBE OF ISRAEL’ RETURNING HOMEWorldNetDaily.com reports: “Hundreds of Jews from agroup of thousands in India that believes it is one of the 10‘lost tribes’ of Israel has been granted permission to immigratehere, fulfilling for many of them a life-long dream of returningto what they consider their homeland.‘The significance of this should be readily apparent, even tothe most hardened of cynics,’ Michael Freund, chairman ofShavei Israel, the organization leading the charge for the returnof the tribe, told WorldNetDaily.‘After all, whoever heard of an ancient lost tribe returning toits ancestral homeland 2,700 years after their deportation?Without exaggerating, it seems fair to say that this is a miracleof biblical proportions,’ Freund said.For a decade, Freund’s group has been working to facilitatethe immigration to Israel of the Bnei Menashe, about 7,000Indian citizens who believe they are the descendants ofManasseh, one of biblical patriarch Joseph’s two sons, and agrandson of Jacob. The tribe lives in the two Indian states ofMizoram and Manipur, to which they claim to have been exiledfrom Israel over 2,700 years ago by the Assyrian empire.The group, which has preserved ancient Jewish customs andrituals, has been trying the past 50 years to return to Israel…”(The Russians, Ethiopians, and this lost tribe of Israelreturning home are final prophecies occurring justbefore Christ returns – Ezekiel 36:24; Amos 9:15;Jeremiah 3:17,18.)

Author Jim Murk presents a brilliant look at Islam today, one of the world’sfastest growing religions, and how the radical or extremist teachings arerapidly becoming mainstream for modern Muslims. Get the facts — couldit be possible Satan’s major strategy for replacing Christianity is Islam, andthe Koran which denies Jesus as the Christ, as the substitute for the Bible?This book gives you the startling truth!Islam Rising book (B361)Send a gift of$14.95 U.S.$19.95 Can.“Of the approximately 1.3 billion Muslims in the world,probably about 200 million are very serious conservativeadherents to the strict teachings of the Qur’an [Koran]. Theseliteralists are being called fundamentalists or Muslim extremists,and the growing militancy of some of them is a threat to the veryexistence of Western civilization just as it was 1,300 years ago.”— Jim Murk, author, Islam RisingWhat is happening in Iran? Get the facts in a superb new book: IRAN: THE COMING CRISIS by Mark Hitchcock.Complete with fascinating maps and charts, it takesyou on a journey inside the nation, and reveals theIran-Russia connection. It paints a shocking pictureof the coming invasion of Israel. (Who will invade?Who won’t? The answers may surprise you!) AndIRAN: THE COMING CRISIS will reveal to youIslamic prophecies which point to the Antichrist! Amust for your prophecy library and great foranyone who is interested in world events.Iran: The Coming Crisis book (B299)Send a gift of $14.95 U.S.$19.95 Can.

Take <strong>Dr</strong>s. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella anywhere with you, to watch or listen to, via the podcast!<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> Presents is now available for downloading to your iPod tolisten and watch wherever you go andwhenever you want to. It is available in an audio only fileas well as a full video file. In iTunes,simply subscribe to the podcast at:http://www.jvim.com/tv/jvipresents.xml (Audio Only)http://www.jvim.com/tv/jvipresents_video.xml (Full Video)For a direct link to the currently available Pod & Vod casts, goto www.jvim.com and click on the TV Program button.By Don Piper with Cecil MurpheyAfabulous book for anyone who has ever wondered whatlies beyond the grave. Baptist minister Don Piper wasdriving home from a conference when his car collided witha semi-truck. Piper was pronounced dead at the scene.Ninety minutes later, a minister who had also attended theconference passed the accident scene felt led to pray forDon — who was miraculously restored to life!The 90 minutes he spent in the life beyond are detailedhere in a wonderful narrative of the glories of heaven,where he was greeted by many who had influenced hislife and where he experienced true peace. A great readfor believer or non-believer!90 Minutes in Heaven book (B426)Send a gift of $12.95 U.S.$16.95 Can.

WORLDWIDE CONSPIRACY???Two of the most powerful video teachingsfrom <strong>Dr</strong>s. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>available as a combo package!Final World Government When? Now! & Another Hitler RisingAnother Hitler Rising• Did the Jews kill Christ?• Who deserves Jerusalem?• What does peace have to do with the anti-Christ?• Armageddon: When and Where?GET ALL THE FACTS!Another Hitler Risingvideo (VHTV)Another Hitler RisingDVD (DHTV)Send a gift of $24.95U.S./$29.95 Can.Running Time: 117 minutes CCFinal World Governmentvideo (VGVV)Final World GovernmentDVD (DGVV)Send a gift of $24.95U.S./$29.95 Can.Running Time: 90 minutes CCFinal World Government When? Now!The Illuminati, The Trilateral Commission, TheCouncil on Foreign Relations — World WideConspiracy! Both Protestant Theologians andCatholic Cardinals believe a rapidly ascendingdictatorship is already waiting in the wings!“This video teaching is one of the twomost important I have ever done.”—<strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>A Great Value!Combo DVD Another Hitler Rising & Final WorldGovernment When? Now! (DGVP)Send a gift of $34.95 U.S./$39.95 Can.Combo VHS Another Hitler Rising & Final WorldGovernment When? Now!(VGVP)Send a gift of $34.95 U.S./$39.95 Can.

Exciting video teaching from <strong>Dr</strong>s. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>• Will there be a world after the final battle?• What does the Scripture mean when it says“world without end”?• Is Armageddon THE END?It is prophesied as the largest and bloodiest battle inhistory — with a river of blood flowing for 200 miles!And the images of the Bible of great clouds whichdissolve the elements could be those of atomic warfare!Get all the facts about the battle of Armageddon in Bibleprophecy — when it will happen, who will be involved,whether Christians will be there, how you can prepareyour family, and why all the signs pointing toArmageddon also proclaim, JESUS IS COMING SOON!B O N U S :With your order you will receive a CDof <strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s message “TheComing War with Russia,” which waspreached for the first time in 1951.After Armageddon DVD (DAAP)After Armageddon VHS (VAAP)Send a gift of $24.95 U.S.$29.95 Can.Running time: 85 min. CC

The JVI Prophecy Bible is <strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s “work of a lifetime” and includes many important tools forhelping you understand Bible prophecy and the Scriptures in general, including:• A-Z index of Bibleprophecy highlighting allmajor events and people• A verse by verse explanation of theentire book of Revelation• <strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s own personalplan for Scripture memorization• Majestic King James version ofthe Bible• Words of Christ in red• And much more!Prophecy BIBLE (BIBB)plus bonus bookSend a gift a of $59.95 U.S.$69.95 Can.Right now, when you send for the Prophecy Bible,you will also receive <strong>Dr</strong>. Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s latestbook, the inspirational Baffled, Bewildered,Befuddled ... and Searching! Why?— designed to help each of usfind security in a world whichsometimes seems meaningless.Contact JACK VAN IMPE MINISTRIES ® at Box 7004, Troy, Michigan 48007. In Canada: JACKVAN IMPE MINISTRIES OF CANADA ® Box 1717, Postal Station A,Windsor, ON N9A 6Y1. Forimmediate attention, call us at (248) 852-5225 or fax (248) 852-2692. Thank you for yourlove and generosity ... and God bless you!Visit our Web address at:www.jvim.com

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